Shadow Quality

Made a few minor changes for v20, which I'm still testing, but I'll post it anyway:

  • Small adjustment to frustum0 depth biases on Profile_PlanetApproach and Profile_StationInterior in an attempt to address some shadow acne on ships at very oblique angles. More testing required to see if this is even doing anything though...finding appropriate lighting on demand is difficult.
  • Enabled EVSMCascadeFullRes on Profile_PlanetSurface and Profile_AsteroidField. Quality improvement from the full resolution is noticeable, especially on foot, while the performance cost is minor. More testing needed for Profile_AsteroidField. Note that PlanetApproach and StationInterior still do not have this enabled; it causes issues there.

Hi Morbad

Not sure if you've covered this, but I was using your previous config for ED (pre Odyssey), and I've replaced the GraphicsConfiguration file with your new one, looks great btw. Do you need to do anything with the Override file still? Can I keep your modified one? Do I need to go back to the original?

Thanks for all your work with this :)
Not sure if you've covered this, but I was using your previous config for ED (pre Odyssey), and I've replaced the GraphicsConfiguration file with your new one, looks great btw. Do you need to do anything with the Override file still? Can I keep your modified one? Do I need to go back to the original?

There are some values that aren't completely compatible between 4.0 and prior versions. Refer to posts 161 and 163 in this thread.
There are some values that aren't completely compatible between 4.0 and prior versions. Refer to posts 161 and 163 in this thread.

So, I have, in the override file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

Is this OK, or do I need to reset to default?

So, I have, in the override file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

Is this OK, or do I need to reset to default?

As noted earlier the HBAO and Bloom settings have changed with Odyssey and SSAO is redundant. Delete your file and replace it with the one in post 161, reducing the galaxy background resolution, if needed. Or just swap out the problematic sections.
good morning morbad, I wanted to know if the file with update 19, can be used for my gtx 970m. greetings from Argentina

I would not use the file as-is with a GTX 970M as it will already be VRAM constrained, except, perhaps, on the 6GiB variant.

You could test it and if performance is not acceptable, replace all instances of "16384" or "8192" with "4096" in the GraphicsConfiguration.xml. Nothing else in this file should be using any of those figures, aside from my shadow tables, so this should be easy to do with any text editor.
I just came across this today and want to try it on Odyssey U15.02 on a 5800X3D/3090. I have no other mods on Odyssey at all. Is this still a live project? Does it work on U15.02? Thanks!
I just came across this today and want to try it on Odyssey U15.02 on a 5800X3D/3090. I have no other mods on Odyssey at all. Is this still a live project? Does it work on U15.02? Thanks!

It's still active, but I haven't done any updates in a while as the current balance of improvements vs. trade offs is largely at a point I consider to be satisfactory. Unless someone point out something I've missed or I get an epiphany, further refinement seems to be mostly a matter of subjective tastes.

The most recent version does work with 15.02.
Thank you @Morbad for all the work on the enhanced shadow settings. I just wanted to drop a note that after some trial and error I found that if you remove 2 frustums from each category, it no longer crashes in VR in Odyssey.
Which GPU were you having issues with the additional frustums on?
I'm using a Gigabyte RTX 4090. I don't know much about the tech behind shadow rendering but I am a web developer so used to trial and error and drawing conclusions about code at least :geek:. Could it be that it's using double the resources because of VR and some limit results in the crash.
If I understand correctly the highest frustums are the ones that handles shadows furthest away in the distance, would it be possible to interpolate the remaining 7 frustums to take care of the whole range. I haven't done any testing to speak of yet to what the differences to the original settings are. I just know that default shadows are pretty problematic and I remember getting prettier results with your mod from a year or two ago.

Trying to get back into Elite VR now after a too long hiatus and optimizing graphics for new rig and gpu is part of the fun. I currently use a Pimax 5K XR OLED HMD at lowest FOV and HMD Quality X2.0 (no supersamling) so it results in 3428 x 5188 per eye. Could screen resolution affect shadow sizes. Memory usage on GPU shows about 13500 Mb.
I'm using a Gigabyte RTX 4090. I don't know much about the tech behind shadow rendering but I am a web developer so used to trial and error and drawing conclusions about code at least :geek:. Could it be that it's using double the resources because of VR and some limit results in the crash.

I have an RTX 4090 in my main system, but I've never used my VR headset (an older Acer WMR one) with it.

I know there is a hard limit on the number of frustums as I've tried larger values in past (in 2D) and it's entirely possible that the frustums being rendered in separate viewports both count against this limit.

If I understand correctly the highest frustums are the ones that handles shadows furthest away in the distance, would it be possible to interpolate the remaining 7 frustums to take care of the whole range.

Possible, yes, but since the increased number of frustums is the main advantage of my profiles, knocking it down to just one more than stock ultra is pretty rough. At that point it may be easier to simply override the shadow slice size (resolution) for the ultra profile.


