ship interiors - will they happen

I'd support it if ever implemented, even with ARX to customize it.
Who knows if it'll ever happen, but it'd be a potential draw in, along with any other number of EVA activities.
Even basic things are missed by FDEV in regards to income streams though. Any and all suits they have could just have added pallets to them, same with weapons instead of fixed designs. I'd pay for that at least, but here we are.
I'm not sure, but I think some of the later ships have impossible dimensions for the amount of internals they're supposed to have.
Without knowing how big the internals are, it's very hard to say - and part of the problem is that the little information we have is extremely inconsistent - but no, not really. Elite Dangerous ships start off excessively large and get a lot bigger.

Cargo pods: cargo pods are roughly 2 cubic metres in size, so even a size 8 internal only takes up 512 cubic metres (let's double that if you want space between them for arbitrary retrieval and storage) which fits inside a Sidewinder, never mind a T-9 or Cutter. On the "cargo pod" metric every ship is massively larger than it needs to be for its optional internals (and core internals can be any size to make things work, other than the fuel tank which must be at most as big as the optional internal of the same size)

Passenger cabins: at economy class you can store 1 passenger for every two cargo pods, and we've already been generous on the cargo pod space

SRVs: the size 2 SRV bay has the worst (implied) volume ratio, so a size 2 internal must be at least as big as a (folded) SRV. Fitting two of those inside an Eagle is a bit optimistic, especially if the Eagle's size 3 internal is twice as big again. This implies a size 2 internal is at least 48 cubic metres - around 8-16 times the size of the cargo pod estimate.

SLFs: the size 6 SLF bay packs in the most SLFs if you assume internals double in size each time at 16 SLFs. This is handwaved somewhat by SLFs being made of expanded polystyrene and therefore possible to store "as raw materials" in much less space, but it still needs room for the two active ones plus a bit more. This implies a size 5 internal is probably at least 400 cubic metres - around 5-10 times the estimate from the "cargo pod" measure. [2]

Based on that the minimum volume of each optional non-military internal would be:
1: 8 cubic metres (cargo rack)
2: 48 cubic metres (SRV bay)
3: also 48 cubic metres (SRV bay)
4: 96 cubic metres (double SRV bay)
5: ~400 cubic metres (SLF bay) ... or 128 cubic metres (cargo rack) on a non-fighter-capable ship
6: ~800 cubic metres (double SLF bay)
7: maybe a little above 800 cubic metres (double SLF bay with more rebuild storage)
8: 1024 cubic metres (cargo rack)
(higher class internals aren't necessarily bigger because the one thing that does double each time is cargo, and the SRV/SLF constraints often keep ahead of that anyway - they might just be better reinforced or have more power/data/fluid connections)

At the larger sizes, these are incredibly small and should fit with ease: the T-9's bounding box is 450,000 cubic metres and it fills most of it; the Asp's bounding box is around 55,000 cubic metres and it has plenty of room even taking up less than half of it.

The smaller ships start to have more problems but are still doing pretty well...
- the Keelback is the smallest where SLF sizes are a concern; it has a bounding box of around 30,000 cubic metres and fills most of it, so both its size 5 optionals can be big enough to be SLF-capable
- the Eagle and Sidewinder can both fit SRVs. The Sidewinder's bounding box is 1700 cubic metres and it occupies about half of that, the Eagle's is quite a bit bigger at 6500 cubic metres but it really doesn't take up very much of it. Either way, they can both spare 48 cubic metres per size 2+ internal though you might have to be a little careful with placing.

The main problem potentially comes with a lot of these spaces being implausibly large in themselves for anything except their constraining fitting - the size 5 optional is 400 cubic metres, so in cargo rack configuration the cargo itself takes up just 64 cubic metres and surely someone would have decided by now that putting each cargo pod on its own pedestal surrounded by fountains and statues and landscaped gardens was a little inefficient even if it does look nice in the brochures. In Economy Class passenger configuration this massive space - about the size of a terraced house! - holds just 16 people. And even then, it's taking up so little of a Beluga's internal volume (approaching a million cubic metres! [3]) that the challenge for the passengers won't be getting comfortable once they're on board but finding it in the first place.

