Abandoned New Trading Tool: ETN

It would be great to have keyboard shortcuts for "show more/less route options" so we can do everything from keyboard:


Nice to see the project is growing! ;)
Tried a test run early this AM ( EST ). Ran into some issues with profit being off what was reported ( actually sold at a slight loss on one stop ). Not much you can do about a Cmdr in a T-9 crushing trade routes before you get there or data weeks old. Still, the projected route did turn a tidy profit by the end. I'm adding it to my "go-to" bag of tricks.
All in all a VERY NICE project. I love the visual output, and the mutli-hop routes are something only very experienced Cmdrs have in their personal spreadsheets. I see a lot of billionaires because of this tool. And I'm going to have to start contributing to the data sets as a payback.
Have some rep, Sir !
Yes the algorithm supports this. I just need to wire up the UI. It's high on the list.

Great news. Someone incorrectly updated the profits for Indium in Laedla last night. Stated to make 1.4 million. I saw that as an incorrect input. I felt that may have been for Imperial slaves so I took the risk. I was correct. I love the tool. I set a very long route between 2 distant systems. Another addition would be the ability to make past jump red at the bottom, or some other indicator that lets me know I have completed that portion of the trip
Tried a test run early this AM ( EST ). Ran into some issues with profit being off what was reported ( actually sold at a slight loss on one stop ). Not much you can do about a Cmdr in a T-9 crushing trade routes before you get there or data weeks old. Still, the projected route did turn a tidy profit by the end. I'm adding it to my "go-to" bag of tricks.

Glad it paid out in the end :) Did you notice the age on the trade that lost you money? I've cleared out most of the bad data. If it's a few weeks old nothing can be done about that (though you can filter by max age). But if it was more recent bogus data I'd like to get to the bottom of it.

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Great news. Someone incorrectly updated the profits for Indium in Laedla last night. Stated to make 1.4 million. I saw that as an incorrect input. I felt that may have been for Imperial slaves so I took the risk. I was correct. I love the tool. I set a very long route between 2 distant systems. Another addition would be the ability to make past jump red at the bottom, or some other indicator that lets me know I have completed that portion of the trip

Yeah there was bad Indium data all over the place. Someone's OCR was changing all 6's to 8's! Should be cleared out now though. I'll give some thought to adding more color coding to past trades. Thanks for the idea.
Absolutely brilliant tool if the data behind it is hot off the press. So user friendly, yet powerful. I'll have this on one of my others monitors permanently when trading. Amazing work.
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Since this tool provides routing information, I would like to see a personalized option for manually excluding systems from the data and remembering those exclusions (and allowing later edit). This could be important in Powerplay, where one's "Hostile" status might discourage you from passing through, let alone trading in, such systems.

I second this idea. It'll also allow CMDRs to avoid systems that are showing up because of bad data or have supply has dried up. Otherwise, this is an awesome and most impressive tool. Looking forward to near real time data updates coming back.

really like this tool, but I have a question.

1: How often does it interrogate the EDDN for the data?

I checked the help button and it keeps saying -1 minute, however when I do a refresh on the routes, it's still showing the old data.

Anyway a really good addon for ED, which I have been using all afternoon.

I've been using EDMC to upload data, but the route I'm running still says the data is 30 days old. Is there any way to check what's going on?

edit: I see that you are now waiting for the EDDB daily data, to help reject bad prices. That's fine with me! I should have read the help more closely.

I absolutely love this tool, keep up the great work.
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Got a question: what about systems that doesn't show when typing in search box (auto fill doesn't kick in, seems like they aren't in data base yet there are stations there within a reasonable distance from main star ~300Ls). I've found few systems like that mostly in Empire space (Er Lanci, Kotien, Jirara ...). I'm using EDMC to feed EDDN. Should I fly there anyway and upload the data and will system like that be updated in ETN on next EDDB data sync?
I'll also add that this tool is very good but the data is way behind even after I've updated eddn. Also, the times are a bit off by about a third so the cr/hr is nowhere near as good
@Joe113, are the prices on Palladium correct? Profit seems a bit high in Imperial space. I am not able to verify ATM.
I second this idea. It'll also allow CMDRs to avoid systems that are showing up because of bad data or have supply has dried up. Otherwise, this is an awesome and most impressive tool. Looking forward to near real time data updates coming back.

Glad you like it :) Real time data updates will be back soon and I have a plan for allowing a customized set of systems to use for routing.

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really like this tool, but I have a question.

1: How often does it interrogate the EDDN for the data?

I checked the help button and it keeps saying -1 minute, however when I do a refresh on the routes, it's still showing the old data.

Anyway a really good addon for ED, which I have been using all afternoon.


EDDN is a realtime data stream. It's either on or its off. There's no back catalog of data to access. Currently the ETN EDDN input is off while I improve the filtering for bogus data. However EDDB still captures the EDDN data and that is pulled into ETN daily.

I expect to have EDDN input back on in a day or so.
Got a question: what about systems that doesn't show when typing in search box (auto fill doesn't kick in, seems like they aren't in data base yet there are stations there within a reasonable distance from main star ~300Ls). I've found few systems like that mostly in Empire space (Er Lanci, Kotien, Jirara ...). I'm using EDMC to feed EDDN. Should I fly there anyway and upload the data and will system like that be updated in ETN on next EDDB data sync?

Adding systems to ETN/EDDB is still fairly manual. You can use EDSC (edstarcoordinator.com) to calculate the system coordinates and then add the system and station in ROSS (http://ross.eddb.io). ETN will get the info within 24 hours.

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I'll also add that this tool is very good but the data is way behind even after I've updated eddn. Also, the times are a bit off by about a third so the cr/hr is nowhere near as good

Yeah EDDN updates to ETN are currently delayed by about a day. Will be fixed soon.

What ship are you flying? The timing data is based on a Cobra which might not be accurate for other ships.
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