Release Neutron Highway long range route planner

Thanks! And thank you for an excellent tool! We're plotting for fleet carrier and are venturing into uncharted territory and using your tool would make things a lot easier. Currently we're setting up a route based on Trit hotspots and have not seen these appear yet. Running EDMC, with EDDN and EDSM ticked off. EDSM API key in place. Might we be missing something?
That should be all you need (My site doesn't need EDSM, just the EDDN part). Can you give an example of a system you have been through which hasn't appeared on the site?
That should be all you need (My site doesn't need EDSM, just the EDDN part). Can you give an example of a system you have been through which hasn't appeared on the site?
They've started showing up, so again thanks for the help and a great, great tool! We're now able to set up Tritium highway routes for self-sustained carrier operations :).
Hi, I ran into a formating problem trying to doing a search with imported destinations. I clicked on the import distinations button, I opened my file with system names one on each line in it and it populateed the page with the system names without a problem. When I clicked to start the search, I get a message stating "Unable to generate route: Could not find destination systems <full list of systems names>".
Turns out if I entered in a system name as "VELA DARK REGION DL-Y D112" it would post into the route planner fine, but it could not find the destination when I ran the search. If I entered the name as "Vela Dark Region DL-Y d112" it would find the systems and run the search.
Hi, I ran into a formating problem trying to doing a search with imported destinations. I clicked on the import distinations button, I opened my file with system names one on each line in it and it populateed the page with the system names without a problem. When I clicked to start the search, I get a message stating "Unable to generate route: Could not find destination systems <full list of systems names>".
Turns out if I entered in a system name as "VELA DARK REGION DL-Y D112" it would post into the route planner fine, but it could not find the destination when I ran the search. If I entered the name as "Vela Dark Region DL-Y d112" it would find the systems and run the search.
The difference was the upper case system names, I've adjusted a few things and this should now work as expected.
This is a great tool, thanks for the support so far.
Is there a way to do a body search by subType and luminosity that does not involve combing through the data dumps? (Tried spectralClass but it's a too broad search, need to narrow down to a specific luminosity)
G'day. Amazing tool, but I was trying to use the ExoBio tool tonight and wasn't getting any results at all, even with identical setting from what i'd used only a couple of days ago. I'd be grateful for any insight on why this might be, and thanks again for the amazing site.

Here, attached is a screenshot of the issue. These same parameters, just the other day suggested multiple systems including 'Fire Fade', which I know for a fact has three very good ExoBio planets, but now it is displaying no results.


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G'day. Amazing tool, but I was trying to use the ExoBio tool tonight and wasn't getting any results at all, even with identical setting from what i'd used only a couple of days ago. I'd be grateful for any insight on why this might be, and thanks again for the amazing site.

Here, attached is a screenshot of the issue. These same parameters, just the other day suggested multiple systems including 'Fire Fade', which I know for a fact has three very good ExoBio planets, but now it is displaying no results.
Yes, this is my fault, I left some debugging code in yesterday when rebuilding the search index (which powers the Expressway), as a result there are only 7 landmarks in the database. I noticed it about an hour ago and started rebulding the index again, it will take a few hours to fix but should be sorted sometime this evening.
Yes, this is my fault, I left some debugging code in yesterday when rebuilding the search index (which powers the Expressway), as a result there are only 7 landmarks in the database. I noticed it about an hour ago and started rebulding the index again, it will take a few hours to fix but should be sorted sometime this evening.
This should now be resolved
Two (maybe dumb) questions:

  1. two days ago I landed in a settlement, and looking at the data in Inara they are updated, but Spansh shows an older date. When the Spansh data are update? And (or) to who should i send my data (using EDDI and EDMC)? I'm pretty sure that i have enabled all the various servers (Inara, EDSM, etc) but i don't know from where Spansh takes the data.
  2. Could someone show me a javascript sample that get all the stations belonging to a minor faction? I'm not an expert and all my code failed... what i would like to get is what's returned from
    {"filters":{"controlling_minor_faction":{"value":["Flotta Stellare"]}},"sort":[{"updated_at":{"direction":"asc"}}],"size":500,"page":0}
Two (maybe dumb) questions:

