Odyssey Going Forwards

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at the moment I'm separating the game from all the stuff going on at frontier, rightly or wrongly I have loved this game for many many years in one form or another and would be devastated to see it fall by the wayside as a result of players abandoning the game to show frontier how they feel. personally, I very much hope there is a future for Elite, but if we all abandon the game and make it unprofitable to frontier there will be none, a game with no players is no game at all.
what you are experiencing now is worse than the Alpha in lots of ways, including sky and terrain tech

Apart from being common knowledge, that's also irrelevant. How do temporary and very minor roll backs (made in the interest of frames per second) improve other games? Or even affect the playability of this one, in anything other than a positive way? Not as good as alpha = Still better than Horizons.
So you suggest everyone continues to support the game with 'no plans'? The tag line alone already suggests no future imo.

That reads like trying to convince someone to stay in a hurtful relationship because they used to be happy together. It's up to the individual to decide what they should do and if fdev wants the game to blossom they should have been tending to the garden instead of letting the weeds grow rampant over the years of neglect
As aggrieved and let down as many of you rightly feel, I'm sure all we really want is a game we are can fall back in love with! but if the numbers keep falling and new commanders numbers dwindle due to bad comments or reviews, we need to keep the game alive and the only way to do that is to keep playing, if you want to boycott ODYSSEY and keep playing horizons, that I would understand, but just leaving the game to stagnate, no I cant do that.
As aggrieved and let down as many of you rightly feel, I'm sure all we really want is a game we are can fall back in love with! but if the numbers keep falling and new commanders numbers dwindle due to bad comments or reviews, we need to keep the game alive and the only way to do that is to keep playing, if you want to boycott ODYSSEY and keep playing horizons, that I would understand, but just leaving the game to stagnate, no I cant do that.

There are other games and activities available. I'm not going to play a video game simply to keep it alive. I'm sure thousands of others feel the same way.
Apart from being common knowledge, that's also irrelevant. How do temporary and very minor roll backs (made in the interest of frames per second) improve other games? Or even affect the playability of this one, in anything other than a positive way? Not as good as alpha = Still better than Horizons.
We paid a full-price game worth of new content and got something that still does not work reliably or well and still lacking promised visuals. Which I could have been ok with more if there was a more honest approach taken by management about the state their game is in. I do not see why people have to keep justifying the current issues, particularly from the point of view of an actual game player, do you not want what you paid for? or even if flawed, would you not want a bit more clarity about how they aim to improve things... "Judge us by our actions by the end of June"... we have waited an entire extra month, and even those words (paraphrased) have been proven empty... there are staff working extremely hard on this, there are community managers who are trying their hardest under the strict limitations placed upon them... time to just tell us straight about what they plan to do to fix the new game content and how they mean to make it more player-friendly. the current lack of optimization is still causing graphics and frame rate problems than more than many, the way it dangerously overheats some gaming computers, particularly right now, means that people are simply not playing the game at all.
fact- the game at the moment is not right or working as intended
fact - Frontier was not open and honest about the state of the game
fact - As launches go it was as bad as it gets
fact - they lied to us about the state of the game

all this is known and a give fact.

Fact - I will not give up on the game !
how they mean to make it more player-friendly

Change trhe record though? We know you think you got less than value (I disagree with you) but you've said your bit what else is useful? Apart from perhaps suggesting where and how you think the game needs to be more player friendly. A little bit of help is always worth more than a heck of a lot of (getting quite repetitive) hot air.
I think we have all heard how bad everyone feels, and how bad the launch was ... over and over and over in as many variations as can be thrown into text, I just want to show my support for Elite .... the game .. the game I've enjoyed playing for over 6000 hours in its latest iteration, and in its previous versions who knows how many hours, I would hate to have that figure, I'm disabled and this game drags me on to my chair and to get involved with the community over and over day after day .. so am I going to keep playing and show support, your dam right I am!
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fact- the game at the moment is not right or working as intended
fact - Frontier was not open and honest about the state of the game
fact - As launches go it was as bad as it gets
fact - they lied to us about the state of the game

all this is known and a give fact.

Fact - I will not give up on the game !
And no one is making you dude, I'm not giving up either but I'm also not playing while it's a mess.
I think we have all heard how bad everyone feels, and how bad the launch was ... over and over and over in as many variations as can be thrown into text, I just want to show my support for Elite .... the game .. the game I've enjoyed playing for over 6000 hours in its latest iteration, and in its previous versions who knows how many hours, I would hate to have that figure, I'm disabled and this game drags me on to my chair and to get involved with the community over and over day after day .. so am I going to keep playing and show support, your dam right I am!
And it's thanks to you that this game won't die! There are many positives in the game and we all love it, I venture that the vocal critics care more about it than the ones that just put it down and never pick it back up again. I guarantee you in a years time the numbers will be back up and the game will be in a better place.

Most of the fury you see is for a reason. Fdev have to hear it or else they wouldn't have changed their path. I'm very glad they did change their path because we will all get a better game now.
Change trhe record though? We know you think you got less than value (I disagree with you) but you've said your bit what else is useful? Apart from perhaps suggesting where and how you think the game needs to be more player friendly. A little bit of help is always worth more than a heck of a lot of (getting quite repetitive) hot air.
oh no! going to personal attack mode because someone is expressing their point of view on a forum!
as I have always said, I love the game, I would not even bother with the forums or playing at all, if I did not think it worth saving. We have a forum, where players can and should express both their personal delights and their personal issues with the game. I merely want a lot of vague words from on high to manifest into delivering what was promised, or admitting that they tried to reach for the stars and could not quite get there as intended. Missions that directly and actively involve all three modes of transit. Exploration that is slightly more than point and click at a plant or take a selfie. Make those alien biologicals actually matter, make them something used for terraforming, or needed medical supplies, or for the manufacture of the in-game narcotics. make combat zones less like a shoehorned in first-person shooter, with tedious respawn mechanics, and allow multi-platform combat in the skies and on the surface of a planet at the same time. Oh and fix things like the terrains, we know that the terrains could be a lot better, we saw them. Same with atmospheres, they are all very samey now... anyway, am expressing my opion, and an opinion that I suspect is shared by at least one more forum user, but there you have it.
as someone who indeed Loves the game (amiga was my computer of choice back in the ancient days), trust has been broken time and again, some of us paidextra to Alpha test EDO as it seemed like something well worth doing, Initial bugs and graphics aside, people had lots of strong opinions on what was broken and what was good, also what could have added value if tweaked or modified. We were openly lied to about the release model of the game. what you are experiencing now is worse than the Alpha in lots of ways, including sky and terrain tech
I was having trouble with missions, so a suggestion was linked to some youtubes for stealth, etc. From that link, was another youtube of similar EDO stuff, but from pre-alpha....like March was the date? It looked far superior to what we have now.

This is the stuff that I dont like. We do the alpha, suggest changes, then they break the game so what we have now is worse than before. They're essentially 'teaching us a lesson' in not asking for changes. If they are trying to fix it, but each patch makes it worse, what other thing can be said other than something far worse is broken.
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