Pilots do the dumbest things - post your screw ups

While attempting to use the new camera suite to take some shots of my dolphin gliding along the surface of the planet, I somehow missed the giant mountain of rock infront of me until I got "connection lost!". I jumped out of the camera suite to find myself smashed into a mountain and facing the rebuy screen...


You should fix that you know...

Been playing on and off since first release ( and on the ZX Spectrum back in the day ) but here's two Stupid idea from the last 2 months:

Stupid Idea: Wondering if I can go faster with FF off close to a planet surface - while only 4-5 jumps of reaching Sag A.
Result: No shields and 6% Hull
Conclusion: Testing low level FF off flying on a high G planet 10,000ly from a station is a bad idea. ( for the record I still made it to Sag A and back to a station for repairs )

Stupid Idea: Scanning Alien ships with my power distribution not correct and data storage full.
Result: only 2 of the 4 times I got hyperdicted actually resulted in getting any data :(
Conclusion: always test you hardpoints deployed before leave the no fire zone of the station and always check you data storage is not full before trying to scan something.
Most of my skills are adapted to a Cobra MK3, which I've dubbed the Neutron Gale. Lovely little all around ship that I use when I'm going to a new system. (Though lately I've been trying out the Diamondback Explorer, since I don't have a co-pilot and figured the little extra jump distance would be nice for the Community Goals.) I usually fly with my daughter sitting either in my lap or have her sitting behind me on the couch while I fly, as she loves watching the game. To spice things up every once in a while I do an interesting maneuver in the Gale so she can see something cool, which I'm usually good at doing since I've been flying the Cobra for so long.

I'm coming into my "home planet", landing in the larger city that I've currently been working out of and realize the docking bay is on the other side of the city. So that my daughter can get some cool sights on how a large metropolis could potentially work on a airless moon, I decided I'd boost through the towers of the city so she could see the building designs and then cut engines, flip over and land onto the docking bay in near perfect position. This is a maneuver I've done quite a few times on my own to practice my driving skills, and figured it would be fun to watch.

I miscalculated, as most of my practice had been on normal gravity worlds but this moon is a little heavier. Not much past earth's gravity, but if all you've practiced on for this particular trick is on G1 or lighter worlds it's easy for muscle memory to fail you. I get past the towers no problem, but when I cut the engines to flip upside down into the docking bay the ground comes hurdling faster than I'm used to. I realize I'm about to slam into the docking bay with enough force to probably explode, so I hit the thrusters and try to slow my descent as well as aim at the ground next to the bay with the hope the extra distance would give me enough time to prevent explosions. But my thumb slips and I hit thrusters in the other direction, which puts me in between two bays all tangled up in the wires and beams used to stabilize the structures.

At this point my daughter is laughing her butt off, while I'm struggling to wiggle my landing gear out from the wires so I can fly up and get onto the pad. After pulling back up the landing gear while simultaneously hitting the booster, I'm finally free. After dodging the tower, I'm able to hobble back to the dock with about 15% hull left. My daughter looks to me after laughing again and exclaims "and gently down."

I stopped playing after that, since I couldn't fly while laughing.
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Decided to do my first passenger missions. Had to get in the slot undetected. I really didn't think it through...

Was flying a cutter, of all things. Forgot it had DD5 and it handles incredibly poorly too at 430m/s plus and I hadn't flown it in a long time. Went silent and switched the blooming shields off and went for it...

Missed the slot. Hilariously tragic attempt, bounced then detonated and 35 mil rebuy. All missions failed.

Couldn't stop laughing for minutes; wish I video'd it. Never touched a passenger mission since!
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Mine's pretty normal I think. After a particularly long bout of exploration I forgot to request permission to dock when I got back to inhabited space. Ouch.
One of my biggest screw ups was when I was playing on all my 4 accounts at the same time and forgot that one of them had not left the starport, but I had hit launch... and that CMDR was the one holding all the cargo. :D

Another one was when I had forgotten to unbind "Jettison all Cargo" and had worked 2 evenings doing wingmining to almost fill a Cutter with Painite.... and I managed to jettison all cargo. :D

Some people will scream "Pay to win" when I say I can, and sometimes do, play my 4 CMDRs at the same time, but, they don't know how much work it is to actually pull it off, and, evidence above; you may lose a lot more than you win, because of your limited multitasking capabilites. :)

But, I do enjoy it, nevertheless. :D
Passenger Missions not accepted? Check.
Ram a Federal Gunship in my Vulture while having about 1-2mil worth in bounty credits. (This just happened earlier. Darn FGS had the hull of the gods. Or something to signifcantly counter my 2 beam lasers.)
-Will say though, that Fer-De-Lance's are somewhat easy pickings, and often worth 150-200k credits [smile], loved having about 4 of them pop up back-to-back.
I once accidentally sold fully fitted A rated conda - you know, hitting wrong thing on the "transfer/sell" screen...
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1) A few weeks of exploration (in a shieldless Anaconda) ended in a small crater on a 2g planet after I boosted straight into the ground without checking the planet's gravity.

2) I decided to "climb" as high as I can with FSD-boosts in my ASP Explorer, but miscalculated the amount of some materials. Ended up in a system with only one star, no other systems in range and without materials for an FSD-boost. A flight straight into the star was the end of my little experiment.
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While under attack from a wing of SDC clowns, I was in my anaconda in a res site and accidentally hit the macro I had set up to disable my shield boosters. A few seconds later I went poof! :)
I took a mission, then this pirate in a DBS interdicted me. I was in my FDL, so I locked on and wrecked him in seconds. The bad bit is that I forgot to scan him first and then ended up with a bounty. To finish the mission, I needed to get into a station where I was wanted. So I put my FDL into silent running with no heatsinks. I lost half my hull and nearly lost my mission cargo. To get out again, I needed to do the same thing again because the station didn't sell heatsinks.
Community Goal, Trading.
Fly a cutter with 720T cargo into a station. Hit boost instead of landing gear. Blow up inside station.
Community Goal.
Station filled with CMDRs doing the same CG.

I should have taken a screenshot of the chat-box, just to post it on this thread.
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