Release Neutron Highway long range route planner

WOW!! Just noticed that you can now type in your desired Max Distance to Arrival instead of having to just jiggle the sliders! This is great as I usually have the plotter running on the PC and a tablet at the same time. Trying to get the same distance on both with the sliders so that you get the same route result was next to impossible. When did you sneak this in? I don't see any posts about it.

Anyway, THANK YOU for doing this!

hey, just a thought, TOTALLY understand if it cant be done due to the sheer size of the game but can we get an update on the road to riches plotter that avoids thargoid controlled areas?? i keep getting spanked by those ugly SOBs every time i try to do a riches route
There is a new option (Defaulted to on) on all of those type of routers to avoid Thargoid systems.
WOW!! Just noticed that you can now type in your desired Max Distance to Arrival instead of having to just jiggle the sliders! This is great as I usually have the plotter running on the PC and a tablet at the same time. Trying to get the same distance on both with the sliders so that you get the same route result was next to impossible. When did you sneak this in? I don't see any posts about it.

Anyway, THANK YOU for doing this!


Someone asked for it on Discord and it wasn't a huge amount of work to implement (whilst I was also fixing some bugs I had spotted along with some other reports).

I probably should post more about updates to the site
That's why I only take StarPos entries from FSDJump, Location or CarrierJump (and NavRoute if I would use it).

Hey uh, is NavRoute currently in use? EDDN has a schema for it, and it looks like a very juicy source of not just locations, but also StarClass -- all the stuff you need for basic route planning without actually needing to be there. I can't exactly do a GitHub code search on Spansh :Q

I brought this thing up in EDSM, and apparently their idea of galactic mapping is that they only want to retain places people have actually visited (and actively purge ones that have no visitor records). Oops.
Hey uh, is NavRoute currently in use? EDDN has a schema for it, and it looks like a very juicy source of not just locations, but also StarClass -- all the stuff you need for basic route planning without actually needing to be there. I can't exactly do a GitHub code search on Spansh :Q

I brought this thing up in EDSM, and apparently their idea of galactic mapping is that they only want to retain places people have actually visited (and actively purge ones that have no visitor records). Oops.
NavRoute gets sent by EDMC and EDDiscovery (and probably others). I accept it and we currently have around 30million systems which we only know due to NavRoute, half a million of those are Neutron Stars. What this means is if you want to generate a better route in a particular section of the galaxy using my tools you can plot a lot of routes in that particular area adding all those stars and then wait 24 hours or so.
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Hello I made this account to recommend a feature that I would love to see added to spansh. Can we get a way for spansh to integrate with EDMC(Elite Dangerous Market Connector)? Or if not that a way to connect Inara so that the source system and jump range are already inputed when visiting the page while logged in? It gets a little annoying needing to reinput the jump range every time I load up the page.
Just wondering how long t usually takes for the Spansh database to update after discovery in game?

Looks like the data dumps are pulled daily and wondering if I need to do anything to get it updated so I can plot to systems I discover to set up remote outposts with my FC

Thanks in advance if anyone knows this o7
Thanks for the fast response - it has been over a week and still nothing - strange
Some of the plotter take upto 24h to update. It shouldn't be longer. But your discoveries/jumps/scans must also be sent over EDDN to reach Spanshs database. Do you send your data to EDDN over EDMC or some other 3rd party app?
Some of the plotter take upto 24h to update. It shouldn't be longer. But your discoveries/jumps/scans must also be sent over EDDN to reach Spanshs database. Do you send your data to EDDN over EDMC or some other 3rd party app?
Thanks for the feedback - turns out the option was turned off in EDMC! It is now working and was instant.

Thanks for the prompt as it made me check all connections o7
@Spansh, Can we get a plot conversion system ? for instance, once we have the exobiology plot, be able to convert those coordinates to the galaxy plotter for use in Exploration buddy program (it will only take the galaxy plotter info not the exo plots). It shouldn't be too hard as the system order is already there, just need the rest of the data thats in galaxy plotter to be installed into the CSV file.
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