🦙 Planet Zoo: South America Pack coming 7 April, 2020! 🦙

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Don’t get me wrong I like the pack for sure and will buy it on release but I can’t help to wonder about a sloth at some point. Who knows maybe they’ll make an exception for them as a future exhibit animal as that’s what they’d be best suited for. So will just have to wait and see.
I like the idea, but then they need to make larger exhibits I think?
Well now that everyone has had the chance to take the news in I get the vibe some are disappointed with the numbers but most are content. I love the new dlc personally the only bad thing is waiting a week till release. The comparison between zt2 and planet zoo will never really go away. I feel planet zoo has way more potential and offers so much more in terms of creativity. Overall much better game imo. The dlc expansion comparison is zt2 started with 30 animals added 40 through AA and ES. MM added another 20. And extinct added another twenty I believe which is not a fair comparison since planet zoo will most likely exclude extinct species. So planet zoo started with 76 already higher then zt2 plus two expansions. We now sit at 85 and if we receive another 4-6 per remaining continent we should have 100-110 animals overall which is actually more then vanilla unmodded zt2. And I’m actually very happy planet zoos roster is not a carbon copy of zt2 as I like planet zoos roster better actually. We now have a small primate which is great. Hopefully we get 2-3 aviary animals plus penguin and otter and maybe a small cat species. I’d be very happy with that.
Wow! I think the pack looks great and has a fair price tag.. amazing to see so much whining about it. Sure, I'd love more animals, but that would mean a longer wait between packs and a higher price... Speaking for myself, I like smaller packs more often. - Some people seem to think that this is all the SA animals we'll ever get - I don't see why that would be the case.. There's plenty of time for adding more SA animals once they've added some animals to the other continents that are still missing content (e.g., Australia) - I wouldn't be surprised if we see more animals added in later packs, but with fewer build pieces.

On that subject, I LOVE the scenery and foliage that we can see in the trailer - specifically the bamboo building pieces (super handy for LOTS of themes, and even for generic zoos), and the Bromeliads (which add some much needed colourful foliage), the tree roots, and what looks like some rope elements...? There are also some butterfly build pieces, so I'm hoping for a butterfly spawner (it'd be great to be able to build a butterfly house). Furthermore, the choice of animals is great. Not only are they a nice range of species, which are substantially different from existing animals (except the Jaguar, which was a must-include), there are 2-3 which (probably) have relatively small area requirements (capuchin and anteater), which I've been hoping for... Like some others, I'd like to see some more generic zoo stuff at some point (e.g., backstage pieces), but I'm super happy with this!

Overall, I think it's looking great.... Great job Frontier!
Worth it just for the fantastic plants and - I assume - the amazing scenery pieces.
Cannot wait to landscape with these rich and lush specimens.
Would love to see aerial cable gondola's - like in PlanCo - and another steam train version. Being in hilly Aztec lands, with lush foliage and wet rain forests, this DLC would really benefit from an aerial cable car to traverse the amazing new landscapes - As always - thanks Frontier for this incredible game and mechanics - it is a joy to play in these lock-down times, regards G.
Scenery pieces should be more balanced than they currently are. I use theme pieces to tell stories in my enclosures and guest areas of animal/human conflict and resolution, as well as conservation (e.g. elephant habitat that moves from a forest section to an African village, to a balanced sharing of land between people and animals). While these heavily themed build sets are useful (the viking village, aztec temples, chinese architecture), I think there also needs to be as much dedication given to natural foliage and enrichment items, as well as realistic zoo pieces like back of house holding pens, keeper buggies, hoses, animal food buckets, kids playgrounds, etc.

The current focus on thematic pieces is way too heavy on a specific and often fantastical theme and steer the game into a bit of a theme park feel. We'll see what the full list of build items turns out to be, they might well be included, but if the theme is "South America", it would have been nice to have historical temples as well as more modern Latin American architecture. I'd prefer the energy and expense be pulled away from theme park pieces and redirected to realistic zoo design, foliage and animals.
I love it! Can't wait to get my hands on 250 new scenery and building pieces. And I love the animals. The jaguar looks great and I love the capuchins. Since I am stuck at home right now, this is just what I need. Thank you Frontier for getting this DLC launched in these difficult times! Very grateful.
Scenery pieces should be more balanced than they currently are. I use theme pieces to tell stories in my enclosures and guest areas of animal/human conflict and resolution, as well as conservation (e.g. elephant habitat that moves from a forest section to an African village, to a balanced sharing of land between people and animals). While these heavily themed build sets are useful (the viking village, aztec temples, chinese architecture), I think there also needs to be as much dedication given to natural foliage and enrichment items, as well as realistic zoo pieces like back of house holding pens, keeper buggies, hoses, animal food buckets, kids playgrounds, etc.

