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A1200 + mc68030, 8MB FAST I koprocesor do obliczeń zmiennoprzecinkowych, peasants
. A "szajsetka" of pińcetki gorsza i to jest fakt.
Wiem, wiem, to był nieudany produkt i dlatego wypchnęli go tanio biedakom z Polski, dlatego ten model był u nas tak popularny w pewnym momencie
Aha! Faktycznie myślałem, że te dwie kamerki w Valve Index to inner-out tracking, a nie tylko sztuczne zawyżanie ceny...
Inside-out tracking sie to zwie.
Vive Pro tez ma dwie kamery, i to nie jest żadne sztuczne zawyżanie ceny, tylko dwie kamery sa potrzebne do "stereo passthrough" czyli wyświetlanie obrazu świata zewnętrznego z efektem głębi, żeby można się było bezpiecznie poruszać bez zdejmowania gogli.
Reverb is HP’s second VR headset, and this time around the company is aiming mainly at the enterprise market, but not shying away from selling individual units at a consumer price point. As the highest resolution headset presently available at that consumer price point, it has a unique selling...
Unfortunately, overall clarity is held back in a large way by plainly visible mura. Mura looks a lot like the screen door effect but is actually the result of poor consistency in color and brightness between pixels.
A dalej:
There’s also a few other curious visual artifacts. There’s a considerable amount of chromatic aberration outside of the lenses’ sweet spot. There’s also subtle—but noticeable—pupil swim (varying distortion across the lens that appears as motion as your eye moves across the lens). In most headsets, these are both significantly reduced via software corrections, and I’m somewhat hopeful that they could be improved with better lens correction profiles for Reverb in the future. While I couldn’t spot any obvious ghosting or black smear, interestingly Reverb shows red smear, which is something I’ve never seen before.
Do tego fresnel, czyli godrays.
No i standardowy bieda-tracking WMR:
their tracking coverage hardly extends outside of your field of view, which means they lose tracking any time your hands linger outside of the sensor’s reach, even if that means just letting them hang naturally down by your sides.
The tracking coverage issue is primarily driven by the tracking system used in every Windows VR headset: a two-camera inside-out system. HP says Reverb’s tracking is identical to the first generation headsets, and as such, Reverb’s two cameras lose controller tracking as often as its Windows VR contemporaries.