Odyssey Progress (2)

@David Braben, thanks for the updates, it's appreciated. I have faith that the issues with Odyssey will get fixed. Maybe it's best to change the Steam status to 'early access' for the time being. Also, in the future please only release games when they're polished and stable. Don't rush out games to meet financial objectives, because that hurts Frontier Developments' reputation.

Curious about the roadmap, maybe you can include additional planet types to make up for the Odyssey launch. Lots of people want ship interiors so please let a team work on that as a future DLC or expansion. Thanks for reading.

Bro where have you been for the last 7 years. FDev had literally never released an expansion for Elite that WASNT horrifically buggy and unoptimized.

Not entirely true, they released many updates an expansions, most of which had less technical issues than Odyssey. It will take months to iron out the bugs, but it'll be done. So predictions of doom are incorrect.
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As you probably know, we split Horizons and Odyssey into two sets of servers – with the plan to keep it that way until we ship Odyssey on console. Fleet Carriers exist in both ‘worlds’ and when a Fleet Carrier jumps, this (and all the players on board) are kept in sync between the two galaxies. Due to a bug with them, significant amounts of data were going back and forth between the two worlds unnecessarily, and this loop between the sets of servers simply mounted up and started bringing servers down or blocking them (resulting in many players getting disconnect errors). This is why we stopped Fleet Carriers jumping, and immediately we saw a significant improvement overall. There were other issues too with this subsystem, keeping the BGS and other things in sync between the ‘worlds’. Once we had a solid fix for the Fleet Carrier and sync issues we deployed it to the servers, and re-enabled Fleet Carriers jumping. This was compounded by the fact we had a record number of concurrent players, so the servers were already working hard. Initially we thought this was the effect we were seeing – that the high number of players was the main issue - but eventually some very smart people determined what was happening with Fleet Carriers.
Here's my take on it:

The galaxy split was untested because it was a decision made in the proverbial last minute. You realized there were issues with the product that couldn't be resolved in time, but you didn't want to postpone the PC launch or turn it into a paid beta, so you tried something that hadn't been tested during the alpha, and it blew up in everyone's face. As a result, players who were cautious and decided to stay in Horizons were dragged into this mess anyway.

This is the sort of thing that happens if you try to skip beta testing.

Elite has always been about scale and ambition. With this latest, and biggest, expansion the team have taken on an amazing challenge. The whole galaxy in 1:1 scale, now down to the millimetre. Millions of players interacting with each other and many millions of AI game characters on billions of worlds, all orbiting around each other in an incredibly rich galaxy-wide ballet. I truly believe the team have created a milestone in modern video game history.
I can't believe you're using this moment for advertising. People have paid for this game already. Please fix it.
i don´t understand what people who wrote "too little too late" expect ?, maybe XXX ARX for free or a refund ?
Frontier and David Braben had made a mistake and appologized, they promised to work hard on fixing it, What more can they do now ? Some believe that it gets fixed some not, but it could not be so bad if a record numer of players are online. I ´am a little dissapointed on the numer of obvious bugs which prevents me in playing certain aspects of the game. I observe that its gets a common phenomen that people increasingly critizizing the work of others and that the society gets more angry on relatively minor an unimportant things in live. I have enjoyed 1300hrs playtime in elite so far and i ´am shure there is more to come. I ´am happy that Frontier is further supporting and developing this game, i don´t play others.
Thank you for the update, David! Much appreciated to see direct feedback on whats going on.
I am sure everyone at FDev is hard at work, despite whatever reasons caused Odyssey to release in the state is has.
We learn every day and in the end its not about pointing fingers, but learning from what happened and making sure to put systems in place to prevent it happening again.
Thank you for the update... it's good to know all hands are on deck. Just one thing though... could I have my flight suits back? I'm currently walking through stations looking like Blackadder in suit with a weird codpiece:oops:😂
Implement proper VR support for odyssey and increase performance and I am happy. What you guys at frontier have to understand is to never change a running system. Why would you remove part of the VR experience and why slap such a unoptimized build out in the first place.
Implement proper VR support for odyssey and increase performance and I am happy. What you guys at frontier have to understand is to never change a running system. Why would you remove part of the VR experience and why slap such a unoptimized build out in the first place.
Maybe just maybe adding proper VR for FPS would have doubled the work but hey
Thank You Sir Braben for caring! 😎 I do have one issue with fleet carriers ejecting my ship after jumping and corrupting my option settings on PlayStation 4. Fortunately for me I had my save backed up on ps4's cloud storage. At the moment the game is unplayable due to my issue. I just want to make your team aware of my issue. Also in Oddysey I'd like to see a Fahrenheit scale similar to that of No mans sky. Again thank you ! ❤
Greetings CMDRs,

Here’s a further update on where we are with Odyssey, and to keep you updated on our progress and our investigations, and talk a little about our next steps. This will be a long post, but please bear with me.

Firstly, once again I apologise for the experience many players have had running Odyssey, particularly the server issues and disconnects. Despite careful server spooling up anticipating significant demand, they were still overloaded. After a good deal of investigation, the main cause of this proved to be to do with Fleet Carriers and the systems they use. I’ll try and explain the gist of what the problem was, how we found it, and why it didn’t show during the public Alpha. The whole team are working incredibly hard to resolve the issues as quickly as possible and improve player’s experiences and this is part of that process.

