Fantastic tool, thanks for your work. I've just signed up on Patreon.
- Issue and offer to help: When attempting exploration in the Black (>5,000 Ly outside the bubble) there seem to be star systems missing (i.e. when a friend says "hey bring your carrier to System XXXX-123" which is 6000 Ly away, the FC plotter can't find that system in its database so I have to guess somewhere close). How can we help close these gaps in the star system database?
- Feature request: Can you alter the code to store the screen settings when you log in. Pretty minor annoyance and low priority but would give it a better look and feel.
CMDR WildBill24
1. You can use the nearest known system search feature to find a known system near to you. Filling in the gaps is just a matter of exploring the region abd subitting scan data with EDMC/ED Discovery/EDSM Console upddater.
2. What do you mean by screen settings, do you mean theme, because those should already be saved.