The current focus on thematic pieces is way too heavy on a specific and often fantastical theme and steer the game into a bit of a theme park feel. We'll see what the full list of build items turns out to be, they might well be included, but if the theme is "South America", it would have been nice to have historical temples as well as more modern Latin American architecture. I'd prefer the energy and expense be pulled away from theme park pieces and redirected to realistic zoo design, foliage and animals.
Historial temples and themes areas are used frequently in zoos. They make those areas more unique and provide a geographic and cultural context to the hábitats
The animal selection is a bit more exciting than the last pack but I’m feeling 50/50 about it.

New gameplay mechanics and scenarios would elevate this pack and the game overall. Is Planet Zoo a design tool or a videogame?

Feels strange to have so much focus on the facade you build around your habitat, with all these scenery pieces, than how you run your zoo and how you experience fun when playing this game. I know people love spending hours building...stuff. But that’s not the most important element of managing a zoo, in my opinion.

My list of most important features is as follows:

1, New gameplay mechanics
2, The number of animals added
3, New scenarios
4, Variety of the animals added
5, Items/ scenery
I wish I could upvote a post twice. This is exactly what I've been thinking.
As a British national in lockdown like so many I would like to say thank you for this DLC you still managed to get this out and I'm grateful your team are still working to produce new content when you could easily have delayed anything new in these troubling times. I think these animals look incredible and I cant wait for the new building pieces. I have a lot of time to play now so my creativity is through the roof.

Well done frontier.
@ The Dead Yoshi I absolutely agree with that. Everyone has is entitled to their opinion for sure. I’m sure frontier will look at their feedback from this and how sales go and go from there. Also I think everyone should keep in mind dlc nowadays is usually pre planned even at the release of the initial game from what I’ve gathered from different sources. I’m sure it can be subject to change in some cases but gaming companies work differently nowadays. Like I said I’m happy but people who aren’t is their right.
I didn't say I don't like DLC. Or I did not complain that I could not get what I wanted. I even said that everything looks beautiful. But I said that the number of animals is disappointing. And I repeated this as a feedback. If this bothers you, it's your problem, there is nothing I can do.
The animal selection is a bit more exciting than the last pack but I’m feeling 50/50 about it.

New gameplay mechanics and scenarios would elevate this pack and the game overall. Is Planet Zoo a design tool or a videogame?

Feels strange to have so much focus on the facade you build around your habitat, with all these scenery pieces, than how you run your zoo and how you experience fun when playing this game. I know people love spending hours building...stuff. But that’s not the most important element of managing a zoo, in my opinion.

My list of most important features is as follows:

1, New gameplay mechanics
2, The number of animals added
3, New scenarios
4, Variety of the animals added
5, Items/ scenery

I'm definitely feeling a similar way about everything, though "new scenarios" aren't even in the running for me. I'm more about: (1) the number of animals added, (2) the variety of animals added, (3) new animal-focused gameplay mechanics, (4) enrichment items, and (5) foliage/items/scenery -- specifically ones that can be used in habitats and to develop indoor exhibits/habitats.

I love everything that they've released thus far in terms of DLC (including the deluxe animals) as well as the new scenery items and building sets that have been added. And I think the value is there for each pack to date...

But I definitely agree that putting the focus back on the animals and their habitats would keep me far more interested in the game. Even things like new fences, barrier facades/railings, subtle variations on existing enrichment items, etc. would keep me more engaged than new building sets. Maybe updating some of the existing building pieces to allow them to be multi-color would help too...

They were the last two DLCs released for the game. I guess not mentioning that might be a case of burying the lede, but at the same time I'm trying to avoid assuming that Frontier will hold off on such content for Planet Zoo in the same manner.