As you probably know, we split Horizons and Odyssey into two sets of servers – with the plan to keep it that way until we ship Odyssey on console. Fleet Carriers exist in both ‘worlds’ and when a Fleet Carrier jumps, this (and all the players on board) are kept in sync between the two galaxies. Due to a bug with them, significant amounts of data were going back and forth between the two worlds unnecessarily, and this loop between the sets of servers simply mounted up and started bringing servers down or blocking them (resulting in many players getting disconnect errors). This is why we stopped Fleet Carriers jumping, and immediately we saw a significant improvement overall. There were other issues too with this subsystem, keeping the BGS and other things in sync between the ‘worlds’. Once we had a solid fix for the Fleet Carrier and sync issues we deployed it to the servers, and re-enabled Fleet Carriers jumping. This was compounded by the fact we had a record number of concurrent players, so the servers were already working hard. Initially we thought this was the effect we were seeing – that the high number of players was the main issue - but eventually some very smart people determined what was happening with Fleet Carriers.

Turning to the subject of performance, first of all I’d like to provide some background. When we first set the min specs for Elite Dangerous (back at the time of the Kickstarter in 2012) we made the assumption that for low-spec machines the game was playable as long as the frame rate was above 30 fps, with 60 fps for higher spec machines. Over the subsequent weeks and months after release in 2014 we optimised the game significantly. We had a similar thought process for Odyssey, especially considering that the lower spec machines will tend to be five years old or more, or be laptops, that 30 fps would be acceptable as a minimum spec performance. Separately, we have heard reports of very high spec machines failing to perform as expected. We believe this is a different issue, possibly CPU-related, and are looking into that too, as we speak.

We will get to the bottom of the performance issues, particularly with the support of the community who are already providing useful information.

Elite has always been about scale and ambition. With this latest, and biggest, expansion the team have taken on an amazing challenge. The whole galaxy in 1:1 scale, now down to the millimetre. Millions of players interacting with each other and many millions of AI game characters on billions of worlds, all orbiting around each other in an incredibly rich galaxy-wide ballet. I truly believe the team have created a milestone in modern video game history. This is not a static arena shooter where all the players join at the start, but where players are continually joining, leaving, travelling between servers alone and in groups, and so many other things. It is a real shame this incredible achievement is somewhat overshadowed by the issues we have been seeing. We remain committed to improving everyone’s experience. In the words of JFK: “We choose to go to the moon this decade and do the other things… not because they are easy, but because they are hard.”

So what are we doing to fix the issues?

As mentioned above, the team have been working incredibly hard to support and fix critical issues. They have already made good progress with three hot fixes and many server tweaks too, but we can see there is still more to come. Disconnects are now greatly reduced, despite record concurrent player numbers.

As already explained, the performance issues may take a little longer to resolve, and we greatly appreciate your patience.

Our plan is to publish a road-map by 4th June as we continue to push forward addressing issues, including giving some details on specific improvements, building upon the fixes the team have already made.

Thank you and my apologies again for the bumpy start to Odyssey.
Thanks for the update.

I really appreciate they way of publishing a road map so we can see your planned improvements and compare them to what is delivered.

Sadly in the last years lots of bugs reappeared and got marked as fixed but weren't, so this above way will keep us informed and shows what you
are working on. Hopefully most of the issues will be fixed soon.

This is not an easy task, the list of issues is big, which is visible in the numbers on the issue tracker and the bad reviews.

I hope you'll dedicate the needed resources to this project, because Elite Dangerous is still the best space game out there and it would be a shame if a botched update will ruin that.
Yeah it is becoming BEYOND frustrating that they simply refuse to acknowledge what the community has already identified as being one of the biggest performance issues.
Frustrating? Who cares as long as they improve performance. If the graphic engine does not use culling, I think they are pretty well aware of that. Don't you?
That's pretty refreshing. Instead of very high quality grinding for 4 years there going to be 4 years of Odyssey fixes. This is lesser evil even for full price.
I was hoping FD could be the exception to this trend of bad releases and unimaginative game design.

Right. There's not even a non-lethal weapon, even the "Taser" kills. You can't do small jump, you always jump full power. You can't lean, can't vault over low fences, there's no binoculars, no adjustable zoom on the sniper rifle, no emotes for the avatar, even though NPCs have the animations, no hotkey for consumables, ... need I go on?

The game designer for the FPS part just basically took any kind of non-imaginative shooter from the mid-nineties, looked at it, and said "that'll do".

Running said shooter at 20 FPS on higher than recommended specs? "That'll do".

Not even the most basic graphic optimizations? "That'll do".

No information on at least where to find the material you need for the upgrade grind? "That'll do".

No way of rerouting APEX once you're in flight? "That'll do".

No walkable flight-deck on your carrier, even though it's the same hangar as in every station? "That'll do".

No way of having your fleet that is stationed at a station all lined up, hangar to hanger so you can walk from ship to ship and choose which one to use? "That'll do".


Or should I go on about being lied to our faces about "this is just alpha, we have a dev branch that is much better optimized"?!

Or how they had to remove all the surface pebbles to at least make the planetside performance slightly less atrocious? Pathetic.

Or how they still go on about "we don't know why the performance tanks like this", when literally people have profiled the renderer during ALPHA and pointed out the exact cause of the performance issues?
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Thank you Commander Braben. I have never doubted you, Frontier or the amazing team behind this game. I, on behalf of all dedicated commanders (whether they like it or not), apologise to the entire team for the childishness and lack of understanding by the general player base for their disrespect and ignorance in regards to just exactly how massive of a feat the entire Elite project has been, and still is. o7 to you Sir and o7 to all of the brilliant and dedicated commanders at Frontier.
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