Newcomer / Intro Need advice on combat ship

I understand, I thought I would just putt around out here and make some credits exploring in a combat ship. That's good news about being able to fire back, I thought I would just make things worse by destroying them. Now I know why some of the CMDRS have dual accounts, it allows you to experience both sides of pirate vs bounty hunter.
Even in the bubble, there are no security ships in an uninhabited system. Here a quick video I just made attacking "The Vital Spark" using dumbfires ( I don't want any insurance claims so I stayed out of laser range).

Para, you are one funny guy. Is that a rival of yours perhaps? Ya, you better be carful with that Sidewinder, it'll set you back a chunk replacing it.
Para, you are one funny guy. Is that a rival of yours perhaps? Ya, you better be carful with that Sidewinder, it'll set you back a chunk replacing it.

It is my squadron carrier "The Vital Spark" so the sidewinder and the carrier were from two alt accounts. I don't "do" insurance claims, hence staying out of the range of the carrier's lasers - the sidewinder is a little fun build I have for wake scanning and mucking about locally. I was going to take a new-build non-engineered one and just let it get blown up and then take the freewinder on destruction but changed my mind.

Anyone feels like they are hard-enough to withstand carrier laser towers - feel free to visit Algol and try your luck (video required).
It is my squadron carrier "The Vital Spark" so the sidewinder and the carrier were from two alt accounts. I don't "do" insurance claims, hence staying out of the range of the carrier's lasers - the sidewinder is a little fun build I have for wake scanning and mucking about locally. I was going to take a new-build non-engineered one and just let it get blown up and then take the freewinder on destruction but changed my mind.

Anyone feels like they are hard-enough to withstand carrier laser towers - feel free to visit Algol and try your luck (video required).
I wish I was in the bubble, I'd swing by and give it a shot (so to speak).
I don't know, I'm not ready to be used as target practice everywhere I go, Kinda like being a gunslinger. I'll end up on the mission board as a massacre mission, like Jeremiah Johnson.
If only it worked like that. I wish players could end up on the mission board. You might show up in the most wanted list down by system traffic reports but otherwise you are safely anonymous.
I got back from the black, paid my 5100 Cr bounty on me and found a HAZ RES site 20Ly away. While at that site, I did it again, this time I went to an asteroid base nearby called Moore's Charm. I took the suggestion someone made in this thread, and I turned off the sound in the game, minimized it whilst sitting in the ship and let her run for 3 hours.

When I came back my notoriety had diminished so I could pay the second 5100 Cr bounty on my head and went back to the combat carnage. Something I noticed about the System Authorities at this HAZ RES site, they're not green on your HUD and they're yellow and don't help you either, I got into it with an Anaconda and 2 Federal Drop Ships that were in a wing and had to bug out. They stripped my shields and had me down to 22% on integrity, rather humbling.
I got back from the black, paid my 5100 Cr bounty on me and found a HAZ RES site 20Ly away. While at that site, I did it again, this time I went to an asteroid base nearby called Moore's Charm. I took the suggestion someone made in this thread, and I turned off the sound in the game, minimized it whilst sitting in the ship and let her run for 3 hours.

When I came back my notoriety had diminished so I could pay the second 5100 Cr bounty on my head and went back to the combat carnage. Something I noticed about the System Authorities at this HAZ RES site, they're not green on your HUD and they're yellow and don't help you either, I got into it with an Anaconda and 2 Federal Drop Ships that were in a wing and had to bug out. They stripped my shields and had me down to 22% on integrity, rather humbling.
Once you help the system authorities for a little while and cash in a few bounties, they will turn green. Their friendliness towards you depends on your standing with the controlling faction in that system.
Got it, that makes perfect sense......... (y)
And along with that friendliness their tolerance for stray shots increases, as long as you aren't targeting them of course.

If you got to an all Multi-cannon build you can have an engineered experimental effect called Smart Rounds that will try to self destruct before hitting a non hostile ship, turrets will also stop shooting to do the same this can help until you fly a different ship then things can be very dicey.
I got back from the black, paid my 5100 Cr bounty on me and found a HAZ RES site 20Ly away. While at that site, I did it again, this time I went to an asteroid base nearby called Moore's Charm. I took the suggestion someone made in this thread, and I turned off the sound in the game, minimized it whilst sitting in the ship and let her run for 3 hours.

When I came back my notoriety had diminished so I could pay the second 5100 Cr bounty on my head and went back to the combat carnage. Something I noticed about the System Authorities at this HAZ RES site, they're not green on your HUD and they're yellow and don't help you either, I got into it with an Anaconda and 2 Federal Drop Ships that were in a wing and had to bug out. They stripped my shields and had me down to 22% on integrity, rather humbling.
There are haz RESs in nearly every other systems. Nobody cares about your bounty there, not even in the one where you got it. There is no need to wait idly for your notoriety to elapse. Instead, just carry on in the haz RES, but go to a station in another system when you need to re-arm, repair or rest. the only thing you need to think about is to avoid the police in the system where you got the bounty.

If you were farming in a high RES, you'd have to leave immediately because of the police there, then go to a high RES in another system to carry on farming. I used to use a circuit, jumping from one to the next each time I got a bounty because in those days it took 7 days to elapse. LTT15574 - Freng - Auris - Kremainn - Aphra - LTT 15574. I can still remember the names after 7 years. They were all in zachary Hudson space because you get double bounty money with his powerplay level 5.

I'll say again: There are no system security in a haz RES. That's the second time that you've mentioned them there, and i already put you right the previous time. Either you're not farming in a haz RES or you're mistaken about the police.
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Once you help the system authorities for a little while and cash in a few bounties, they will turn green. Their friendliness towards you depends on your standing with the controlling faction in that system.
Just to make it clear, the police don't become friendly towards you. Your status with the controlling faction is friendly, so the police turn green, but they don't change their behaviour in any way.

If 0threleven sees green targets onthe radar, you're not in a haz RES. Instead, you must be in a high, low or unspecified RES.
There are haz RESs in nearly every other systems. Nobody cares about your bounty there, not even in the one where you got it. There is no need to wait idly for your notoriety to elapse. Instead, just carry on in the haz RES, but go to a station in another system when you need to re-arm, repair or rest. the only thing you need to think about is to avoid the police in the system where you got the bounty.
The bounty was put on me in the Colonia System, I went to an adjoining system that Jaques or the Colonia Council had no presence in using EDDB, I went to an asteroid base called Moore's Charm and immediately tried to pay the bounty, I couldn't and it said that my notoriety was too high, to come back when it diminished. I minimized the game for a while sitting in the ship and when I returned I was allowed to pay the bounty.

I'm sorry nobody want's to hear about it, I am truly trying to make sense of all this, I'll let this thread die now and stop asking so many questions. You guy's have been a huge help, sorry for being such a n00b.
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