Fair point. The pattern might differ. But it dawned on me today that the reason we're probably getting the "building" elements is to flesh out the game some, offer variety for different regions, etc. As time goes along, I suspect we'll see a drop in wall sets, etc. Hopefully they still continue to throw in scenery pieces and the like. But there's only so much "architecture" that I can be bothered with... As it stands, there are a lot of options

Too, I wonder if as time goes on, we'll see some one-offs (where they add a single animal, maybe a handful of new enrichment items, a few new bits of foliage or scenery items for a much cheaper price--or even free).
DLC's are universally smaller packs. It's not my opinion, it's a fact.

How do I explain this to you? Back in the old days of Zoo Tycoon (which is exactly what you and others are thinking about, hence why you're so obsessed with the idea of getting Marine Mania), companies could afford to release content in big, bulky expansion packs because back then social media was not nearly so prevalent, and companies didn't fully understand the impact social media could have on public perception of their products. People were willing to wait more than a year for new content because getting new games was far more difficult than it is now.

That system no longer works. If Frontier wanted to add fifteen to twenty animals to a DLC, plus all the other content along with it, it would take them a year or longer (probably longer) to make the DLC. In that time, people would move on from the game and play something else, their interest in the game would wane, something new would come from some other company and that would be that. When the DLC is finally released, the amount of players willing to return would be significantly less than when they started. We already saw this happen between the Arctic Pack and now.

So gaming companies have to release smaller packs of new content. The tradeoff is that we get it more frequently but end up spending more money in the long run. If a game doesn't get new content regularly and quickly, the game loses players, the company loses money.

DLC is different to expansion packs. The Sims is a good example because EA and Maxis produce both DLCs and expansion packs regularly. The expansions come with more content, more gameplay features, and a whole host of other new stuff, the DLC's are more localised to one specific thing and more limited in their scope. EA has to release DLCs between expansion packs because otherwise people would stop playing their game.

It's not an opinion, it's just how the business model works. As I find myself continuously saying, Frontier does not have a button they push to produce new animals. They don't sit around waiting for the opportune moment to just randomly select four animals from a list of one hundred already pre-made to give us. They have to select four they think we'll be happy with, based on player feedback, and then put all their resources into those four to get them released on a schedule that will ensure we all still want to play when the time comes.

As I have explained to you in the past, nobody has to ask me. I'm allowed to say what I like about it. I don't have to censor myself because it upsets you when people don't agree with you.

What does this even mean?

You make some very good points. But please remember that Frontier as I understand it, is in the business of making a profit out of their labor, and for this to take place, the fundamental logic behind it is to give the clients what they require correct? If the issue here is as you describe, and it very well might be exactly that, then the solution should be to expand their workforce, hire the necessary staff to expand on their line of product, and create the content that the market requires. As a related suggestion and opinion this game at least here in the U.S is not being marketed properly. It has been easy for me to convince many associates to buy this game, on its value and content alone, however, none of them had heard of it, until I brought it up. The question is always the same, where are all the other animals? We do not want to be here two years from now, all of us still asking the same question, once their long tern support has ended.

No one wants to wait 10 months or a year for a pack of 20 animals, but equally as frustrating is to receive 40 to 50 animals as the total sum of all released packs, and know then that the game is done. We need packs at the same schedule rate that have maintained, but we need them to contain at the very least 10 to 12 animals per pack, and that is just compromising, because the number required to built realistic zoos is much higher. Just hire additional team members and they will get it done.

PS: Another forum member in a similar thread mention that the higher cost of the packs could potentially be an issue, but honestly could this be an issue? The DLC is 10 dollars in the U.S, who is the current primary demographic in this forum? what is the client base of Planet Zoo made of? working adults or 10 year old children, because many of you give me the impression that are fully grown adults, and you know that is a very small amount of money for what is given in return. So my question is, would a DLC containing at least 12 species of animals plus the building pieces and potentially new mechanics, priced at 25 euros be a deal breaker for you? That is a question for everyone in this forum, we need to define where you stand.
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The DLC looks....decent. Like Arctic pack, I won't be purchasing at current price though. If a deal comes along and I can get Arctic and this one combined for $15 I will purchase them then. I refuse to pay $15 (AUD) for each of them.

I think the Jaguar, monkey and anteater are good animals, but while I like the llama model a lot, it's beautiful, the only reason I would ever put a domesticated llama in my zoo is in a petting-zoo type section. I find their habitat enclosures boring to build. For that reason I wish a different animal was included in this pack, would have personally appreciated a capybara.

