Please don't attack defenseless...

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Can't take the Spear guys for serious.
People using "approved" plugins to gain advantages (see EDR-player-tracking-tools, see tools to replay inputs in order to circumvent the target lock breaker (to be seen in all of akumas videos down in the middle - for me, this is cheating.) can't be taken for serious. Even if they call themselves "fleetcommander"...😂
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Can't take the Spear guys for serious.
People using "approved" plugins to gain advantages (see EDR-player-tracking-tools, see tools to replay inputs in order to circumvent the target lock breaker) can't be taken for serious. Even if they call themselves "fleetcommander"...
These are reasons why I'm against cross-play and will always just be on console
As "fdev-approved" as everyone's sacro-saint pip macros.

In fact, perhaps even more "fdev-approved" than the pip macros: I swear I saw Fdev saying something about pip macros being "ok" but can't find it anymore... Anyone got the juice on that?
On console we don't have stuff like macros and such tools/scripts. That's why I don't see a point with crossplay - being outplayed by a player, massively using these "little helpers", is an experience I might want to skip. PC has to many possibilities of cheating. And yes: To me all these macros, scripts, inputs recorders etc. ARE cheating.
Why is FD okay with it? Because they can't detect those methods and don't want to mess around with new (buggy) anti-cheating systems. That's why. If you can't stop/handle it, than declare it okay.

Deleted member 192138

Some of the best players on PC use gamepads with no scripts, no macros, no input recorder/repeater. Whilst macros you should assume are standardised amongst the majority of the community (some of us don't use them for various reasons - including some of the top PvPers) they're by no means necessary. If there's a difference in skill level between PC and console, at the centre the difference will be down to the size of the communities and the opportunities to practice, develop skills and expand knowledge base at the same time as putting all of that to the test in wider possibilities of settings. In the majority of cases, the more time someone spends coding ever more complicated bolt-ons to their gaming experience to make up for a skill gap, the less they're actually practising and getting better to close that gap in the first place. They'll still lose.
Well, I askled joined this group today. (spear, it is, I guess? I thought they were a squadron or something)

It is no different from griefers and gankers, they do the same thing. They just locate people with bounties with 3rd party tools and just gang on them. They say they do pirating RP, they are against ganking and griefing, and lots of other big lies.

I joined them today and greet them in their chatbox in discord. Not an hour pass by, I got ganked by two ships, no words, no roleplay, nothing. I got instaggibed, I didnt even have time to deploy (or Did I? My ship has turrets, com on).

They are just bounty hunters, the rest is rubbish. They don't help players, they just gank people with bounties without even talking to them.

they even got happy in their chat when they sniped me off. I dont know why I even logged and trusted them.

The only stupid excuse they have is "oh you had a big bounty u are criminal". (YES they roleplay and talk to u AFTER they kill you, and they even troll u)

Then why the they accept people? They lure you in and they get an ez kill. they just read their chat, logged in in wing and attacked. Right, how it can be any different?

Good group, good idea to help other CMDRS, but these group of people, (at least, those who got me), are just the same garbage gankers and griefers are made off.

Oh and they have tons and tons of excuses in their chat to take you off, they just don't care.

Oh and I got banned from their chat because I wanted to get my point across and told them I submitted a ticket to review the situation.

Sure, they do make all voices heard!

pure rubbish is what I got from them.

Not recommended. They're just gankers and griefers. But at least gankers and griefers admit that, and don't go around making websites saying they help other players and gang on them afterwards lol
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Well, I askled joined this group today. (spear, it is, I guess? I thought they were a squadron or something)

It is no different from griefers and gankers, they do the same thing. They just locate people with bounties with 3rd party tools and just gang on them. They say they do pirating RP, they are against ganking and griefing, and lots of other big lies.

I joined them today and greet them in their chatbox in discord. Not an hour pass by, I got ganked by two ships, no words, no roleplay, nothing. I got instaggibed, I didnt even have time to deploy (or Did I? My ship has turrets, com on).

They are just bounty hunters, the rest is rubbish. They don't help players, they just gank people with bounties without even talking to them.

they even got happy in their chat when they sniped me off. I dont know why I even logged and trusted them, now I can't play.

The only stupid excuse they have is "oh you had a big bounty u are criminal".

Then why the gently caress they accept people? They lure you in and they get an ez kill.

Good group, good idea to help other CMDRS, but these group of people, (at least, those who got me), are just the same garbage gankers and griefers are made off.

Oh and they have tons and tons of excuses in their chat to take you off, they just don't care.

Oh and I got banned from their chat because I wanted to get my point across and told them I submitted a ticket to review the situation.

Sure, they do make all voices heard!

pure rubbish is what I got from them.

Not recommended. They're just gankers and griefers. But at least gankers and griefers admit that, and don't go around making websites saying they help other players and gang on them afterwards lol

There were 1+ billion (credits) reasons 🤷‍♂️ detected with this fancy tool called a kill-warrant-scanner, not EDR ;)
Some of us are first and foremost bounty hunters.

1 billion bounty is extremely rare, plus it almost seemed that you insisted to be attacked since you kept coming back fully knowing what would eventually happen (i.e. a rebuy).

