[EMPIRE] [INDEPENDENT] Peraesii supporters, time to join up

There seems to be a number of supporters for Peraesii, scattered around and supporting PEC.
Much appreciated.
If you were not aware, I am the cmdr that has been controlling PEC since early 2015.
I created a unique setup where 2 empire factions work together with 1 main anarchy faction and several other minor ones.
I created my own bubble that has been slowly taking up occupation by so many other pmf's
This is not the problem though.
The problem is that I see many supporters when I look on Inara, for all 3 of my factions. I do NOT use INaRA, so it is clearly other people.
I also see the support, daily.

I do not like waving a flag to say, I am here. too late. Someone else did that for me a few years back.
So, now I am plastering walls with text here simply for the sake of attempting to gather together, those interested in seeing things continue, here to a collective place where anyone can offer information, schemes, plans, etc..anything that might help us work together instead of separated and unknown to each other as is the case now.

You might be watching a certain line growing slowly away from my area.
This is my focus. has been for several years, but interference from continual invasions does take its toll.

enuf 4 now.
feel free to carry on or join in.
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