Here is my 0.2c for Frontier.
I'm not excited about either of the 2 DLCs in the 6 months since game was released. I was happy to pay premium price for the base game pre-ordered because I was excited about the game. Since then you haven't gotten any more money from me and I'm concerned about the identity and direction of the game. I want to give you my money. But I will not give money when I see little value.

In the Arctic pack the polar bears were ruined due to your anti-captivity agenda which made them unusable in an actual zoo-setting. This is a zoo game...remember that. Anti-captivity agenda coming from a developer making a zoo game was offensive to all zoos that hold polar bears (San Diego, a Zoo that helped you develop your game) and it rubbed me the wrong way, personally. On top of that the polar bears were extremely lazily implemented as there was not (and still isn't) a diving mechanic for them or new enrichment items. Then there was a wolf in the DLC that lives in the snow, much like the wolf already in the game that lives in the snow.
If the polar bear wasn't ruined, if the wolf was instead a fox, and you also included a walrus and a musk ox, I would have bought the pack. 6 (usable) animals and It's enough to satisfy me.

In this South American pack, if you replaced the llama with a capybara and also included a Coati and a maned wolf, I would have bought the pack.

6 habitat animals + a building set and some new foliage and enrichment items, that's when I will hand my money over. Or, when the current 4 habitat animal DLCs are on sale 50% off.
On a positive note, the animals really do look beautiful, I hope their AI is also nice. And the foliage and theme is really nice as well, so good job to the team.
The DLC looks....decent. Like Arctic pack, I won't be purchasing at current price though. If a deal comes along and I can get Arctic and this one combined for $15 I will purchase them then. I refuse to pay $15 (AUD) for each of them.

I think the Jaguar, monkey and anteater are good animals, but while I like the llama model a lot, it's beautiful, the only reason I would ever put a domesticated llama in my zoo is in a petting-zoo type section. I find their habitat enclosures boring to build. For that reason I wish a different animal was included in this pack, would have personally appreciated a capybara.

Here is my 0.2c for Frontier.
I'm not excited about either of the 2 DLCs in the 6 months since game was released. I was happy to pay premium price for the base game pre-ordered because I was excited about the game. Since then you haven't gotten any more money from me and I'm concerned about the identity and direction of the game. I want to give you my money. But I will not give money when I see little value.

In the Arctic pack the polar bears were ruined due to your anti-captivity agenda which made them unusable in an actual zoo-setting. This is a zoo game...remember that. Anti-captivity agenda coming from a developer making a zoo game was offensive to all zoos that hold polar bears (San Diego, a Zoo that helped you develop your game) and it rubbed me the wrong way, personally. On top of that the polar bears were extremely lazily implemented as there was not (and still isn't) a diving mechanic for them or new enrichment items. Then there was a wolf in the DLC that lives in the snow, much like the wolf already in the game that lives in the snow.
If the polar bear wasn't ruined, if the wolf was instead a fox, and you also included a walrus and a musk ox, I would have bought the pack. 6 (usable) animals and It's enough to satisfy me.

In this South American pack, if you replaced the llama with a capybara and also included a Coati and a maned wolf, I would have bought the pack.

6 habitat animals + a building set and some new foliage and enrichment items, that's when I will hand my money over. Or, when the current 4 habitat animal DLCs are on sale 50% off.
On a positive note, the animals really do look beautiful, I hope their AI is also nice. And the foliage and theme is really nice as well, so good job to the team.

Please sign the petition let your voice be heard. LINK REMOVED
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And I thought petitions aren't allowed here, Danny... Dunno why tho

Are they really not allowed, that is very strange, but if I could get some confirmation I would move it to a different platform. Will need to think of a different way to get everyone in the forum interested to find it. It is for the best, since otherwise the issue might never be addressed and it is the biggest one that the game is facing.
Sign the petition and help us all get the zoos of our dreams, or at the very least, one that is realistic.LINK REMOVED
I don't like petitions. They are not really representative of what people want.
Money is the most motivating factor for a company to change, so I put my money where my mouth is and won't buy the DLC. If enough people feel the same way, they also won't buy the DLC and then Frontier will have motivation to change.
If most people are happy and they do buy the DLC, then why would Frontier change something that is working for them? Money speaks louder.
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