Perma Loss - How Many?

You always have the option to play ironman mode if that's what you want. All you have to do is a game reset each time you get killed.

Second accounts are very cheap, especially if you buy them in the sales, so you can have one for ironman mode and one or more for normal mode. Nobody needs to change anything.
I'd be fine with insurance reducing from the current 95% at Harmless to 0% at Combat Elite.

I'd probably be okay with no insurance at all on a ship, the only option on hull loss being the startwinder, and having to keep spares of ships in case I lose one.

I think for a permadeath (reset save on 'death') I'd play that game now as an experienced player provided everyone played to the same rules but I don't think I would have bought the game originally, and certainly not if it had been open only with sealclubbing in the starter system as I experienced it at launch (LHS 3447). Perhaps with the starter system we now have I'd consider it, certainly there are lots of benefits of playing for higher stakes :)

In the original Elite game, which I played a lot for decades before ED launched, you set your respawn with a save game. On many run-throughs I only kept a single save, meaning that it was possible to become trapped - if I died my last save point was beyond the point of no return in some way. I quite liked that, but I never had as much time invested in any single run through as I have now in ED.
I am curious, and I guess I could Google this, but I'll ask you players directly.... what is THE best location to find other players looking to gank, or grief or pirate or just try to show off how great they are at interdicting you and trying to kill you? Maybe I am just flying the wrong ships, but I can never find any takers! I've tried all the ones you hear about like SD and Deciat, ALL the ENG spots, and nothing. I've had ships, ships that were obviously set to fight follow me around but never attack. There's got to be some "Elite Octagon Ring" in this game somewhere, right? I assume if I go to these places and fly around in my DBX, that has no weapons and hardly any shields, straight up jump ship, then I am going to get attacked, but not looking for those fools... I want people that actually want a fair fight. Hell if I know where these places are. Even when I stared this game back in 2015, 2017 for Horizons, and was flying around for years in a Viper with no ENG, an easy kill for any experienced player, I never, not once, got attacked. The ONLY place I have ever been attacked and killed was at Celaeno and I was in a anti-Thargoid ship. I was sniped by three other players as I was heading into the Lodge there. I didn't even know what hit me, until my Team mates told me. Took me by surprise and there would not have been much I could have done anyway in the ship I had, and I am not really looking for these kind of chumps anyway.
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I am curious, and I guess I could Google this, but I'll ask you players directly.... what is THE best location to find other players looking to gank, or grief or pirate or just try to show off how great they are at interdicting you and trying to kill you? Maybe I am just flying the wrong ships, but I can never find any takers! I've tried all the ones you hear about like SD and Deciat, ALL the ENG spots, and nothing. I've had ships, ships that were obviously set to fight follow me around but never attack. There's got to be some "Elite Octagon Ring" in this game somewhere, right? I assume if I go to these places and fly around in my DBX, that has no weapons and hardly any shields, straight up jump ship, then I am going to get attacked, but not looking for those fools... I want people that actually want a fair fight. Hell if I know where these places are. Even when I stared this game back in 2015, 2017 for Horizons, and was flying around for years in a Viper with no ENG, an easy kill for any experienced player, I never, not once, got attacked. The ONLY place I have ever been attacked and killed was at Celaeno and I was in a anti-Thargoid ship. I was sniped by three other players as I was heading into the Lodge there. I didn't even know what hit me, until my Team mates told me. Took me by surprise and there would not have been much I could have done anyway in the ship I had, and I am not really looking for these kind of chumps anyway.

If all you want to do is focus on PvP & find out how good you are compared to the rest, there are lots of deathmatch style games with far larger PvP playerbases than ED too if you feel the 'arena' in which we all play is too large for the kind of players you are looking for to find each other freeform.

Seems to me you are looking for organised PvP as a sport, plenty of player groups offer that with agreed rules or run what you brung ;)

I play the game more as a survival adventure than a sport & my response was based on that. Losing a ship (or all my ships) would be a big deal but I'd retain my knowledge of how to play & faction support would continue a little more slowly but more or less unchanged. I think maybe you just like to gamble with high stakes among a small group of like minded players. You can do that now & the only issue is trust.
Try playing NMS on Permadeath, and you'll get it. Death is real, ship loss is for good! You'd need to buy and rebuild that ship from scratch!
Space Engineers is the same way, and it makes encounters much more scary. I spend way more time running than fighting, but on occasion I do fight (when I know I can win).

