Please don't attack defenseless...

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Interesting thread (to be honest I'm surprised it's not locked yet)

Summing it up:
  • ganking is fun and there doesn't matter how big difference is between experienced attacker with properly equipped ship and his "victim"
  • no one cares about what ganked is using (it doesn't matter, because his ship is always fundamentally weaker and he can only escape or be sooner or later destroyed)
  • those cmdrs who actively hunt these "bad" cmdrs need to obey so called unwritten rules (because there must be fun and these fights must be fair from "bad" cmdrs view)
  • if cmdrs who actively hunt doesn't respond to demands on following unwritten rules (and they play only within game rules), they are avoided including tactical blocking.
Have I forget something?
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Yes, that's me. And I'd rather use the odd premium ammo than grind the wastebag of engineers. And should I ever meet you, I'll gladly remember to use reverski - not that it'd improve my chances against the metaships - but just to spite you.
Considering your lack of engineering, none of that would save you but by all means.
Interesting thread (to be honest I'm surprised it's not locked yet)

Summing it up:
  • ganking is fun and there doesn't matter how big difference is between experienced attacker with properly equipped ship and his "victim"
  • no one cares about what ganked is using (it doesn't matter, because his ship is always fundamentally weaker and he can only escape or be sooner or later destroyed)
  • those cmdrs who actively hunt these "bad" cmdrs need to obey so called unwritten rules (because there must be fun and these fights must be fair from "bad" cmdrs view)
  • if cmdrs who actively hunt doesn't respond to demands on theirs play-style (within game rules), they are avoided including tactical blocking.
Have I forget something?
Your summary has completely missed the mark but whatever.
The +1 wasn't because I'd possibly do the same but for how it illustrates very different points of view. At the end the argument of 1000+ players is moot when all what matters are the legit game mechanics. Either this - or I can't take PvP seriously, sorry.
I'm sorry you feel that way. I prefer fair fights in legitimate PvP instead of having an edge because I grinded for more mats or use a lame flight tactic. I even limit myself by using hull tanks instead of the meta FDL. It's a game and I like to have fun with it.
I don't care what you use or how you fly, just letting you know what is acceptable within PvP tournaments.
Ok then, but this is a game changer. Was the context always 'PvP tournaments'? And not about ganking perhaps?
If so, I must have missed that point, sorry. (I only casually read in this thread)
Hmm, I also thought that here it is about wild pvp and not about organised action like tournaments (I see huge difference between these two).
That's what we've been talking about this whole time. PvP tournaments and legit PvP battles. If Spear fought us with legit tactics, we'd have no problem. You all have seemed to gloss over the fact that they also use spyware as well and just want to focus on premium.
When it comes to ganking, all bets are off. You can use whatever tactic you want to survive a gank, including blocking, even though I think it's silly because it's easy to survive. That's why I started a gank evasion school, so you wouldn't need to use those tactics.
We hold Spear to a higher standard though because they're on the same level as us in terms of ship builds and piloting skills.
of course we are just talking here about wild organic pvp and NOT about organiced pvp or even turnaments.
Still the same Akuma. Organic PvP, organized PvP, PvP tournaments. You guys use cheap and dirty tactics and this is why you and the rest of your squad aren't welcome in the PvP hub and all PvP tournaments except your own.
The audience may take a look here and see theirself if the claim being made here is rational or not 🤦‍♂️
only Spear is playing with us? i dont think so...
The audience may take a look here and see theirself if the claim being made here is rational or not 🤦‍♂️
only Spear is playing with us? i dont think so...
You literally just posted your own PvP tournament which says this in the rules.
The audience may take a look here and see theirself if the claim being made here is rational or not 🤦‍♂️
only Spear is playing with us? i dont think so...
I'd also like you to tell us which squadrons took part because I know that Prism, Fusion, Code, BRNN, NATO, ROA, the Pod, Lorens Reapers and all the other major PvP squadrons had no part in this.
Yes I remember, 4 of you against my 2 shield booster biweave FDL, and all using crimes on, which is ok for me (I just order my 2 secnd KWS from the bubble and problem solved), but probably if I had been the one with crimes on you would have started a big drama, because whatever we do is bad, but when you outlaws broke those rules there is always a good excuse.

You were in my backyard shooting my squad. You underestimated us and paid the price. That's all there was to it.

