Bragging rights, or maybe seal clubbing laurels?
I suppose we're going to have to wait a some days to find out..
I suppose we're going to have to wait a some days to find out..
Yeah. A Python MK II for zero gameplay and zero effort, just cash. Before long ED is just a shop, not a game.So does anyone have a clue to what I might win if I buy me a new shiny Python Mk II before the rest of the common rabble?
The privilege of flying the ship months before the filthy peasants who merely bought the expansion. Though I'm not sure that's the most potentially egregious aspect of the proposed paid services.So does anyone have a clue to what I might win if I buy me a new shiny Python Mk II before the rest of the common rabble?
There is no “winning” or even “losing” for that matter but what goals you choose for yourself.
So does anyone have a clue to what I might win if I buy me a new shiny Python Mk II before the rest of the common rabble?
The ARX gets you access to the ship early according to the statement regarding the Python. My guess is the ARX unlocks the ability to buy it with credits. The statements about the pre-built ships all call it instant access, whether or not that means said access allows you to buy it with in game credits or something else I do not know.It's easy to imagine: a new player. Doesn't know anything about Elite. Buys the game and sees the offer for a pre-built ship. Throws that in the cart as well. Boots up the game. First thing he does is switch to the pre-built ship. Undocks, slams into the wall. No money for rebuy. Should the game make him take the free Sidewinder and never see the pre-built again? That would be the fastest refund in the history of the game.
But the weird part is, earning your way through the ships, learning how to fly and how each ship is different for different jobs is one of the best parts of the game. Paying to skip one of the best parts of the game is lunacy! It's like Frontier don't actually understand their product. The game did not improve when they caved to the whiners and made Anacondas obtainable in less than a day. If it did, they wouldn't need to be pulling this stunt now Shirley? They should be fending off the millions of commanders attracted by a game with no long term goals or struggle.I'm not sure why everyone is so surprised at this turn of events, there were enough people asking over many years for some sort of purchasable for real money content that would let them skip the grind, and as we all know, if you ask long enough and loud enough (PP2 anyone) you will eventually get what you asked for! Except for ELW landing and procedural life on planets and other stuff that I want.....oh well if I ask for long enough it will finally appear I expect!
At least we know what the new feature of the Python Mk2 is now that no other ships have, a cash register![]()
Yes it's a bit weird to quote my own post rather than edit but I think it's the best way to handle this as I don't want changes to my thoughts to get lost as I believe this is an important discussion.This is not what I Kickstarted this game for. Not at all.
This is just a kick in the face to those who have spent a lot of time, years in many cases, earning the things they have in the game. This is a fundamental change to what the game is and will change it from a work of art into yet another financial abuse engine.
Make decent cosmetics so people have something they actually want to buy in the ARX store and support the game with active development so people will want to spend money on them. I would take an optional subscription—as not everyone will be able to justify a continuous ongoing cost—that simply provided whatever the subscription cost is in ARX each month in exchange for active development over anything remotely like this "proposal". I say proposal because I sure as hell hope that's what it is.
TLDR: Nurture the dedicated fan base you have; don't abuse it.
...also if this is meant to eb some kind of late April Fools joke FDev? I'm not laughing.
No, the only logical conclusion is that these ships will come with 0 rebuy.
What do you win exactly?
All this boils down to the same binary choice:Actually there can be a lot of solutions to this problem other than 0 rebuy.
Lets hope so for Frontier sake. The amount of money those people have poured into a tech demo (!) is insane. A little of that cash to improve our game would be welcome.Will we now see an influx of Star Citizen backers now you can buy spaceships for real world money?
Hm. Pay-to-Win. What about Pay-to-Elite (rank increase by spending real money)? Or perhaps Pay-to-Solo, where you have to have a subscription to be allowed to play alone, otherwise you have to really get firm with your router's configuration interface? So many opportunities...
All this boils down to the same binary choice:
Either the buyer always has acces to the bought item, no questions asked. This is what I generically call 0 rebuy.
This is subtly hilariousWill we now see an influx of Star Citizen backers now you can buy spaceships for real world money?