Hardware & Technical Saitek x55 rhino

Now we know (thanks to Andy's YT link), that it is grease that provides the friction in the throttle, it is easy to understand why, during the first couple of uses, the stick feels stiffer. My stick is in the garage right now, due to having just had a party, so it will be nice and cold. I expect the throttle will initially be super-stiff when I bring it back to my rig. Repeated use will obviously introduce heat and lower the viscosity of the grease, making the throttles feel looser as we start using them.
Madcatz aren't really famous for their quality products. They do look good, but that's where it stops, and later you'll realize they don't really feel good and aren't very durable either
Unfortunately I have to agree. Yesterday I had to retire the second RAT mouse after only a year's use each (first one the usable time between having to switch out batteries was unacceptably low, the second one the sensor started stuttering). For the price the (arguably awesome) eye-candy is just not worth it.
Alternate.nl has them in stock now!

If anyone wants one, be quick.
I saw the availability change today, from 5days to 2, and now it's in stock.
They have online shops throughout Europe (scoll all the way down).
Now we know (thanks to Andy's YT link), that it is grease that provides the friction in the throttle, it is easy to understand why, during the first couple of uses, the stick feels stiffer. My stick is in the garage right now, due to having just had a party, so it will be nice and cold. I expect the throttle will initially be super-stiff when I bring it back to my rig. Repeated use will obviously introduce heat and lower the viscosity of the grease, making the throttles feel looser as we start using them.

it's not grease ! Every sane company WOULD use Grease. Instead they used some kind of disgusting GOO to make the Throttle work in some kind of "stiff" way. It's total nonsense. Open your throttle and you will be shocked about the build quality of that thing. I don't even want to get started about the cable layout inside the throttle which is bound to be broken.


it's not grease ! Every sane company WOULD use Grease. Instead they used some kind of disgusting GOO to make the Throttle work in some kind of "stiff" way. It's total nonsense. Open your throttle and you will be shocked about the build quality of that thing. I don't even want to get started about the cable layout inside the throttle which is bound to be broken.


Not all grease is espected or designed simply to lubricate two surfaces or aid the movement of one surface over another. I am certainly no Mr. Scientist, but non-Newtonian greases can be used, as here, to bind two surfaces together until a force is applied to overcome the viscosity of the grease in various degrees, through various amounts of applied pressure.

Surely what we do not want in this application, is for the throttle to flap around. Equally, due to the likely amount of repeated use, a more mechanical type of friction device, would, I imagine, soon wear away and/or require the constant application of lubricant, to protect the surfaces. A highly viscous grease application such as that in the X55, seems like quite a neat idea, even if it has been executed in a somewhat Heath-Robinson fashion.

Happy to discuss.
With all of the buttons and toggles I sometimes forget what I have mapped to what. Rather than make and remake a cheat sheet every time I tweaked things I wrote a script to parse the binds and generate it for me, and thought that I'd share it with you.

The website is http://www.mcdee.net/elite/. You need to select the 'X-55 reference' link on the left-hand side and then upload your Custom.binds file, which you will usually find at c:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Bindings). Hit 'Generate sheet' and wait a few seconds and it should give you back an image of your joystick and throttle settings.

There is a fair bit of work that needs to be done on it, not least that I haven't yet put in all of the throttle controls, but I thought I'd share this in its current state to see if people find it useful. And, of course, to let me know which of the mappings I've missed!

I'm also not entirely happy with the template images, as I'm currently restricted to the textboxes which are already in place but was too lazy to hunt down and build a new template. If anyone has a nice (preferably layered) template for the joystick and throttle then I'd be very interested to hear from you.

In future it might be possible to expand this to other joysticks, but for now it's X-55 only.

Anyway, if others out there with X-55s can try this out and give me any feedback it would be much appreciated.

Your script is a lifesaver. I'm fairly new to ED and also just got my X-55. With no match between the options description of a key (for instance "JOY 22" and the physical device labels, figuring out what was what was going to take some time.

Your work made my work much less. Many thanks.
This kind of response annoys me to no end.

I have had Saitek sticks for nearly 20 years, and the only ones that have had build issues were the cheap £20 cyborg's and, given the price, you kind of expect that.

I've still got a fully functioning X52 (not the pro) that after 10 years of pretty solid use is working perfectly fine, and after nearly 6 months of use my X55 still looks brand new.

