Planet Zoo - Update 1.0.3

I'm extremely grateful for the quick updates, and how great the community outreach is, and I do love the game...But, what about changing zookeepers from prioritizing enrichment feeders to the normal feeders? That "Feature" is the only thing that's stopping me from playing this game. Has that been changed? Will that ever change?
I don't think I've ever used this phrase before, but that "feature" with the zookeepers does make the game 'literally unplayable' for me. But, if that's been fixed i'll spend the rest of the day creating my dream zoo.
Thank you for listening :)
Thanks for the work put into this game its great and cant wait to check out the new update 1.30.
Can I request however a couple of things.

An option to edit the scenarios and to create our own just like you added into planet coaster as that really was a great addition to the game. There are other things you could and should move over to Planet Zoo I know you will not add a theme makers tool kit and i understand the reasons why but there are plenty of other things some menu options ect ect I'm sure you know what would move over and be an addition to the game. It's hard having loved Planet Coaster to move to Planet Zoo and then not have all the we luxuries we where used to in Planet Coaster.

Also it would be great if we could include paths and education screens and speakers in work zones for the staff as this seems to be very hit and miss at the moment for the janitors not clearning sections of the paths of rubbish and the mechanics not repairing broken benches bins tables and educational equipment that if left damaged for to long will destroy your zoo (I had this happen to me as I never even got alerts that 90% of my speakers were not working along with the screens. Also I've found that when you go into the educational heat map it will not highlight broken items to me this seems wrong and was part of the reason I never realised what was going wrong) See I was stacking rocks after building up my cash then I suddenly went bankrupt went from 1700 people in the park down to 68 people should have knowen something was up as my FPS were soaring lol I'll know in the future but I really hope for a fix.

And as minor as it is to have the ability to change the uniform colours of are staff just for that extra personal touch this I know is minor and not down to game mechanics so it's a minor change thats probably no important at the moment as gameplay issues come first I guess but I feel that it should definitely have been in planet Zoo from the start but I really hope that you do implement it within Planet Zoo. (Very soon)

please I really do hope that you add these things I'm sure many would agree they would be fantastic additions to the game. Even some indication if there is any hope of holding out for them thanks again for your hard work on this.
WOW, thank you very much to the entire PlanetZoo team !!! Really nice to see that our feedback is worked on that fast and more than 400 fixed issues... WOW!
Thanks for your hard work!
Wow thank you!!

not sure where to report but there is a bug that the staff rooms don’t retain their perks when you reload a zoo.

Also could we possibly have the facilities negative impact zone lessened by the buildings scenery rating? Like if you had buildings at a 90% or higher the zone would disappear? many zoos actually make a feature out of back end now so it would be nice to have the option but still have guests hate seeing them if they were bare/exposed.
Lots of fixes. Thanks Frontier!

Bo, does the water treatment fix also help with the Hippo water continuously becoming dirty and affecting their welfare?



Senior Community Manager
Hi Frontier.

Just to telling you the cost of the food will clearly destroy your game. It's like 15 times more than usual i never had a negatif account ($) and now I have -100000 $ per year. I have a big zoo with a lot of thing and never have a problem before but now I will just stop playing because my Zoo will crash until there is a fix. I'm in franchise mode. I have try to upgrade the price of entrance, set high the price of attraction or all my shops but everybody left the zoo. I understand that was cheap before but really 15 is it a joke ?
I clearly think everybody will left their game until it will fix then do something because it's impossible.

I have 8000 people on the parc with a 5 stars. A lot of animals if i wanna be on the green I need to sell all of my pets then after have no one on the parc.

Really ? Do something before it's too late.
I'm extremely grateful for the quick updates, and how great the community outreach is, and I do love the game...But, what about changing zookeepers from prioritizing enrichment feeders to the normal feeders? That "Feature" is the only thing that's stopping me from playing this game. Has that been changed? Will that ever change?
I don't think I've ever used this phrase before, but that "feature" with the zookeepers does make the game 'literally unplayable' for me. But, if that's been fixed i'll spend the rest of the day creating my dream zoo.
Thank you for listening :)

Will your animals not eat from the enrichment feeders? I don't have a problem with the way it is now, my animals are able to eat from them just fine. The only time I've had issues was with the peafowl apocalypse. The keepers couldn't keep up with the food. I've managed the numbers better and no issues so far. It does make sense for them to fill the enrichment first and only to fill the bowls if there is extra food.
Will your animals not eat from the enrichment feeders? I don't have a problem with the way it is now, my animals are able to eat from them just fine. The only time I've had issues was with the peafowl apocalypse. The keepers couldn't keep up with the food. I've managed the numbers better and no issues so far. It does make sense for them to fill the enrichment first and only to fill the bowls if there is extra food.

Really my animals are feed no problem with that. I talk about the price of the food too high. The fix are ok for me i had few problems before with that but nothing too bad.
Will your animals not eat from the enrichment feeders? I don't have a problem with the way it is now, my animals are able to eat from them just fine. The only time I've had issues was with the peafowl apocalypse. The keepers couldn't keep up with the food. I've managed the numbers better and no issues so far. It does make sense for them to fill the enrichment first and only to fill the bowls if there is extra food.
They'll eat from them, but it's not enough. They all still starve to death. I know there are work arounds for it, but honestly, what I believe is that I shouldn't have to work around it. enrichment feeders are for enrichment, not meals, otherwise there's no point in placing down regular feeders. I do love the game, but that whole thing is killing me, and I can't play it until it gets changed.
Thanks for the huge update! downloading now :)

It's something we are continuing to investigate, but as in-game time has an effect on many other things in the game, it's not something we can quickly sort out. Don't worry, the team is looking at solutions continuously.

PLEASE, PLEASE consider this as an option rather than a change,, Time does seem fast when your struggling to start a zoo, but then when you get the hang of things (especially when the keepers/starving animals are fixed) a slowdown would be boring, especially waiting for tortoises to mature, leaving periods of time with nothing to do. People play at different paces so an option would be good, but a universal change would spoil the game for me.
So, does poop still fall through the floors of shelters? As that bug is annoying as can be. Really good to see the water treatment being rebalanced. Hopefully the Safari campaign level can now be done without all 20 animals going sick at the same time due to the water not being cleaned.
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