If you and your ilk wanna roll the dice again, you know the address.
Interesting thread (to be honest I'm surprised it's not locked yet)

Summing it up:
  • ganking is fun and there doesn't matter how big difference is between experienced attacker with properly equipped ship and his "victim"
  • no one cares about what ganked is using (it doesn't matter, because his ship is always fundamentally weaker and he can only escape or be sooner or later destroyed)
  • those cmdrs who actively hunt these "bad" cmdrs need to obey so called unwritten rules (because there must be fun and these fights must be fair from "bad" cmdrs view)
  • if cmdrs who actively hunt doesn't respond to demands on following unwritten rules (and they play only within game rules), they are avoided including tactical blocking.
Have I forget something?

I think the problem is the rules are literally written down but nobody seems to care.

For reference:

When I flirted with the lawful side I tried to take a proper bounty hunter attitude. I was in a flesh for cash business. If you had a bounty, I didn't care who you were, who you flew with, or what you'd done. If I could kill you, I would. It was tremendous fun! Had my share of low hanging fruit, gravy (that T9 with a 800k bounty was so nice), and even some big marks (100 million credits for an infamous seal clubber!).

The moral element just needs to go away. Be like this guy:

Still the same Akuma. Organic PvP, organized PvP, PvP tournaments. You guys use cheap and dirty tactics and this is why you and the rest of your squad aren't welcome in the PvP hub and all PvP tournaments except your own.

Oh yes, I remember when Tactical Blocking used to be on the list of dirty tactics that Spear was absolutely known to abuse (we weren't and aren't), but now that your folks have been caught abusing it, it's all fine...

As for your claim of "using spyware", that's another proof that you haven't got a clue about what EDR is and why it's allowed by Fdev.

Thermal Conduit PAs are absolutely broken, even folks on your side admit that it's bad to the point of not wanting to fight against people who uses it. Sounds familiar? Yet, that's also just fine, for now.

You guys are "funny".
Oh yes, I remember when Tactical Blocking used to be on the list of dirty tactics that Spear was absolutely known to abuse (we weren't and aren't), but now that your folks have been caught abusing it, it's all fine...

As for your claim of "using spyware", that's another proof that you haven't got a clue about what EDR is and why it's allowed by Fdev.

Thermal Conduit PAs are absolutely broken, even folks on your side admit that it's bad to the point of not wanting to fight against people who uses it. Sounds familiar? Yet, that's also just fine, for now.

You guys are "funny".
First of all, I said in my previous comment, I'll give you all the benefit of the doubt regarding the blocking thing. We all know instancing sucks and there are quite a few players that will admittedly jump to conclusions.

Regarding TC PA's, EVERY pvper I know uses them, and I mean every single one. I would argue against them however, constantly procing TC will cause internal damage so it balances out. It also doesn't require constant mat collecting like premium ammo does.

And finally, I've personally seen how your EDR works and it's absolutely spyware. You can deny it till the cows come home but it's spyware.
First of all, I said in my previous comment, I'll give you all the benefit of the doubt regarding the blocking thing. We all know instancing sucks and there are quite a few players that will admittedly jump to conclusions.

Regarding TC PA's, EVERY pvper I know uses them, and I mean every single one. I would argue against them however, constantly procing TC will cause internal damage so it balances out. It also doesn't require constant mat collecting like premium ammo does.

And finally, I've personally seen how your EDR works and it's absolutely spyware. You can deny it till the cows come home but it's spyware.

I don´t use TC plasmas, and I don´t use either any mechanic I consider broken. For example heal beams are absolutely broken, everybody in the pvp community knows it, and of course if any lawful commander used it, not only him, all the lawfuls would be ashamed until the end of days.

But if outlaws uses it, there is always a good excuse.

I could give you more examples of how some outlaws (I remark, "SOME", not all) are using all the time dirty tricks, insults, backstabbing, broken mechanics, etc, but when you outlaws do it is fine
I don´t use TC plasmas, and I don´t use either any mechanic I consider broken. For example heal beams are absolutely broken, everybody in the pvp community knows it, and of course if any lawful commander used it, not only him, all the lawfuls would be ashamed until the end of days.

But if outlaws uses it, there is always a good excuse.

I could give you more examples of how some outlaws (I remark, "SOME", not all) are using all the time dirty tricks, insults, backstabbing, broken mechanics, etc, but when you outlaws do it is fine
I agree their response of dirty tactics to your dirty tactics is flipping ridiculous.
Me and my Fuze boys have never used such tactics though.
The thing with TC though is that we're all using it and it still has a hefty downside of using it. I malfunction my FSD in almost every fight. And I still have a hard time winning against FDL's with 4 TC PA's on my FAS. I could just as easily argue that the FDL as a whole, is a broken ship, far more "broken" than TC PA's.
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