Non-comprehensive list of interface oddities ("dangerously low temperature detected")

Their ship is listed below yours and it's in blue rather than orange. You can chose to go to either.
I think the OP is more talking about consistencies with the UI design, but regardless of what it looks like this should only pop up when you're in a team, I would say 90% of players would never find themselves in this situation on a regular basis.
I think the low temperature makes your battery drain faster, but I agree that it's not an issue to merit a warning of such urgent tone.
I think the OP is more talking about consistencies with the UI design, but regardless of what it looks like this should only pop up when you're in a team, I would say 90% of players would never find themselves in this situation on a regular basis.

The point I was making is that the OP suggested that there was no need for the pop-up as there was only one possible destination so I was merely pointing out that other destinations were possible and therefore the pop-up is more valid. There's no reason for it to pop up if you are not in a team though so I would be happy to see it removed and only appear when there were options to choose from.
It's more than taht though. The Toast notifications are jarring and out of place. It screams 'we didn't have time to do something like integrate an actual HUD element to inform you". Like, why didn't they put these in with the comms messages or as part of that annoyingly brief top right panel?

Frankly once I started running around on foot I kept asking myself "where the heck does that foot HUD go when I reenter my ship? Why does it look so different from the ship UI? Couldn't they have made one the same as the other regardless of which one they decide to go with?

Actual footage of FDev publishing ED:O HUD Elements
Lets talk about exiting dialog boxes and menus.

So when my game input is locked to a terminal there is an exit button, but in that case I can simply turn around and leave because the mouse is still for motion. However when at the SRV or ship to board or restock the mouse is locked to the menu without any exit button and I can't disengage the menu without hitting ESC. So I have to move my hand off the mouse or throttle (where my forefinger stick is the fwd/back/left/right) to get out of that menu which is annoying in a firefight.

Why put an exit button where it's not needed and leave them off where FPS movement is locked until the dialog is closed?

There are a number of these all over the interface. Every dialog that takes mouse input should have that option unless the dialog must be completed once entered.
How about menus like the one you use to recall your ship while on foot: while this menu is up you can't use your mouse to move, but you also can't use it to interact with the menu. Worse, you can't configure what buttons control this menu because it uses your binds for in-ship menu navigation. Very unpleasant for me because those buttons are on my HOTAS which I am not using at all while on foot. And I don't even want to use binds even if I could. The mouse is locked out so let me use it to make my selection.

And even more hate for that context wheel where the mouse must be used like a gamepad stick to select from a wheel. Be aware of my mouse and let me use it. Having a gamepad-friendly interface shouldn't require mouse-unfriendly.

Then in the info panel it calls it 'Agressive'? Why? Are 2 different teams working on different aspects of the UI? What is going on FDEV! have some consistency! it's so weird to me.
I bet this setting is called "Aggressive" in the code, and a dev just did something like printing its toString() to the status window for quick debug while developing the feature. It would be pretty easy for an inconsistency like that to get overlooked (and then tread into "not high enough priority to figure out how to fix" immediately upon discovery).

The Toast notifications are jarring and out of place.
Funny thing about those: I didn't realize they were from Elite at first. Those are similar enough to TCEMk2's toasts. They did annoy me enough that I decided enough was enough and started poking around in TCE's settings trying to figure out how to turn the toasts off.

Such useful info... no idea why it can't also pop up in the list when in the bartender trading menu. Maybe instead of adding engineers to Colonia first, add this VERY MUCH NEEDED kind of info/flavor text to the items???
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