Newcomer / Intro Need advice on combat ship

This is fascinating information, bounty hunting made into a fine art. I have a question about shield boosters and heat sinks. When I use my booster, I pop off a heat sink about 1-2 seconds later and my heat goes to 0%, is this bad, my heat going so low? Is there any way to reload the shield booster after it's empty? Kind of like my heat sink where I can make more if I have the mats?
This is fascinating information, bounty hunting made into a fine art. I have a question about shield boosters and heat sinks. When I use my booster, I pop off a heat sink about 1-2 seconds later and my heat goes to 0%, is this bad, my heat going so low? Is there any way to reload the shield booster after it's empty? Kind of like my heat sink where I can make more if I have the mats?
A low heat is generally a good thing, so don't worry about that. NPCs lose the ability to target you at approx 18%, so definitely something you want. The only exception to wanting low heat is if you are using thermal conduit experimental weapons as these rely on being 90%+ heat to do extra damage. That's for another time though as having weapons that melt your modules if you're not careful is not what you need right now.
As for resynthing, I don't believe you can. This would be an option in your module menu after selecting the relevant shield cell bank (or in the synthesis tab) and I don't think I've seen it there.
NPCs lose the ability to target you at approx 18%, so definitely something you want.
That is yet another new little gem of information, it explains why my lock kept "unlocking". I never put it together before but right after I read your post, I remember seeing a heat sink in the contacts panel, I went into it to relock my target. Wuda ya know........
This is fascinating information, bounty hunting made into a fine art. I have a question about shield boosters and heat sinks. When I use my booster, I pop off a heat sink about 1-2 seconds later and my heat goes to 0%, is this bad, my heat going so low? Is there any way to reload the shield booster after it's empty? Kind of like my heat sink where I can make more if I have the mats?
<Pedant Mode>
You mean Shield Cell Banks, Shield Boosters are the useful things in a Utility slot that don't require you to use them as they are always on if powered.

I don't use Shield Cell Banks for reasons including heat generation and the fact that they only work before the shields fail and I am usually too busy to bother checking during a fight, no synthesis that I am aware of. I use the space saved by not fitting them for more hull and module reinforcements which use 100% less power.

The only downside to you with your heat so low is the loss of visibility due to icing on the inside of the canopy, the downside for everyone shooting at you is they lose all target locks until you warm up enough to see again.
<Pedant Mode>
You needn't worry about my feelings, I'm okay, you and the others have made the game much more enjoyable for me and I'm positive others reading this thread have learned a crap ton. I'm realizing that there truly aren't any stupid questions.
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