Notice September Update - Known Issues

FDEV only has so many people working QA or the issue board at any given time - in fact to diagnose an issue no matter how many people you have on an issue it takes a decent amount of time to diagnose, track down, and prepare to respond to an issue. Don't expect instant results - half an hour in diagnosing an issue is nothing. It may take a day or two to track down the issue, then to actually code a fix is a hard job. It may take some time.

They're doing their best to fix the issues, but they can only fix what they're aware of as they come to them.
Hey guys I'm having an issue seams the latest version 1.38 is out. I can't get access to the mission board and it is saying (unable to get an up to date mission list from server) is anybody having the same issue and is there anything we can do?
Hey guys I'm having an issue seams the latest version 1.38 is out. I can't get access to the mission board and it is saying (unable to get an up to date mission list from server) is anybody having the same issue and is there anything we can do?
Your best bet would probably be to report it here: after running basic network diagnostics.

many people have been talking about it on here so I assumed it had been raised, also not familiar with having to raise tickets for issues with games that you'd expect to work.
I have now raised a ticket and , after waiting half an hour I'm now in to the mission board again for now. However you clearly have some sort of issue going on here since the September update.
My rudeness is purely out of frustration, thoroughly enjoyable game when it works properly
I found that by playing another game for a while then logging back into ED, the mission page then loads as usual, so there is a workaround until they fix this. I'm on 1X btw, hope that works for PS4!
unable to get an up to date mission list from server
is either a server issue (if everyone gets the error - which you would usually see by the reaction in Dangerous Discussions) or a network issue, which may or may not be only hitting you, or only hitting people in your area, or only people on the same platform, or any combination
  • it isn't new or limited to this release
  • it is however extremely hard to track
  • FD seems to have changed some stuff with the networking side of ED, so it may still be something systematic with the code
  • and, having seen that issue myself in the past, also bl**dy annoying :mad:
ED relies so much on networking to different servers that any hiccup on any one of them will immediately hit a lot of gamers.
FDEV only has so many people working QA or the issue board at any given time - in fact to diagnose an issue no matter how many people you have on an issue it takes a decent amount of time to diagnose, track down, and prepare to respond to an issue. Don't expect instant results - half an hour in diagnosing an issue is nothing. It may take a day or two to track down the issue, then to actually code a fix is a hard job. It may take some time.

They're doing their best to fix the issues, but they can only fix what they're aware of as they come to them.
well now they are aware of it I hope that it can be resolved quickly because it's ruining the experience
The same mission board issue on ps4 has been affecting me and my squadmates since the latest hotfix update so it's not an isolated issue :( seems worse at peak times as It loaded ok this afternoon (UK time) but hasn't worked all night :/
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Mission board isn't working on xbox either. Tried two different stations. Logged out and back in, problem remained. Quit and restarted game, problem remained. Reset entire console, logged back in and the problem remains. "Failed to communicate with the server. Unable to get an up to date mission list from server."
yup, exactly that. Really annoying.
I don't know if it's mentioned in this thread already but the npc crews in your slf still don't talk, neither is there any message in the comms panel.
It's various though, one npc does talk another partially and another not at all.
I tested this today and it's still the same.
There is an active ticket already.
How should FD know that you have a problem with the mission board on PS4 if you don't create a ticket?

And if you did create a ticket, why didn't you link it so other people with the same issue could add their description/reproduction or vote for it to be priorized?
Ever heard of beta testing? That's the issue and you know it but I guess it's cuter to post a reply blaming the user. Obvious problems like a mission board not working - on a console where there's little or no variation in the game environment - is not excusable. It really isn't.
Judging by the types of errors being encountered, apropos of networking, mining crashes, incorrect station orientation in HUD, engineering and engineered modules, and duplication in power profiles, it looks like some modifications have been made for this release which may not have any direct relation to the changes listed in the patch notes.

It's entirely possibly that back-end work items for forward-slated changes have made their way into this update. This is just conjecture on my part, but it does seem a bit odd and unrelated.
After the patch still does not work the ability to install RU COVAS (voice Maxim) on a new ship.. English and French voices only.
How should FD know that you have a problem with the mission board on PS4 if you don't create a ticket?

And if you did create a ticket, why didn't you link it so other people with the same issue could add their description/reproduction or vote for it to be priorized?
It's not our job to test software for the devs, that's what we PAY THEM for and were supposed to get a finished working product, thats how it works, ED should never have been released with so many obviously UNTESTED bugs.
FDEV only has so many people working QA or the issue board at any given time - in fact to diagnose an issue no matter how many people you have on an issue it takes a decent amount of time to diagnose, track down, and prepare to respond to an issue. Don't expect instant results - half an hour in diagnosing an issue is nothing. It may take a day or two to track down the issue, then to actually code a fix is a hard job. It may take some time.

They're doing their best to fix the issues, but they can only fix what they're aware of as they come to them.
Yes, and only the developers and IT professionals can understand.
i LOL'D at the Fertilizer post.
So you guys can't ban Combat loggers, cant ban cheaters, cant release a stable update worth a crud, can't even implement a commodity without breaking it.
Edit: Can't Implement Your garbage Premium currency right either

But you punish players over your own mistakes, man seriously the hell with you clowns.
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Perhaps the more vitriolic players who are having issues could demonstrate their discontent with the game by both refusing to post in the forum and by not playing the game that disgusts them so...

Just a suggestion for effective protest, honestly :p
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