Volunteer Moderator
Hello to all - I did also use these changes with my laptop (RTX2070 8GB @115W newest NVIDIA drivers) to test it. What I generelly did see WITH or WITHOUT the adjustments is the the GPU USAGE in EDO is far from beening near to 100%. I play with 3840x1440 resolution without using AMD FSR and monitor CPU/GPU with MSI AFTERBURNER. I would expect as the FPS are tanking to 30-45fps depending on situation on FOOT - that the GPU usage would be 95-100% and the limiting factor. Intead its often 40-60%. Changing GFX settings doesnt change much in the FPS - by enabeling more settings to HIGH or ULTRA the GPU USAGE gets higher -fps stay in the same area. Reducing more settings to LOW, GPU USAGE gets lower - again FPS stay in the same area. Any other Cmdr's with similar experiances? Could this be a NVIDIA DRIVER issue related to EDO (long ago I had these issues when I had AMD GPU and it turned out to be driver/ED related - it took more then 6 months and many driver updated before for AMD or FD did something and got the GPU usage level up above 90%?
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Hello to all - I did also use these changes with my laptop (RTX2070 8GB @115W newest NVIDIA drivers) to test it. What I generelly did see WITH or WITHOUT the adjustments is the the GPU USAGE in EDO is far from beening near to 100%. I play with 3840x1440 resolution without using AMD FSR and monitor CPU/GPU with MSI AFTERBURNER. I would expect as the FPS are tanking to 30-45fps depending on situation on FOOT - that the GPU usage would be 95-100% and the limiting factor. Intead its often 40-60%. Changing GFX settings doesnt change much in the FPS - by enabeling more settings to HIGH or ULTRA the GPU USAGE gets higher -fps stay in the same area. Reducing more settings to LOW, GPU USAGE gets lower - again FPS stay in the same area. Any other Cmdr's with similar experiances? Could this be a NVIDIA DRIVER issue related to EDO (long ago I had these issues when I had AMD GPU and it turned out to be driver/ED related - it took more then 6 months and many driver updated before for AMD or FD did something and got the GPU usage level up above 90%?

Any time you're not capping frame rate and see less than upper 90s percent of GPU utilization it's almost certainly a CPU and/or main memory performance bottleneck. Odyssey, especially around surface settlements, has always been prone to this and it takes an extremely fast CPU to get above a fairly low frame rate floor in larger settlements with many NPCs around, especially conflict zones.

This isn't reflected in most CPU utilization graphs because most monitoring applications don't have a granular enough polling rate to see the millisecond duration spikes to maximum utilization, even though they can take a significant fraction of the main or render thread time, during which everything has to wait.

Here is an example I recorded quite a while back...last third shows the GPUView graph zoomed in on an area of particularly low GPU utilization to see what the CPU is doing during that time:

There have been some improvements since then, but there are still similar patterns and even as of Update 15 it's easy for me to find areas that are completely CPU limited on parts as fast as a tuned 7800X3D.


Volunteer Moderator
Any time you're not capping frame rate and see less than upper 90s percent of GPU utilization it's almost certainly a CPU and/or main memory performance bottleneck. Odyssey, especially around surface settlements, has always been prone to this and it takes an extremely fast CPU to get above a fairly low frame rate floor in larger settlements with many NPCs around, especially conflict zones.

This isn't reflected in most CPU utilization graphs because most monitoring applications don't have a granular enough polling rate to see the millisecond duration spikes to maximum utilization, even though they can take a significant fraction of the main or render thread time, during which everything has to wait.

Here is an example I recorded quite a while back...last third shows the GPUView graph zoomed in on an area of particularly low GPU utilization to see what the CPU is doing during that time:

There have been some improvements since then, but there are still similar patterns and even as of Update 15 it's easy for me to find areas that are completely CPU limited on parts as fast as a tuned 7800X3D.
To be honest I dont understand what the values are in the Video - text is small and hard to read. maybe you can give a hint and a timestamp what is important.
All I can say that the CPU is not working at max power in EDO on my system - at least thats how it looks, CPU its even throttling down the clock speed to save power.
I did find this video - a cmdr with a much faster PC - using V-Sync at 75hz I think - and the same picture GPU and CPU looking do be in low usage. His high end AMD system manages to cap at 75Hz in U16 - with some dips... he has also some older video with high end NVIDIA RTX3080& INTEL testing U15 he had more problems and was mostly below 75Hz in CZ
As every CZ is different I would say you cant really compare any results - we would need a fixed reproducable CZ run in game as benchmark - only this way we could see if newer GPU drivers or ED updates have improved the performance. Now we can only guess that there is an improvement....

In my case replacing the original with your file did improme my EDO performance... I did forgot to do it after the last ED update.
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