Patch Notes September Update - Downtime and Patch Notes

Why is there always a 'like' button showing for the update announcer?
I understand that it may upset 116 (so far) forum users, but the work wasn't done by Will, he only wrote up the text, and we haven't seen the work yet!

Because he is the messenger.

The one who brings the good news.

The divine word.

He is the envoy of Dave the God.

All great apart from this which, if it can't be turned off is a BAD thing. Please for the love of god (and for the sake of experienced users who have ALL the controls in muscle memory) can we have an option to turn off all these immersion breaking "Press <Joystick-1> + <Joystick-5>" to do XYZ messages.

Sysadmins usually work better at day times. You don't want them to update overnight, and then to spend the whole next day on fixing what they have messed up at night, do you? :)
In support of your point, software deployment tends to be carried out at a time that either incoveniences the fewest or stands the best chance of being successful.
As this is a 24x7 game, there is no obvious downtime.
Therefore a choice is made as to when there is the least disruption
A UK daytime deployment, when most people are at school / work and most of the company is actually work makes a lot of sense.

I look forward to downloading any updated client tonight when I get home.
Perfect timing. My new processor and and Noctua cpu cooler arrive today. Will be knee deep in computer grease for a day or so.

Should I upgrade, then backup here first before I tear this machine down? Or should I just trust the backup I did yesterday and upgrade after the new machine gets off Dr Frankenstein's table?
View attachment 143255

So lets just keep beating player piracy's corpse am I right guys? Its not like its not already hard enough as it is to find people willing to haul cargo/mine in open. Now when you encounter the one player pirate left in open you can just block them! Totally makes sense...

I'm a player pirate, and I disagree with you.

The block function was always meant to allow people to enjoy open without specific people making it suck for them.

Also, currently, if I run into a combat logger - I can block THEM, so that I never have to see them blink out of existence while I am making my piracy inquiries.
No fix for the missing NPC audio when giving orders to an NPC-fighter? :(
It's annoying as hell if one was used to the feedback and now the audio is broken since months.
Increased spawn rate of HGEs


My favourite too :)

How about starting the update 8:00 PM (UTC), just to be considerate to players on the other side of the planet for a change – you know – be fair – share the love around 😘
Sysadmins usually work better at day times. You don't want them to update overnight, and then to spend the whole next day on fixing what they have messed up at night, do you? :)

And developers work better at night, so we can fix anything obviously broken before the users get in and start moaning about everything

Honestly, mosy of us survive on cold pizza, bad coffee and adrenaline :) ;) :D
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