It does make for some adrenaline-pumping action, that's for sure! But I also understand why this "mode" isn't for everyone.
If all you want to do is focus on PvP & find out how good you are compared to the rest, there are lots of deathmatch style games with far larger PvP playerbases than ED too if you feel the 'arena' in which we all play is too large for the kind of players you are looking for to find each other freeform.

Seems to me you are looking for organised PvP as a sport, plenty of player groups offer that with agreed rules or run what you brung ;)

I play the game more as a survival adventure than a sport & my response was based on that. Losing a ship (or all my ships) would be a big deal but I'd retain my knowledge of how to play & faction support would continue a little more slowly but more or less unchanged. I think maybe you just like to gamble with high stakes among a small group of like minded players. You can do that now & the only issue is trust.
I am not so much looking to get into a fight, or prove anything. I am NOT a good Combat fighter at all. I was just curious, as a risk taker and to make the game a little more, umm, exciting and tense, where are there systems known for a good chance at being attacked. So, no, not organized fighting, but random chance encounters. And not like 3 on 1 encounters, just a stray pilot spots me and decides to try his luck, or test mine. That's all. Nothing hard core. I fly through system after system after system and nothing. Even if I head toward a player, they seem to high wake out as though I am going to gank them or something. One thing I have also noticed in Elite... people, out in space, don't seem to want to socialize much. I'll see people in a station and give them the o7 CMDR and get no response. I guess most people just want to be left alone in this game.
Space Engineers is the same way, and it makes encounters much more scary. I spend way more time running than fighting, but on occasion I do fight (when I know I can win).

It does make for some adrenaline-pumping action, that's for sure! But I also understand why this "mode" isn't for everyone.
I would say, if nothing else, a Mode where you can set the rebuy at FULL cost. I think the highest rebuy I have now, is either my Vette or Cutter, but let's take the Vette since I know exactly what that rebuy is, it's $43M on a nearly Billion credit ship. That's nothing. Maybe do away, in a Mode, with this small rebuy, and make you pay FULL price to regain that ship. Just thinking of ways to add something that makes you really consider your actions and play style. Buying back the Vette at like a billion vs $43 million would certainly add a little more to the game, in way of watching and playing more carefully, considering things differently.
I did enjoy the hardcore mode from Diablo, so why not. But you would need a separate game in order to do this. You would not play like this in open with ganker not afraid of loosing their ship do you ? And appears an open-only permadeath mode. That I would play, yes.
I play quite a few pvp survival games where death (usually at the hands of another player), usually means loss of all of your gear.

There is a different sense of urgency in the game play that makes the experience more intense and fun.

However, these are on central servers with minimal latency issues, and a real developer effort to shut down cheats and griefers. If you bail out of a fight in these games, that just means your opponent gets everything you are carrying for free. If you try to lock out a player by encircling their base or essential resource nodes, the developer bans you from the server.

This makes it possible to keep the server environment fairly free of noob killers. They still exist, but they end up socially isolated, bored, or thumped on by organized teams. The noobs can still gear up fairly quickly, and there are always players willing to help starters along with in game gear.

EDs p2p and instancing with blocks does not permit player-based ecological management of the game environment. We have also seen the trainer programs actively used by ED players, and evidence of botting. I don't think iron-man mode makes a ton of sense in ED given these issues.
I play quite a few pvp survival games where death (usually at the hands of another player), usually means loss of all of your gear.

There is a different sense of urgency in the game play that makes the experience more intense and fun.

However, these are on central servers with minimal latency issues, and a real developer effort to shut down cheats and griefers. If you bail out of a fight in these games, that just means your opponent gets everything you are carrying for free. If you try to lock out a player by encircling their base or essential resource nodes, the developer bans you from the server.

This makes it possible to keep the server environment fairly free of noob killers. They still exist, but they end up socially isolated, bored, or thumped on by organized teams. The noobs can still gear up fairly quickly, and there are always players willing to help starters along with in game gear.

