Hey. So my computer is an early 2015 Mac Air. I run PZ off of GeForce Now, and last played a couple of days ago without any issues and had the same background things running as I have today. The game and GeForce is saved on an external hard drive. When I tried to play several times earlier, I was able to select resume for the career mode bit I'm working through. The loading screen with the green background and the white text displays. This is where the game crashes.

I noticed that my computer was saying Steam is corrupted/broken, so I deleted and re-installed both on my laptop and the external drive. Didn't make a difference. I did the same with GeForce now -- again, nothing. What can I do to fix this? No one else has access to my computer but me, and I haven't dropped it or anything. Can someone please walk me through possible solutions? I googled some potential remedies and among them was about deleting files from Steam and/or re-installing PZ. Would those options allow me to keep my finished and in-progress career mode zoos?

An odd thing I noticed (perhaps I did it incorrectly?): I lowered my graphics settings since I know my computer isn't at all ideal for a game like this, clicked apply, then quit the game. It didn't save my changes. Thanks in advance. Hope whoever's reading this has been able to remain safe and healthy.
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