  1. two days ago I landed in a settlement, and looking at the data in Inara they are updated, but Spansh shows an older date. When the Spansh data are update? And (or) to who should i send my data (using EDDI and EDMC)? I'm pretty sure that i have enabled all the various servers (Inara, EDSM, etc) but i don't know from where Spansh takes the data.
  2. Could someone show me a javascript sample that get all the stations belonging to a minor faction? I'm not an expert and all my code failed... what i would like to get is what's returned from
    {"filters":{"controlling_minor_faction":{"value":["Flotta Stellare"]}},"sort":[{"updated_at":{"direction":"asc"}}],"size":500,"page":0}

It should be sent to the EDDN (Elite Dangerous Data Network). There's an option in EDMC to do so, however you should only run one application at a time to send data to EDDN. I run EDDiscovery to send data to EDDN because it will update data even if I don't have it on for a session, I don't think EDMC does this so if you forget to start it I don't think it will catch up. So if one or both of your application has the option to send data to EDDN set that up, but only on the one application.
Two (maybe dumb) questions:

  1. two days ago I landed in a settlement, and looking at the data in Inara they are updated, but Spansh shows an older date. When the Spansh data are update? And (or) to who should i send my data (using EDDI and EDMC)? I'm pretty sure that i have enabled all the various servers (Inara, EDSM, etc) but i don't know from where Spansh takes the data.
  2. Could someone show me a javascript sample that get all the stations belonging to a minor faction? I'm not an expert and all my code failed... what i would like to get is what's returned from
    {"filters":{"controlling_minor_faction":{"value":["Flotta Stellare"]}},"sort":[{"updated_at":{"direction":"asc"}}],"size":500,"page":0}
What Varonica said above however there is an additional caveat. The index which powers the search endpoints is only updated once a day with the galaxy dump from the previous day, as such it may take up to 48 hours to reflect in the search. For instance if you visited a system just after the galaxy dump started 20:00 UTC, then that update would not appear until the next nights galaxy dump (24 hours later), then it would take until the next time the index was updated starting at 09:00 UTC and assuming a 6 hour import it would be searchable at roughly 15:00 UTC.

Breaking it down with specific dates from the most recent update:

Galaxy Dump: 26 Feb 2024 at 20:00 UTC
Visit System: 26 Feb 2024 at 20:01 UTC (Your update)
Search Refresh: 27 Feb at 09:00 UTC
Search Refresh Finish: 27 Feb at 16:52 UTC
Galaxy Dump 27 Feb 2024 at 20:00 UTC (this would contain your update)
Search Refresh: 28 Feb 2024 at 09:00 UTC (this would contain your update)
Search Refresh Finish: 28 Feb at 16:52 UTC (you can now see your update in the search)

However, all that said, you can see live updates on the site if you visit the specific station page, so for instance looking at your search you could visit and you would see your change on there nearly instantly.
The site is now running on a new, more powerful server. You should not notice any difference, but there may be some issues I have not anticipated. Please let me know if you spot anything.
The site is now running on a new, more powerful server. You should not notice any difference, but there may be some issues I have not anticipated. Please let me know if you spot anything.
Greetings Spansh, hope you are well. I seem to be having issues plotting a Fleet Carrier route today. It was fine yesterday. Just sits there as if it's trying to work it out.
Just so you know I've tried to use a link from my web history (I have a route bookmarked) and also try starting with fresh route frim my Carrier current location.

Thank you.

Edit: I've also tested with 2 different web browsers. No change.

The site is now running on a new, more powerful server. You should not notice any difference, but there may be some issues I have not anticipated. Please let me know if you spot anything.
There is a problem, the route for carrier is not being laid, although everything was OK yesterday


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