EDs p2p and instancing with blocks does not permit player-based ecological management of the game environment. We have also seen the trainer programs actively used by ED players, and evidence of botting. I don't think iron-man mode makes a ton of sense in ED given these issues.
Isn't there a game called RUST, where the entire OPEN world game is a matter of pure survival. Lose a fight, lose everything. Your base can be attacked and broken into and all your stuff stolen. I want to play this game, but man, I am not sure I want to jump into that. I need time for some real life at some point. But it sounds great! You literally start the game naked and open to attack from moment uno, from real players that want to do nothing but KILL YOU DEAD and steal your stuff!
Ark or day z are kind of like this. In ark you'll lose your gear but retain Stat gains on day z there really aren't Stat gains except what ever certain items give you. I've heard of rust but never seen it, there is also a game called the forest which is a survival style game. It looks pretty cool.
Ark or day z are kind of like this. In ark you'll lose your gear but retain Stat gains on day z there really aren't Stat gains except what ever certain items give you. I've heard of rust but never seen it, there is also a game called the forest which is a survival style game. It looks pretty cool.

I have Forest and started it but quit for some reason, not that I didn't like it, I think I got into some other game and never went back. Man, that was several years ago. Still sitting in my Steam library. Should jump back in.

This is RUST. This is more a guide. Lots of videos on RUST. I am trying to avoid it but I am going to jump in, I know it! Ha! Going to just sit at my computer and die of starvation!

Isn't there a game called RUST, where the entire OPEN world game is a matter of pure survival. Lose a fight, lose everything. Your base can be attacked and broken into and all your stuff stolen. I want to play this game, but man, I am not sure I want to jump into that. I need time for some real life at some point. But it sounds great! You literally start the game naked and open to attack from moment uno, from real players that want to do nothing but KILL YOU DEAD and steal your stuff!
Yes, RUST is a full PVP survival game, where your base as at risk 24/7. Other survival games like Conan Exiles have modes where your base is not at risk, but you personally are during certain hours of the day. RUST also has monthly server resets. Conan Exiles also has a PVE mode where players cannot damage other players or their structures unless they are decayed (think of it as a once every 168 hour login FC maintenance). Players can always cooperate in these games as well.

Hiding bases, making bases small, traps, decoys, caches, etc. are all pretty common strategies on full PVP servers. RUST has a reputation as having a toxic player base, but if you play it for what it is, it isn't bad. It should be noted that there are roving alpha clans in many survival games that move onto a server, and wipe everyone out, then move onto another server. You can call them locusts or gardeners - it doesn't really matter. These alphas have the game mechanics dialed in and farm like insane people to build combat gear, and then raid other players bases and hunt down players. Offline raiding (taking out opponents when they are logged out), is generally considered a chicken manure tactic, but people do it all the time.
Yes, RUST is a full PVP survival game, where your base as at risk 24/7. Other survival games like Conan Exiles have modes where your base is not at risk, but you personally are during certain hours of the day. RUST also has monthly server resets. Conan Exiles also has a PVE mode where players cannot damage other players or their structures unless they are decayed (think of it as a once every 168 hour login FC maintenance). Players can always cooperate in these games as well.

Hiding bases, making bases small, traps, decoys, caches, etc. are all pretty common strategies on full PVP servers. RUST has a reputation as having a toxic player base, but if you play it for what it is, it isn't bad. It should be noted that there are roving alpha clans in many survival games that move onto a server, and wipe everyone out, then move onto another server. You can call them locusts or gardeners - it doesn't really matter. These alphas have the game mechanics dialed in and farm like insane people to build combat gear, and then raid other players bases and hunt down players. Offline raiding (taking out opponents when they are logged out), is generally considered a chicken manure tactic, but people do it all the time.
These "locusts or gardeners" are psychotic killers in these games. Get their kicks just straight killing players for no reason other than, well, getting their kicks? These are the kind of people that kick dogs and throw cats into the street. Pff! :poop:
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If I wanted perma-loss in my spaceship sim then I'd be playing EVE. Not that I've ever died in Elite anyway but eh.