Besides, the whole story seems very fishy:
1. You told us that you killed 1 or 2 players since you got the game.
2. While in fact that you acknowledged going on a crime spree to notoriety 10 and doing it for a while on this forum.
3. You have been silent for about a year on this forum (your last message: Aug 30, 2019), and the first thing you do right after the rebuy screen, is replying on this thread.
4. We have recent reports of you going after other Cmdrs which doesn't match your "I killed 1-2 players since I got the game" / "I don't go after other players" claim either.
5. Your Inara shows a lot of hot modules, etc.

I could go on and on.
Anyways, if you had less than 1 million credits on your head then maybe the story would be believable but 1+ billion... 🤔
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You ing invited me to play once I got in the discord chat, saying rubbish like you help other cmdr's, you play with pirates and ROLEPLAY, and other kind of stuff.

What I got instead, was a group of gankers and griefers who use 3rd party tools to gather data about players who join ur discord and you just instagib as soon as you see them online.

That's funny stuff.

I'm not the one who swears that protects players from griefers and such, while being a griefer myself.

The only excuse you have is that bounty, you have no other excuse.

Please, don't be such a hyppocrite, for god's sake. You didnt even take me down fairly, all you say you are against, you did.

Pure crap, you have no truth in what you say.

I don't care about the bountie. That is not the issue. The issue is that your group is a lie, all a facade to hide gankers and griefers alike. You just accept new players and check on their bounties and instagib them. You just talk to them once you killed them, not even saying hi before. You even posted a screenshot of the tracker. Misteriously, I got gibbed 40 minutes after I joined your chat and said hi to everyone. My bounty appeared in the chat afterwards, nobody knew how much it was.

That's roleplay for you? You don't even play it fair. 2v1 and instagib a ship with low shields and no useful weapons at all, with fully eng ships.

You're just gankers and griefers, stop saying otherwise and excusing on the bounties.

yeah, come cmdrs join our group you will get a good time.

yes, what a good time spent with griefers...

And by the way, I just don't care if you don't believe that I'm not a ganker, you don't even have a method to track gankers or griefers, you don't even understand what they are because you won't even admit you're one of them. I know how many players I took down, and I don't care if you believe me or not.

And how you got the info on my bounty is something yet to be understood, because my bounty was didnt appeared until I got to a bill once I joined your discord, what a huge coincidence, and more coincidence is the fact that I got ganked by the same members of this group of gonkers after joining the group chat.

It is my fault to lose my ship? YES because I was too naive to think these people actually cared about these issues. But they're just griefing and ganking with more excuses than a normal ganker-griefer.

reminds me of...


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And how you got the info on my bounty is something yet to be understood, because my bounty price went to a bill once I joined your discord, what a huge coincidence, and more coincidence is the fact that I got ganked by the same members of this group of gonkers after joining the group chat.

You had a 1 billion credit bounty. there are in game tools that tell you this. bounty boards in stations will give info on large bounties in the area. also a quick scan with a kill warrent scanner will give you the information in about 10-20seconds.
There were 1+ billion (credits) reasons 🤷‍♂️ detected with this fancy tool called a kill-warrant-scanner, not EDR ;)
Some of us are first and foremost bounty hunters.

1 billion bounty is extremely rare, plus it almost seemed that you insisted to be attacked since you kept coming back fully knowing what would eventually happen (i.e. a rebuy).

Besides, the whole story seems very fishy:
1. You told us that you killed 1 or 2 players since you got the game.
2. While in fact that you acknowledged going on a crime spree to notoriety 10 and doing it for a while on this forum.
3. You have been silent for about a year on this forum (your last message: Aug 30, 2019), and the first thing you do right after the rebuy screen, is replying on this thread.
4. We have recent reports of you going after other Cmdrs which doesn't match your "I killed 1-2 players since I got the game" / "I don't go after other players" claim either.
5. Your Inara shows a lot of hot modules, etc.

I could go on and on.
Anyways, if you had less than 1 million credits on your head then maybe the story would be believable but 1+ billion... 🤔

Protip: don't let it all hang out.

Makes you look creepy.
And how you got the info on my bounty is something yet to be understood, because my bounty price went to a bill once I joined your discord, what a huge coincidence, and more coincidence is the fact that I got ganked by the same members of this group of gonkers after joining the group chat.

You had a 1 billion credit bounty. there are in game tools that tell you this. bounty boards in stations will give info on large bounties in the area. also a quick scan with a kill warrent scanner will give you the information in about 10-20seconds.

They knew before hand I was there. I'm sorry, but I also got ganked many times before, I'm not stupid. They started chasing me off after I got in their discord chat.

Im not saying it's agains any tos or whatever, I've never said that.

It's just that their motto is pure rubbish. They lie and they kill whoever they like to kill, they also grief and they also gank people and 2v1. 3v1 or whatever it needs to get the kill.

They are not roleplayers, they don't respect pirates, it's all a lie.

They are no different from gankers and griefers.

Oh and PLEASE I would love to see those kill reports. I would love to know how many CMDRs i've ganked and slayed. Pure rubbish, you'll just keep excusing behind game mechanics.
Stations have bounty boards. check them. you can see the top 5 bounties. if you had 1 billion your name would have been likely at the top.
Why would bounty hunters need to role play. it's not a requirement in the game.
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