Planet Zoo - Update 1.0.3

OK I'm running my franchise now I know I won't be bankrupted. A couple of feedback points.

  • I noticed that I had a notification "hippo is about to mate" that I haven't seen before. Nice addition.
  • Regarding notifications, could we please get a (toggleable) audio cue to accompany them? They are real easy to miss. Being able to have sound cues for say, about to mature, and a different audio cue for about to die would be great.
  • Regarding the filters, When I set my usual filters on the animals tab (sort by age, filter out trade centre animals), these filters are kept if I switch over to the other horizontal tabs only (habitat, quarantine and exhibit). If I switch to the finance tab, and back to animals, the filters and sorts are gone. Also when you exit the info screen and re-enter it they are unsorted and unfiltered. Not sure if this is intentional but it would be nice to have a "hard" filter that stays until you clear it.
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I would recommend for everyone to check if everything is still accessible. The Zookeepers seem to can't reach the Food-Enrichment-Item and Food-Tray in my Ardvaark-Enclosure anymore. Also at least for Hippopotamuses the Entrance to my Outdoor-Enclosure for some reason needs to be wider
Sorry, I am not impressed. Since this update my middle mouse button constantly refuses to work. That makes it frustrating to navigate across the zoo and see things happening. More reason to pause the game and get that mouse button to work and see what is happening. :(
There's really no Improvement to the Zookeepers in the new Update. I was wondering why my Green Iguana are about to starve. Then I saw that the Zookeepers aren't able to go out of the Backstage-Area of the Reptile-House. The Entrance for them is a normal Doorframe where a Human should be able to walk trough
This is awesome thank you so much! Did this fix the staff building perks not sticking bug? Whenever you set a staff room perk if you play the game long enough or if you reload the game forgets all the staff building perks and it's a lot to reset every time. Thank you guys again!


Senior Community Manager
There's really no Improvement to the Zookeepers in the new Update. I was wondering why my Green Iguana are about to starve. Then I saw that the Zookeepers aren't able to go out of the Backstage-Area of the Reptile-House. The Entrance for them is a normal Doorframe where a Human should be able to walk trough

Hey there. Would you be able to report this on our Issue Tracker?
There's really no Improvement to the Zookeepers in the new Update. I was wondering why my Green Iguana are about to starve. Then I saw that the Zookeepers aren't able to go out of the Backstage-Area of the Reptile-House. The Entrance for them is a normal Doorframe where a Human should be able to walk trough

try to just adjust the path where the staff path cross the guest path. i hade this issue and just moove the crossing was ok
try to just adjust the path where the staff path cross the guest path. i hade this issue and just moove the crossing was ok
OK, thanks I will try it. I really like the Indoor-Design of the Building and I don't want to change anything about it

Edit: thanks it worked. Even if it looks not as good as previously

Hey there. Would you be able to report this on our Issue Tracker?
I submitted it. You can find it here

Is it a planned Improvement that Peafowl now can escape from Places where they couldn't escape before the Update? I have a Bridge that leads out of the Enclosure and now it seems that they are able to escape because of this
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It's something we are continuing to investigate, but as in-game time has an effect on many other things in the game, it's not something we can quickly sort out. Don't worry, the team is looking at solutions continuously.

Thank you for directly addressing this :) Hoping a change comes eventually if it takes some time that's understandable.
Wow this is quite a large update, thank you for your work!

Is animal socialization still being worked on? I didn't see it in the list and that is my big one. I understand if it will take awhile, just like the time issue.
Starting with 1.03 now getting "about to mate" notifications for an animal even when the other partner is using contraception. Seems like an unnecessary notification.

The "about to inbreed" notification is a nice addition, helps catch situations that may have slipped through our careful screening process. ;)
Wow this is quite a large update, thank you for your work!

Is animal socialization still being worked on? I didn't see it in the list and that is my big one. I understand if it will take awhile, just like the time issue.

Sounds like from another post increased animal interactions did make it in with this patch. I need to play for myself but now I need to drag my flu infected self over to the computer!
Starting with 1.03 now getting "about to mate" notifications for an animal even when the other partner is using contraception. Seems like an unnecessary notification.

The "about to inbreed" notification is a nice addition, helps catch situations that may have slipped through our careful screening process. ;)
Personally I think these two Notifications are annoying. I hope there will be a Option to hide them
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