You have zero rebuys in Elite? None? Ever? Never lost a ship, or never lost a fight? Hell, I lost a multi-million rebuy for just not landing fast enough once. Blown up by the station. I lost a ship once for accidentally hitting a system cop with "friendly" fire. I lost a ship the other day just trying to get off the 9.77G planet, crashed back down trying to take off. You're either some ED God, fibbing a bit, or just started the game, or... just extremely lucky. I lost a ship hitting an asteroid too hard.
You have zero rebuys in Elite? None? Ever? Never lost a ship, or never lost a fight? Hell, I lost a multi-million rebuy for just not landing fast enough once. Blown up by the station. I lost a ship once for accidentally hitting a system cop with "friendly" fire. I lost a ship the other day just trying to get off the 9.77G planet, crashed back down trying to take off. You're either some ED God, fibbing a bit, or just started the game, or... just extremely lucky. I lost a ship hitting an asteroid too hard.
I know several cases where people have been exploring for years on the volume of accidentally dying, from gravity, from a star, etc. So they wrote in support and they were saved.
You have zero rebuys in Elite? None? Ever? Never lost a ship, or never lost a fight? Hell, I lost a multi-million rebuy for just not landing fast enough once. Blown up by the station. I lost a ship once for accidentally hitting a system cop with "friendly" fire. I lost a ship the other day just trying to get off the 9.77G planet, crashed back down trying to take off. You're either some ED God, fibbing a bit, or just started the game, or... just extremely lucky. I lost a ship hitting an asteroid too hard.

According to my stats I have 1, for like, a few thousand, so I assume I must've blown up in a sidewinder once, but it's honestly so long ago I literally cannot even recall the event. It must've occurred right at the start of my career. But since then, nope, nothing. I once hit a planet a bit hard and went down to 50% hull, and I once didn't bug out of a losing CZ and got hammered with missiles down to around 30%, but other than that, never even come close to dying. Never shot a cop, never blown up by a station, never got in a fight I couldn't finish (and run away whenever I do get interdicted in a non-combat vessel).

So er, yeah, guess I'm a god? Honestly, the game's not so hard that you should die every other week.

EDIT; In fact, I'm kinda curious;

Just what is a 46k claim anyway? Is that the average on a sidy?

Oh, and in case you're still wondering;

4 weeks total game time, and a lot of travel. In case there's like, doubt about how long I've played?
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According to my stats I have 1, for like, a few thousand, so I assume I must've blown up in a sidewinder once, but it's honestly so long ago I literally cannot even recall the event. It must've occurred right at the start of my career. But since then, nope, nothing. I once hit a planet a bit hard and went down to 50% hull, and I once didn't bug out of a losing CZ and got hammered with missiles down to around 30%, but other than that, never even come close to dying. Never shot a cop, never blown up by a station, never got in a fight I couldn't finish (and run away whenever I do get interdicted in a non-combat vessel).

So er, yeah, guess I'm a god? Honestly, the game's not so hard that you should die every other week.
My stats show 30 rebuys since 2015, or at least Insurance Claims. So, I guess I've lost 30 ships. I don't recall losing that many ships but guess I did. And yeah, those most have been when I first started and would go fight at the local NAV and lose my Viper a lot. But straight stock ship, didn't know crap about ENG back then, stock weapons and all. However, I have lost like 3 ships in the last month. One, Type-9, I fired on a FC because as I was upset they SAID they had Cooling hoses and didn't or landing was Denied, stupid and was not a fight I was going to win! Lost my DBX trying to take off from the 9.7 high G planet, got pulled right back down and blown up. And the last I remember was my Imperial Eagle, was trying to fly at 924M/S with FAO and got a little too close to a mountain and, well... no time to recover. BOOM! :poop: Happens 😆
My stats show 30 rebuys since 2015, or at least Insurance Claims. So, I guess I've lost 30 ships. I don't recall losing that many ships but guess I did. And yeah, those most have been when I first started and would go fight at the local NAV and lose my Viper a lot. But straight stock ship, didn't know crap about ENG back then, stock weapons and all. However, I have lost like 3 ships in the last month. One, Type-9, I fired on a FC because as I was upset they SAID they had Cooling hoses and didn't or landing was Denied, stupid and was not a fight I was going to win! Lost my DBX trying to take off from the 9.7 high G planet, got pulled right back down and blown up. And the last I remember was my Imperial Eagle, was trying to fly at 924M/S with FAO and got a little too close to a mountain and, well... no time to recover. BOOM! :poop: Happens 😆

Honestly it kinda annoys me that I have that one claim tainting my stats. I might not mind it so much if I could at least remember when the hell it happened, but there's just, no memory of it in my head. Just an irritating 1 instead of a zero.
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