NO2O! The Definitive List of 1.7/2.2-Compatible HUD Colour/Color Configs (please add yours!)

Heya, a bit new here but this forum is 17 pages long... Can somebody please reference me as to where to change specifically the color of the shield rings and the hostile ships color?

Thanks in advance

Great works by the way!
Heya, a bit new here but this forum is 17 pages long... Can somebody please reference me as to where to change specifically the color of the shield rings and the hostile ships color?

Thanks in advance

Great works by the way!
It doesn't really work like that unfortunately - basically you get to change the red, green and blue palette so it transforms into a different range of colours with the net effect that the colours of various parts of the HUD are consequently changed. I think all the instructions you need to apply the various colour palettes that people have come up with should be included in post #1 of this forum thread. Hopefully you'll find something you like among all the various suggestions (also collated in post #1).
With the new “refresh” coming in end 2020. I’m hoping changing the main HUD will be implemented. And I’m happy to pay via Arx for certain colour combination packs.
Heya, a bit new here but this forum is 17 pages long... Can somebody please reference me as to where to change specifically the color of the shield rings and the hostile ships color?

Thanks in advance

Great works by the way!

Pausanias here wading in. I use VR all the time so I have always favoured a Green HUD, something to do with RGB and one of the base colours being green that seems to be easy on the eye, especially in VR. My mix allows RED hostiles still and Mission Givers are the correct colours, something which took me ages to achieve.

Dark Goldenrod / Turquoise
"Green VR Test" Contributed by Pausanias (3302-10-23)

Friendlies: Lime
Hostiles: Red

Notes: Very clever mix of colours - Green Starport Services!

<MatrixRed> 0.2, 0, -1 </MatrixRed>
<MatrixGreen> -1, 1, -1 </MatrixGreen>
<MatrixBlue> 1, 0.31, 1 </MatrixBlue>

See what you think?
Here is my purple/green scheme, I will attach some screens soon:

<MatrixRed> 0.88, 0.94, 2 </MatrixRed>
<MatrixGreen> 2, 1.5, -0.12 </MatrixGreen>
<MatrixBlue> -2, 2, 0.74 </MatrixBlue>

Elite purple green.JPG
Can someone explain to me what color system Elite Dangerous is using here? The values appear to be a percent based RGB system, however, negative percentages along with percentages exceeding 100% can be used.

I am trying to create multiple themes with far more failures than success, but I would like to standardize my process of making themes by using web-page safe color names as suggested in the first post. They used a naming system from this link:

I would love to use this, but I have no idea how to obtain the HEX vales of the colors the web editor produces. By standardizing the colors I use I can more easily figure out what works and what doesn't and apply a baseline method to create some great themes for my varying commander outfits and ship layouts.

Before anyone asks, yes, I do classify myself as OCD and love organization. The naming is more so I can identify what color theme code sets have what colors as I will comment the name of the color into the code making it very easy to identify which HUD color theme is which. The OCD comes in with the correct color names rather than some arbitrary color name via my visual observation.
I did find this calculator website: It can use RGB percent values and if you insert similar percent values as one could in the web editor the negative percent values are reduced to 0% with the others being reduced to proper scale with the new "0%" value. So a value of R -150%, G 35%, B 85% equates to R 0%, G 14%, B 33% on the site. This can in turn be converted to hexadecimal and thus find a name for the color. You could also do the exact opposite and pick a color then convert it to a percent. Of course the percent values only stay between 0% - 100% so that is where in regards to Elite Dangerous I am confused as to what exactly they are doing here.
I've been messing around with mine to get a nice color, but the pictures always get jacked. Thank you for this thread, and everyone who contributed!
<MatrixRed> 0,1, 0,23, 2 </ MatrixRed>
<MatrixGreen> -1, 2, 0 </ MatrixGreen>
<MatrixBlue> 2, 0, 0,5 </ MatrixBlue>


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I've got a theme thats a purple one with orange accents (i hope thats okay?? it's very minimal on the orange but i always liked the purple -> orange palette). I didn't see a very similar one here so I'll post it.




Blue violet / red orange "Void angel"

Radar colors:
Wing: Red orange
Friendlies: Medium spring green
Enemies: Dark magenta

Notes: because of the saturation of color, the base tends to be affected by warm/cool star light when you are very close. (magenta in warm and almost periwinkle in cool.)

<MatrixRed> 0.31, 0, 1 </MatrixRed>
<MatrixGreen> 0, 0.43, 0 </MatrixGreen>
<MatrixBlue> 1, 0, 0 </MatrixBlue>


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Hi, everyone!
I'd like to thank the OP for the existence of this post. In the end, after several iterations I settled with the following color scheme and would like to share it with you guys:

<MatrixRed>0.2, 0, 2</MatrixRed>
<MatrixGreen>-2, 1, -1</MatrixGreen>
<MatrixBlue>2, 0, 0</MatrixBlue>

It's deep blue with violet and yellow gold
Bright green allies, normal portraits (ever so slightly off-hue into warm spectrum, but I don't notice)




You may take a closer look here:


I'm going to add scanner view and station interface later.
<MatrixRed> 0.05, 0.83, 0.49 </MatrixRed>
<MatrixGreen> 0.47, -0.2, 0.8 </MatrixGreen>
<MatrixBlue> 0.55, -0.18, -1.9 </MatrixBlue>

I have experimented for a very long time looking for a good green UI and this is the most functional that I have found.

Ally/good is purple, debris/items are yellow, blue is replaced by a murderous red that is very handy because that color is used for important information through the UI and it's very noticeable. Everything is pretty distinct. The soft green is easy on the eyes during long sessions, but I haven't noticed myself doing things like not noticing that my shields were out or my landing gear was down when I was playing past my bedtime.

BB isn't letting me upload screens, you'll have to settle for imgur.

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