Odyssey VR specific bug reports - please contribute!

Guess what has got enough confirmations to reach the voting stage?

Soar like an Eagle! Go! Go! Go!

(What do you reckon will shoot it down? “Invalid” or “By Design”?)
I'd like to vote for this "issue" :LOL: (quite a big one). But here's the thing: i already have used my 6 votes! From which of these issues should i remove my vote?
I'd like to vote for this "issue" :LOL: (quite a big one). But here's the thing: i already have used my 6 votes! From which of these issues should i remove my vote?
View attachment 291456
If you’re not suffering from the VR recenter issue (the second one on your list) then repurpose that one - I’ve never had the problem and it’s not one of my voted for issues. Otherwise I’d go for the Shipyard bug; unless you’re swapping ships on a regular basis, you’re not going to be affected by it very often 👍

Depending on how fast the Invalid/By Design hammer strikes, you should have your vote back for “proper” bugs at some stage. (Good choice on the bottom three by the way 😁)
New issue report: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/47989 - Unable to start in VR - sounds like the problem that others have had where the 3D options don’t show up. The reporter has stated that they’ve tried all trouble shooting steps they’ve found online, but if they read this - try asking here?

For a start I’d suggest having the Oculus desktop software running and verifying that the Quest 2 is connected via Link. Then I’d start up SteamVR and make sure the headset is seen there. Then I’d start up Elite and check for the 3D options.
New issue report: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/48000 - Comms panel messages disappear in VR -which is a resubmission. Apparently in-ship text messages that appear in the upper left (around the comms panel, e.g. mission invites, cruise ship announcements) area show, but when you try to move your head to look directly at them and read them, they dissappear from view immediately and permanently.

This must only happen when you have the “look to activate” setting because I can quite happily read the messages with “press to activate” enabled.
New issue report: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/48048 - graphics splitting with head movement - which I’m guessing is related to this forum post:

The only time I get something that sounds like the bug report is when performance drops off a cliff in concourses (https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/36142) which comes with the added bonus of the bottom quarter of my Quest 2’s screen going all weird. Honestly thought my new graphics card was faulty the first time it happened 😅
A request to Reverb G2 users: have you ever experienced a black circle blotting out your view?

G2 user Dragsham has reported this occasional occurrence, which is cured with a relog but apparently comes back after a week or so. It’s not the cable issue or too-loud sound that was causing black screens, but a black circle imposed over their view. They only play Elite with the G2 so can’t confirm if it’s game specific.
A request to Reverb G2 users: have you ever experienced a black circle blotting out your view?

G2 user Dragsham has reported this occasional occurrence, which is cured with a relog but apparently comes back after a week or so. It’s not the cable issue or too-loud sound that was causing black screens, but a black circle imposed over their view. They only play Elite with the G2 so can’t confirm if it’s game specific.
No I've never had this happen to me in any game with my v1 G2, with either the v1 or v2 cable (I have both cables now since the free upgrade from HP)
A request to Reverb G2 users: have you ever experienced a black circle blotting out your view?

G2 user Dragsham has reported this occasional occurrence, which is cured with a relog but apparently comes back after a week or so. It’s not the cable issue or too-loud sound that was causing black screens, but a black circle imposed over their view. They only play Elite with the G2 so can’t confirm if it’s game specific.
There may be a new issue - Kit Fowler 5 surveillance units not accepting (in VR) - however the report is just coming up with the “issue could not be loaded” error.

In each of the 5x identical reports they’ve tried submitting.

Along with the 15x “decals once available have vanished”, 5x “unable to collect Wing cargo mission reward”, 6x “Inventory bug not showing Raw materials”, 7x “two floating doors in fleet carrier hangars”, and 3x “Multicrew drop down shows Ross 310 Cartel community goal as an option” identical, bugged reports - plus more, but I’ve now got bored with it. Over 70 reports?

Like, can U not? 😅

Please - try a different browser to submit them!

Edit: I'm issuing a general apology - looks like Issue Tracker is just borked at the moment when submitting an report 😅 (but please, stop spamming!)
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I’ve resubmitted the HoloMe issue report that’s recently expired:

https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/48326 - HoloMe head and shoulders view

Hopefully it gets more than the 3 confirmations it got last time. This bug is the supposedly fixed issue where the close-up HoloMe view was missing - actually it was just misplaced a fair distance behind your view. The “fix” moved it back in front of us but still not in the correct position. I’ve included a video link in the bug report that compares Odyssey with Horizons so you can see where the view should be - and if you take the time to watch that (or just check it out in-game) then please spend a few more moments to add a Confirmation to the above report 👍
OMG I think they may have fixed the shading in one eye bug when near a star - can anyone else confirm this, as I'm not seeing it any more?
No, they didn't, I think. I'm pretty sure I had this today.
I just double checked - if the bug is there still, its very subtle compared to how it used to be. I used to park up next to a star on my 3 or 9 o'clock and it was like I had sunglasses on one eye, but its not like that any more. The patch may of course have messed with some settings...
Hmmm... Now I'm doubting myself... I think I remember that, when it happened, it was in a very narrow angle of me moving my head. And I only remember noticing it once in several play hours. I'll keep an eye out tomorrow.
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