The scales - as with everything in ED smaller than a planet - are incredibly arbitrary and Frontier may well wish not to draw further attention to this with a detailed interiors representation, but physically fitting things into the available space won't be the problem.

[1] For comparison, a modern London Underground carriage has a bounding box of roughly 128 cubic metres and can carry 32 seated passengers and about 100 standing, so an Economy passenger cabin is basically one of those with only the seated passengers - quite a lot of spare space even for the cargo-constrained internals!

[2] Even if you throw out the "3-D printed" handwave and assume all SLFs are stored full-size but maybe slightly folded, by the time you get up to ships which can carry SLFs you're at ships big enough to hold them anyway. It just makes the 5+ optional internals even more ridiculously huge for anything not a SLF.

[3] Again for comparison, the largest 21st century ocean cruise ships might also have a volume approaching a million cubic metres. The ocean ship carries perhaps 5000 passengers in private 2-person rooms (plus all the other facilities outside their rooms), while the Beluga maxes out at 184 in Economy class (or just 40 in Luxury class).
The idea that you could kill the engines of someone's ship, board it and hunt down and shoot the player in their own ship would at least give ganking a more fleshed out approach.

Jokes (or half jokes at least) aside, it's going to depend on whether FDev want to risk another big DLC after Odyssey was a financial write off. Even if they do give it a go, FDev are more likely to produce something ambitious rather than just settle for a few empty rooms. It's going to take years.
This video called The Future of Elite: Dangerous was published on November 7, 2014. The game developers talk about their most wanted features for ED in the future. The top features are 1. Space legs, 2. Walking inside ships, stations and EVA. 3. Planetary landings. We have all these except walking inside ships and EVA. The current station interiors (aka Concourse) are a small section.

These are the answers per person:
  1. Walk around stations
  2. Going down to a planet surface, getting out of your ship, drive around in a buggy (Braben)
  3. Walk around space stations
  4. Players running around their ship and other ships, dealing with emergencies, repelling borders, cleaning up toxic spillages, exploring derelict husks
  5. More ships, diversity, walk around them particularly around them (ships) and in stations as well
  6. We implemented a grid system with meters squares, there's a lift shaft that channels down for the same position for all the lower decks
  7. Cobra is a giant vehicle with a huge ladder that you can get out of. An Anaconda in itself would be the size of a level in many first person shooter games (Braben)
  8. Get out of the ship and walk around the hangars
  9. Get out of your ship and walk around
  10. Zero gravity, float around your ship, through the corridors, climb around it, fix something on the outside
  11. Zero-G combat, getting out of your seat and being in an atmosphere that has no gravity
  12. Radio stations that u can tune into when u arrive in a system to listen
  13. Space station destruction
  14. Giant space aliens that live in deep space that eat asteroids, giant tentacles
  15. Planetary landings
  16. Planetary landing expansion
  17. Walking around inside the ship and space station, going around seeing a distant world (Braben)
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It's amazing how 1 guy designed the detailed interior of the Sidewinder and other ships. They should hire FRj to make it for ED.
As has been said before, designing an interior FPS level is not the problem. FDEV can design interiors obviously. That's completely different from the design and coding to add those spaces in to an existing game with it's complex systems, instancing, gameplay systems etc.

It's like me creating a small Unreal Tournament level in 1999 and someone suggesting a game dev should hire me on the basis that somehow their own actual devs couldn't do it better.
This video called The Future of Elite: Dangerous was published on November 7, 2014.
How many of those people are currently involved in FDEV, never mind ED.

I'll bet they weren't really thinking of adding those missing systems a decade later.

