Pawing at the Planetary Bell

Well, if memory serves the binary star that almost killed me back in april had a period of 0.3 days with its companion. I also kept a list of 'navigational hazards' (binaries close enough that you risk arriving in the B-star), which should contain several short-orbits.

Would you like the list, or would you like to find them yourself? :)

By all means, share if ya like. I won't be home to act on them for a while, so if I don't find an ideal candidate out here, I'll at least have some to look for. :)
Let's see... 'east' of sol, past statue of liberty is GRU EOQ XZ-C B18-1 with a record 0.2d orbital period.

The star that almost killed me is north of the bubble: NGC 6124 SECTOR DW-N C6-10 with 0.3d orbital period

In the inhabited bubble I have...
Wonomi : 0.3d period
ICZ CQ-Y C8 : unknown, can't seem to search for it from far away.
Carpako: 0.3d period

All these systems should be considered 'hazardous' to jump in, since the B star's close enough to hyperspace in.
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Let's see... 'east' of sol, past statue of liberty is GRU EOQ XZ-C B18-1 with a record 0.2d orbital period.

The star that almost killed me is north of the bubble: NGC 6124 SECTOR DW-N C6-10 with 0.3d orbital period

In the inhabited bubble I have...
Wonomi : 0.3d period
ICZ CQ-Y C8 : unknown, can't seem to search for it from far away.
Carpako: 0.3d period

All these systems should be considered 'hazardous' to jump in, since the B star's close enough to hyperspace in.

Thnaks! I'll definitely look out for that o.2d

Some good news: Upgraded my video card. Not by much (GTX 660 -> GTX 760), but it cost me nothing.

Also got a free Razer Naga, so that's a plus. :D Time to go map some side buttons!
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Last few days have been quiet, I know.

Haven't streamed for a while, either.

Finished up AC: Black Flag and started on Rogue, but will probably shelf it for now to do some work on my route.

I traveled approximately 4kly yesterday, found roughly a dozen water worlds, a few ammonias and a single ELW with a very large storm system:


Also took some time to explore the GalMap a bit to plot out some points of interest for when I head inward toward the core. Located a handful of small Nebulas and supergiant stars that I plan to see. Still debating if I want to add Sag A* to my route or save it for another time. Depending on the status of my ship once I reach the core, I may end my trip earlier than desired.
Back at it and stream's up for a bit.

Always with potential AFKs and whatnot, mind.

And soon with an added twist:

I will be working on a little something (hopefully in a week or so's time) to add to the streams, to liven it up a bit. Stay tuned for details... :)

Addendum: Nevermind. Looks like the surprise will not be ready for a while. :(
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200+ systems hit tonight with nothing to show for it aside from 2 Water Worlds and an Ammonia World.

Near the end, I had a handful of "Just one more interesting system" before logging off. Decided to end it at a Neutron Star but as I trailed away to get to a safe distance to log out, I noticied a large orange spot in the sky. Decided what the hell, one more jump.

Was not disappointed.


Too bad it isn't terraformable.
Encountered another black hole today, recorded entry into this one for my records. They're cool, but so far from the core, the displacement of the surrounding space isn't as spectacular as it could be. :(

I have taken to visiting the "bright" spots on the galaxy map, which leads me to O-type stars pretty regularly. Every once in a while, though, I'll get something interesting, like an ELW orbiting a T Tauri.



I'll have to get a good shot of my play space. I've got a Razer Naga MMOG, a Saitek Eclipse and my LED lights, everything about my life is turning blue!
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Just beautiful.

Why thank you, sir.

I don't know how much interest there is, but when I'm not streaming, I'll be taking to recording interesting stuff when I can remember. I've created a YouTube channel for it. I'll get the link up and running once I've populated it with some videos. Admittedly, though, I don't do video editing. I do, however, have Sony Movie Studio 13 Plat that I picked up from the Steam Summer Sale, so things may change. For now, though, they will just be raw videos...
Ending tonight's run early to give myself a chance to work on some things and Lance some time to catch up. :) I'll be taking part in my first deep-space meet-up soon if things go according to plan!

Nothing too interesting tonight though. Hit a handful of the bright spots, mostly O and B type stars. These were the only two good finds:

My first Ammonia World as a moon:



Water World(Ammonia atmosphere) with a mass of islands. Not a terraforming candidate, unfortunately.




In other news, the YouTube channel is up. Only 3 videos at the moment but please do view them and favorite/comment/whathaveyou. <3
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Seeing this thread makes me want to throw myself into the black. At the same time I've already declared for Lady Aisling...

I suppose I'll save up to kit up.

What is meant by 'the Bubble', though? The edge of human inhabited space?
Seeing this thread makes me want to throw myself into the black. At the same time I've already declared for Lady Aisling...

I suppose I'll save up to kit up.

What is meant by 'the Bubble', though? The edge of human inhabited space?

Aye. The bubble is inhabited space. Bounty hunting got me on my feet pretty quickly.
Just watched your videos on YouTube - that's some fine flying through that close binary! I would never have had the confidence to try that so far out in the galaxy, even with heat sinks and AFMs with full ammo. Kudos, rep and o7 CMDR!
Just watched your videos on YouTube - that's some fine flying through that close binary! I would never have had the confidence to try that so far out in the galaxy, even with heat sinks and AFMs with full ammo. Kudos, rep and o7 CMDR!

I've done a handful of stupid stunts that could have ended my journey early... None of them damaged my ship as much as the unintended accidents though lol. Thank you sir.
My new favorite system... 6 Type B stars in one of the "bright spots". Sadly no planets. But 5 of the stars were within 50ls of each other, sharing a barycenter with the 6th.

Good progress today!

Hit another handful of the bright spots, had some more fun with star types.

Found 2 Water Worlds with islands and I believe the longest orbital period to record. Check it out!





1,126,539.3 day orbital period

That's over 3 thousand human years.
It'll be slow moving, but the stream is up!

Edit: Aaand stream is down. Can't seem to keep the connection stable for more than a minute. Not sure what the cause is. Nothing out of the ordinary on my end.
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There you go Katejina, I grouped the pictures and story about our meeting 48600 LY away from Sol. This is the post.
Tell me if there's anything amiss in there.

You took a few pictures too didn't you? I'm anxious to see those. =^.^=
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There you go Katejina, I grouped the pictures and story about our meeting 48600 LY away from Sol. This is the post.
Tell me if there's anything amiss in there.

You took a few pictures too didn't you? I'm anxious to see those. =^.^=

Oh aye, I took pics alright!

Here is the update for today!

It all started with a WW orbiting a T Tauri. Non TFC unfortunately, but still a nice find.

There were others. Generic water worlds with no special mention. I continued to the next bright spot, found little else than t tauri and jovians and hopped around the area looking for an opportunity for my photography hobby. Found this stunning ringworld that was orbiting a Binary B and A star. At certain distances, the view reminded me of a riverbed reflecting the morning's light. I was captivated.


Then I received a visitor...


He came in hot and had to bank the ship and hope there was enough distance to stop. Luckily for him, I know how to move out of the way!


Lance and I have been chatting pretty regularly during my outing and he came a long way to meet me. We took a stroll above the ring.


Shared some drinks.




Then we morphed our ships into the Ultimate Lakon Combo!


Just kidding. I do love to mess around with proximity shots. There was a pretty clear message below the cockpit that read "WARNING: DO NOT PEEK BENEATH THE KILT"


We rolled and rolled and looped and swooped like the crazy cat people we are.


And then it was time to say goodbye and return to our respective paths. Boy that reflection though...


Thanks so much for coming out to meet me, Lance! Quite the gentleman!
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