CH sticks only have a reputation for being more reliable because they're simple no frills sticks - and that's a negative point, not a plus. They look cheap, and for many people that's an issue. If I am spending £200+ on a flight setup then it has to look like it's worth that price, and not look like a 1980's reject. I certainly wouldn't want miss-matched sticks and throttles and, frankly, the X55's throttle is the best on the market.

Saitek used to be wonderful, I got FAR more use out of my old Saitek Cyborg 3d Joystick than I ever had any right to expect given its price when bought, and its still sat gathering dust, ready to go should the X55 ever fail.

However Madcatz IS a low grade company quite frankly, I remmeber all the 3rd party rubbish they used to make for consoles years ago, GAME usually sold them for a bit. I was actually quite shocked when I went to Saiteks support to get my first X55 RMA'd as it was DOA and found myself on a Madkatz site.

Then I went "aaah".

Followed by "Should have bought that Warthog".

I do like the throttle though, it's the actual joystick which lets it down.

I certainly don't expect my X55 to last anywhere near as long as my old, cheaper, Saitek Cyborg 3D joystick though.
I agree the X-52 was far superior quality wise to the x-55. My X-55 joystick creaks and groans already. The X-52 which I have had for about 5 years is still as good as the day I bought it.
The x-55 throttle is really nice though, I love the positioning of the hats, they are ideal for ED
I agree the X-52 was far superior quality wise to the x-55. My X-55 joystick creaks and groans already. The X-52 which I have had for about 5 years is still as good as the day I bought it.
The x-55 throttle is really nice though, I love the positioning of the hats, they are ideal for ED

The quality of the X55's throttle only makes me wonder even more about the low quality of the joystick. It's like they were worked on by two different departments.
Hi All,

I just got my x-55 yesterday and in the process fine tuning the button mappings I have somehow stupidly left it so that I cannot click and select a system with my mouse in the galaxy map.

Can anybody advise what option that is in the bindings?

Can anybody advise on how to loosen the twist (yaw) on the stick? I'm getting tendonitis! Possibly because I should learn how to combine pitch and roll better with left<->right thrust more too.
Hi All,

I just got my x-55 yesterday and in the process fine tuning the button mappings I have somehow stupidly left it so that I cannot click and select a system with my mouse in the galaxy map.

Can anybody advise what option that is in the bindings?

Ignore me I had not realised it was galaxy map filters causing the issue!

Quoting myself as I cant edit the 1st post yet....
Can anybody advise on how to loosen the twist (yaw) on the stick? I'm getting tendonitis! Possibly because I should learn how to combine pitch and roll better with left<->right thrust more too.

It can be too stiff as Roll, can't it. My solution was to dig my old microsoft wheel+pedals & bind roll to pedals. You can then use the twist for lateral thrusters. You can't use regular wheel+pedals as analog axis, tho. You'll need to get flight pedals for those. (Can't wait for mine to arrive)
I've used my X52 from install and I have to say its pretty much plug and play, didn't need to do any configuring as it's all ready to go.

I haven't decided on the x55 yet simply because my x52 does such a good job already. Makes dogfighting and landing at relatively high speed very easy.
Just to let people know that don't look in the other X55 thread that I have designed and 3D printed a wrist spacer for X55 users with smaller hands, and I am selling them on eBay for a bargain price of £7.50 with free UK shipping (international shipping available). http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Saitek-X55-Rhino-Wrist-Spacer-/261741873385?

White ABS, best stuck on with double sided tape. Could be sanded, painted, flocked etc, but supplied as printed. Could do special requests if asked very nicely (e.g. A commander' name on the side as a gift) etc, but that's a PM thing.

Printed to order the next time I'm in the office (95% of weekdays), and posted usually the same day as printed.

Whilst it does change the angle of your wrist slightly, you get used to it, and I wouldn't be without my 25mm version again.
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I used a combination of a ruler and a stack of "stuff" to simulate it. Two highlighter pens was the best height for me, which worked out at 25mm. Can make 12.5-30.0mm in 2.5mm increments, and it is angled to nothing at the front for pinky access.
I just used my left thumb as a spacer and measured that. If it proves to be a little out I can always order another.

Order placed!
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Noted. That's three this afternoon. Will get them printed, checked (no intention of sending duff ones out), and sent tomorrow. Once you've used them, any feedback about how YOU would improve them would be greatly appreciated. Frontier beta testing strikes again ;)
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