New Regions – Why not use the ones already established by the exploration community?

I don't know.. I don't like the idea Frontier's vision of how to make the game is blocked by third party developers..

Where does it end? Will EDDB try to change Frontiers vision when ever Frontier decides to make such a search function available in-game, for self preservation? What will Inara do when Frontier is finally at that point in development to allow us to do exactly that in-game?

There is a HUGE community out there that play on consoles.. They (mostly) don't have a second screen to run third party websites, they can't use extra software to log CMDR data ingame, to log inventories, and jump data. They want ( I want) all that stuff made possible ingame, Frontiers way, in the future. I'd hate it if they didn't, because they fear to off third party devs.

If I sign it, it'll be Proposal 3.

But as for now, NO.. lets see how this go first, and after, make some tweaks.


Volunteer Moderator
Please note that our current proposal (nr 3. in the OP) would mean that you would get both. The numbered regions with clearly defined borders and a game mechanic purpose, and the GMP regions as an optional layer with a narrative purpose.

Well, that exists already by virtue of 3rd party websites. It's not like FD are removing this nomenclature from the game, they're merely implementing their own co-ordinate system which is necessary for people to have a reasonable chance of finding things within a specific area.

Really, this proposal boils down to asking FD to add fan-based nomenclature onto the galaxy map. Nothing more. If they don't, no functionality or narrative/whatever you want to call it, is lost, because it doesn't exist in game anyway.
I don't know.. I don't like the idea Frontier's vision of how to make the game is blocked by third party developers..

Where does it end? Will EDDB try to change Frontiers vision when ever Frontier decides to make such a search function available in-game, for self preservation? What will Inara do when Frontier is finally at that point in development to allow us to do exactly that in-game?

There is a HUGE community out there that play on consoles.. They (mostly) don't have a second screen to run third party websites, they can't use extra software to log CMDR data ingame, to log inventories, and jump data. They want ( I want) all that stuff made possible ingame, Frontiers way, in the future. I'd hate it if they didn't, because they fear to off third party devs.

If I sign it, it'll be Proposal 3.

But as for now, NO.. lets see how this go first, and after, make some tweaks.

Sorry, I don't really get your point.
Maybe it's because english isn't my mother-language. So please don't be offended.

In my opinion, it would be really, really cool, not to have to switch to 3rd party sites, because I mainly play in VR and it simply annoys me taking off the hmd to look after this or that, what Elite doesn't supply in the first place (eg. Trading-Routes(EDDB) or Wing/Squadron management (Inara) etc.)

However, THIS thread right here is to fill the Galaxy with emergent content. Naming places and regions with "real" names isn't a gamebreaking issue for console-pilots. It only fills the galaxy where we play in with (artificial) life.

Otherwise why not cancel out all naming at all?
"Pilot 34564 in ship 9675347 is travelling to region 45 to get item 3865456"
Wouldn't it be better to just say: "Cmdr. Eliza currently piloting the "Venture Star" to the Formidine Rift to get some occupied lifepods"

Again: I would LOVE to see EDDB, EDSM, Inara, EDSY, Coriolis, (Insert her your favorite 3rd party tool) in-game.
Sorry, I don't really get your point.
Maybe it's because english isn't my mother-language. So please don't be offended.

In my opinion, it would be really, really cool, not to have to switch to 3rd party sites, because I mainly play in VR and it simply annoys me taking off the hmd to look after this or that, what Elite doesn't supply in the first place (eg. Trading-Routes(EDDB) or Wing/Squadron management (Inara) etc.)

However, THIS thread right here is to fill the Galaxy with emergent content. Naming places and regions with "real" names isn't a gamebreaking issue for console-pilots. It only fills the galaxy where we play in with (artificial) life.

Otherwise why not cancel out all naming at all?
"Pilot 34564 in ship 9675347 is travelling to region 45 to get item 3865456"
Wouldn't it be better to just say: "Cmdr. Eliza currently piloting the "Venture Star" to the Formidine Rift to get some occupied lifepods"

Again: I would LOVE to see EDDB, EDSM, Inara, EDSY, Coriolis, (Insert her your favorite 3rd party tool) in-game.

