Parks Renee' Feu Adventure Park

Here is a final, less detailed, map of the entire Egypt section of the park.
Here is a compilation of the full park so far. I had to break it up and build each section in of its own to make it manageable to play. This shot is a edited capture of each land individually. Some of the scales are off a bit, but this was the best I could do without spending hours on it.

Here it is again, with each area mapped out.
Orange - Entry Plaza and Port of Call
Purple - Africa The Savanna and The Congo
Yellow - Africa - Egypt
Green - Tibet
Blue - next area to be built - The Sub-continent
As I move onto the next area of the park (The Sub-Continent), I had to first destroy, wipe-out, remove most all of Egypt so that the game would not lag. Its saved as another game file, but this is how I manage doing all this work for one park and still have some PC power left to work with. Basically most all lands are wiped for this new section except those areas right along side of this new land, or along the waterfront. This way if some rides and screen captures, or videos, point in that direction, at least there is some scenery in the background to make it look more like a full park.
Here are a few high level drawings I made for this area. I do this for every section as I start to plan them out. This will be the Sub-Continent of India. The anchor attraction will be the Temple of Doom-like mine car coaster. I vision a large mountain at the back of the park/land that this coaster will be built in. A large temple structure over and in front of the mountain. The rolling hills up to the temple will be heavy with trees and a small village like atmosphere. There may be winding pathways heading up to the ride. The area will be serviced with a stop from the Adventure Express train, a people mover station, and possibly may even bring the gondola down and add a station here. There will be a coup[le flat rides added to the lowlands of this area as well. These drawings are showing the temple, walkways and some of the lowland foreground.

Here is the same view with the actual park in the background. I overlaid colors for the plan placements.
Blue circles: Flat rides
White: Temple overlay for the coaster, paths leading up to it, shops, and village areas along the paths
Purple may be a kiddie ride area (faux rides)
Golden area: previously build lands (Nepal and Egypt)
Here is another drawing. This is looking down on this land and has a general scope of where tracked rides and flat rides might go.
The red squiggle in the middle will be the mine train within the mountain. The train track loops into this land, then heads back for a jaunt through the caves of the mountain. The people mover loops into a station in the lower left corner. I did not have the gondola moved to detour into this land yet, but will most likely do that.

Here are the tracked ride paths envisioned over the actual game screen capture.
Green is the train track coming in from Egypt. Dashed area is when it passes underground.
Pink is the Adventure Boats, again, dashed is when it passes in the caves.
Orange is the people mover coming into this land.
Blue is the current gondolas, but I will make this turn into this land as well.
I'm almost embarrassed to share this, but here is a drawing of what I wanted to include on the mine train ride. It includes fire, banked curves, and a water tower spewing water. I guess I could have asked my grandson to do this for me.

This one shows cross-section of the mountain/caves and the different rides that would reside within and travel through the caves/mountain. It has the mine coaster on the left, the Adventure boats traveling through the river near the bottom, and finally the Adventure Express riding along a cliff edge (with the water below) on the right.
Here is a picture of the area this land will be built as it currently stands. This is void of any overlays I have had previously. There is a mountain plateau with the river cutting through it that created a huge crevasse. The trains cuts through the mountain as well.
Here is what the river looked like cutting through the mountain, before I perform any detailed work and close up the mountain.
Here is looking down on this area. I have added the first draft of a dual track mine coaster. I hade to create a version of my park in scenario editor park type, so that I could build the track and scenery outside the official park boundary. If you looks closely you can see the white dotted lines just above the center of the photo that shows the park boundary.

The yellow line shows the original placement of the train track (within the park), but now in this scenario version I was also able to move the track (orange line) outside the line and traverse right under the coaster tracks and through the main cavern of the tunnel system I'm building.

This was an interesting experiment. I had built scenery outside the lines before, but never tried having a ride track out side. What I discovered was that in scenario mode, the guests queue and ride the rides like normal, but when saved as a park again, then they will not access the queues because the game see that the track is outside. So, at least for a while looks like I will be building and playing in scenario mode so that the rides work like normal.

Note that I had to dig deep for the main placement of the coaster tracks and train track to keep them close to zero elevation of the rest of the park. All this gapping space will be filled in with terrain later as I build out the details and adjust the tracks.
Wowman, you can adjust the borders of the park in the Scenario editor to the max size, and then save and reopen as a regular park file, and that area is now included in the regular park. It's in the menu allowing you to adjust Scenario functions.
Wowman, you can adjust the borders of the park in the Scenario editor to the max size, and then save and reopen as a regular park file, and that area is now included in the regular park. It's in the menu allowing you to adjust Scenario functions.
Yes, I had been doing this with other edges of this park, but I never had the rides extend past the end of the park borders. Seems like when I do this, even when resaving as a normal park, no one ever queues for those rides...and they are very popular in Scenario mode. I will test it more once I get more of the ride completed.
Yes, I had been doing this with other edges of this park, but I never had the rides extend past the end of the park borders. Seems like when I do this, even when resaving as a normal park, no one ever queues for those rides...and they are very popular in Scenario mode. I will test it more once I get more of the ride completed.
I didn't think you could put the rides even farther out. I've made my parks big but never had the patience to expand it out that far as you have, so I don't have any further experience there. Hopefully, your testing will bring the solution to light.
Here is looking down on this area again, but the white line is the official park border so that you can see how much trach (both coaster and train) are outside this line. Also, the train track in the lower right corner drops in elevation so much coming off of the bridge from Egypt....I had to add a spiral part of the track to make the decent more workable. I think I will build up the terrain on this spiral so that its not so much of a high bridge turn.
Kind of the same shot but I highlighted one of the tracks so that you can see the two different track layouts and the train track cutting through them. Each track layout will get adjusted as I test, test, and re-test the running of the coasters and add scenery as many times, my original layout just doesn't fit correctly. or the pace of the ride doesn't work.
Here is a section of the caves that the track will be going over fire and lava. First I start by enclosing this section of track with terrain walls. Then I fine tune the placement of the track and adjust to fit within the walls. I couture and color the walls and floors before I place the lava and lighting. I will also remove the in game supports and build a custom rickety set of wooden supports to hold the tracks.
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