General / Off-Topic New Fleet Carriers Threads Thread

I am back from work and only 8 new threads for the threads thread?

However, I see another award for the most on-topic thread in the off-topic section ... and it ain't no pony. I hope. But maybe a ball of wool, or a balls-of-wool carrier (carrier?)?
Next issue of the last 5 pages of "new posts" regadring FC - you could also call 'em - trending threads thread post... if I am not wrong
Fdev Feedback on Carrier Questions511kFactabulous
Any Speculation on this Support Ship782kRubber Biscuit
Carriers to help you reach those "Stubborn, hard to reach places"10144CMDR Jayce Mac Leod
Personal Carriers not so personal with current pad distribution37547Shiro Akai
Fleet Carrier Ship Limit1022kD196
Carriers: Spacelges implementation theory...25641CMDR-Raikkonen
Respawn and Carriers26256CMDR Jayce MacLeod
Best Guess on How much for the Fleet Carrier will cost1843kOutLord
"ceci n'est pas un" carrier thread ...12139znôrt
sorry, no particular order this time, just the last responded to first...
also not sure if the last one really is a FC thread, but it has "carrier thread" in the title, and curators are posting in it, so ... I guess. Yes?
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And before I go to sleep I claim FC thread 69!

ah. now I will sleep well
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