We are on the same line, my issue is with: "What comes next "

When Frontier decides to play ball this time, they have to play ball next time when Inara is "requesting" something, and next when EDDB will "request" something.
I don't know.. I don't like the idea Frontier's vision of how to make the game is blocked by third party developers..

Where does it end? Will EDDB try to change Frontiers vision when ever Frontier decides to make such a search function available in-game, for self preservation?
Mind you, there was a time when a group of third-party developers, the EDCD, tried to force Frontier on some issues to do with communication. They aimed to sabotage Drew Wagar's Salomé event by taking their sites offline during its scheduled time. You can read up on this here.

So in a sense, the nuclear option already happened once. This time, it's nothing like that, and nobody's trying to force Frontier to use the GMP team's names. They also said they'll consider it - likely meaning they'll use some, but not all. Which makes sense, as the in-game regions don't all overlap with the GMP regions. A separate map overlay seems to be the new suggestion, but there has been no word from FD on that.
Ah okay...sorry then, Dusty ;)

Well...if it's reasonable, that these balls have to be played, so "Let's play ball". ;)

I think it's not these 3rd-party developers are to blame here. It's Frontier (T.J. :p ) to blame here that they lag to implement essentiel tools in-game.
I also don't think that those Fan-Developers will go on the barricades when Frontier decides to "bootleg" their tools. I bet these fans would love to play the game instead of maintaining missing game-tools. ;)

So therefore...get it on 3rd-Party-People!!! Force FD to implement your tool ideas. :)

Edit: Just read the issue about sabotaging like the Salome event.... NO!!! Definitly the wrong way! Let the playerbase decide what is "valuable" to implement and what not. Just like in this very thread as long as it doesn't "break" the overall gaming experience or counteract to Frontiers "Vision" of the game.
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There is a HUGE community out there that play on consoles.. They (mostly) don't have a second screen to run third party websites.

And having properly named regions decided on by the community in the ingame galaxy map would require LESS third party sources (like EDSM) for those players. Not more.

We are on the same line, my issue is with: "What comes next "

When Frontier decides to play ball this time, they have to play ball next time when Inara is "requesting" something, and next when EDDB will "request" something.

No they won't. By saying yes to one thing, you're less likely to come over as too rigid when you say no the next time. This is purely case dependent. And looking at each request by the community (not just a third party dev, the devs aren't the ones signing this off) as singular would be very reasonable.
Like many players, I had never heard of the Galactic Mapping Project, but I have often seen that map of the Milky Way with their place-names written all over it, and I always loved it... it gave the Galactic Map flavour, and it brought home to me that there were passionate players out there who were taking it upon themselves to fill in the blanks that Frontier had left. Even without knowing who you guys were, I admired you, and I was grateful for the contribution you were making.

And now, after so many years of place-holder mechanics, Exploration is finally getting the update it deserves - so of course we should add the names that the community have come up with to the Galaxy Map, this is a golden opportunity to incorporate that delicious flavour into the game! Why would anyone object to that?!

People have said that numbers are 'simpler to use', so we should just stick with those... but numbers are also dry and boring, and they feel so arbitrary, which means that they are not really any simpler at all! Where is region 26, for example? Is it in the North, South, East or West? Because they spiral out from the centre, you have no way of knowing... and because numbers are so dry and forgettable, you are less likely to remember where a particular region is, because it will not make much of an impression on you (whereas 'The Abyssal Plain' might spark your imagination, and help you to remember its location...)

Others have mentioned that there is no language barrier associated with numbers - but so what?! Half of the names that the community have dreamed up are in Latin, the international language of science, so they should require no translation... and the rest of the names are no worse than the names of starports, etc. What did they call Trevithick Dock in the German version of the game? (Spoiler alert: they called it 'Trevithick Dock').

There was even someone on reddit who objected on the grounds that the GMP's names sounded 'terrible'! What?! Okay, maybe 'The Solitude Void' sounds a bit naff, but it's not bad... and most of the names sound perfectly reasonable, especially since some actually use real-world scientific terminology. Besides, you could literally call somewhere 'The Lost City of Xaa' and it would sound better than 'Region 40'...

And as if that was not enough, there is also the fact that the community members lobbying for this change are being so polite about it... they are not raging and demanding that Frontier give them what they want, they are merely requesting, and hoping. They are even suggesting a compromise, wherein the names exist alongside the numbers, as an optional layer that people can switch off if they don't like it... such pragmatism! Part of me is outraged on their behalf, that after all these years they now have to adopt such a conciliatory attitude - part of me thinks that they should be able to stride into David Braben's office and insist that their names be officially adopted, by virtue of the fact that they have been patient long enough! But of course, none of them would ever dream of doing such a thing... because they're just really, really nice people.

How could anyone object to these guys getting the official recognition that they deserve?!

Needless to say, I sincerely hope Frontier do use most of the community names to populate the locations on the Galaxy Map - and even though Will Flanagan already said that they will not be able to move any of the region borders, I actually hope that they think better of that, since in a couple of places it looks like a tiny adjustment would make a world of difference. And no matter what happens, I want to voice my support and thanks to the Galactic Mapping Project, for having given this procedurally generated galaxy a warmer, more human touch... I love it, it inspires me, and it will continue to do so, no matter what Frontier decide.

Thank you so much for those words!
As someone who's never really used the community names for exploration reference points (I still call areas of space by the predominant given random name generator prefixes of the systems in the area e.g. Stuemeae sector or Outotz sector, and their location by the official names of the Milky Way arms) I also would like to push this proposal.

I think it's not these 3rd-party developers are to blame here. It's Frontier (T.J. :p ) to blame here that they lag to implement essentiel tools in-game.
Most third party sites that players use rely on data-mining crowdsourced stuff, which is generally something that companies don't want to provide themselves. Frontier could replicate EDSM for example, with much more data available, but they'd probably decide the costs wouldn't be worth it. So they just let players have the data via the journal, without which most of the functionality the third party sites have wouldn't be possible (or severely hampered), and thus outsource the costs.
Also, I'm curious: what tools provided by third parties do you miss from the game and would call essential?

Thank you so much for those words!
Even all the outraged ones against those who would dare voice a different opinion? I don't know, in my opinion the words of support could do without all that.
Like many players, I had never heard of the Galactic Mapping Project.
It was some time ago - probably before many current payers joined - the GMP was featured by FD in Newsletter 145 published in October 2016.
In Newsletter 151 they used the GMP names in a news item:

Both the Federal astrocartography department and the mysterious Children of Raxxla have issued requests for exploration data. The campaigns will focus on Hawkin’s Gap, the Conflux and the Formidine Rift."
I also don't think that those Fan-Developers will go on the barricades when Frontier decides to "bootleg" their tools. I bet these fans would love to play the game instead of maintaining missing game-tools. ;)

I'm not going on any barricades but actually working on EDD is fun too.

I like coding, X:3 is still one of my favourite games beacuse I largely spent my play time writing scripts to automate my fleet :)
There's legal complications with incorporating third-party writing and creations into a product too, so "just put the regions into it from EDSM" might not even be legally feasable without contacting and obtaining permission for everyone who contributed. I have no idea what licence the stuff on EDSM is published under.

There was a recent thread on twitter from a comic book writer about this. Sometimes fans send him unsolicited scripts and suggestions as to where to take the storyline next, and he legally an't use them. In fact, if by coincidence they end up suggesting the thing the writer was going to use, they have to change it. The safest thing is to have an intern screen their mail and toss unsolicited scripts out entirely. They cannot use them.

Things like PMFs and suggestions for galnet articles and community goals are not subject to this, as they're specifically submitted to Frontier with the specific purpose of allowing them to use that content in Elite Dangerous, and the means of submitting such content is very explicit about granting FDev the right to use those works. EDSM was not created with this kind of deliberate licence, meaning they legally cannot just take it without undergoing some serious scrutiny to ensure the licenses are compatible, and with community-sourced projects that make attribution difficult, it might not even be possible to seek permission.

Incorporating content from open projects into a closed piece of software is a licencing nightmare and I can't blame FDev for not wanting to touch it with a barge pole.
Some here seem to be under the misconception that the region names come from EDSM. They don’t: they come from the Galactic Mapping Project which is essentially just a bunch of players in a forum thread.
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