Face it. Things change. Businesses change, grand ideas succeed and fail, employees find new positions, and good people are sadly no longer with us.

Enjoy what you have now, anything else is a bonus.
Did they ever mention how long it took to do that 'simple' task?

It took them “9 months of working in my spare time to get all the details modeled and probably around a month of GPU time for the raytracing” to do the Sidewinder, and “(only!) 48 days” to do the Viper because “some models might not be as detailed as I would like them to be.”

And of course, they didn’t have to worry about such silly things as gameplay, functionality in various situations, coordinating with various teams, and profitability.
Face it. Things change. Businesses change, grand ideas succeed and fail, employees find new positions, and good people are sadly no longer with us.
Yebbut, those people talked about it 10 years back and made a video.... It must be gospel truth and promising something...
The old video surface every time someone wants to make a point, never considering that they might be many years ago.
Enjoy what you have now, anything else is a bonus.
I keep reiterating the same thing, it doesn't get much notice taken though!
It took them “9 months of working in my spare time to get all the details modeled and probably around a month of GPU time for the raytracing” to do the Sidewinder, and “(only!) 48 days” to do the Viper because “some models might not be as detailed as I would like them to be.”
Funny how it wasn't mentioned in text to accompany the video link...

A lot of work for a hobby project - kudos to the creator!
As has been said before, designing an interior FPS level is not the problem. FDEV can design interiors obviously. That's completely different from the design and coding to add those spaces in to an existing game with it's complex systems, instancing, gameplay systems etc.

Yes, implementing it in ED is a technical challenge. The Fleet Carrier Concourse shows it's possible. It doesn't have to be seamless. For example in this video Commander Chronicles - Lift-Off, the commander uses an elevator to reach the door of the Krait Mk II. This transition could be a fade-to-black loading screen. Or if you step inside the ship, the 1st door closes, then it loads the interior before a 2nd door opens. The interior is a separate instance.

It's like me creating a small Unreal Tournament level in 1999 and someone suggesting a game dev should hire me on the basis that somehow their own actual devs couldn't do it better.

Well it's a lot of work to design such a detailed interior with hallways, put the modules in the right places that make sense. The designer of the interior videos FRj (JohnUs300) cares so much about it that he or she did all that for free. Some gameplay would be nice, but I'd be happy to just walk in the interior.

These might be helpful for you, if you can use your imagination in game.

I'm not sure, but I think some of the later ships have impossible dimensions for the amount of internals they're supposed to have.

The modules could be shrunk to fit inside. When we can walk around the ship, not all modules will be visible, because some are hidden behind walls.
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I still hold onto hope that ship interiors will happen one day.

Has there been any kind of confirmation?
I know there was a lot of backlash when one of the community managers shut the idea down when he was trying to focus on the new odyssey gameplay and a lot of people took that as golden word that ship interiors were indeed canceled, but has it ever been confirmed by the actual dev team?

There is no debacle, its perception.

Interiors were discussed initially during early development and launch, there exists mood boards outlining various gameplay options and interactive furniture, there were ships in game initially with rudimentary corridors, and FD left references to various ship modules and game aspects hinting interiors in the code, so it’s evident they had planned interiors and other options, at an early point.

FD during that point in time FD discussed openly the concepts of interiors and NPC crews, never officially stated it was going to happen, just a ‘maybe’ it was always an aspect of time not ability. However FD were inconsistent in their PR and evidence of various confirmation of cancelling such developments are thin at best, but it’s very likely from what rudimentary evidence their is, that at some point they stopped this line of development.

Odyssey is not interiors nor legs, it’s a first person shooter; this is evident from the absence of the content for interiors and legs’ they promoted earlier but evidently omitted. And an affirmation from the Community Manager that ‘interiors were not considered’.

This is what development houses do, they build content then discard it, a new batch of developers are employed and they don’t reintegrate old work, they build new stuff.

So the answer might be - initially yes they were going to happen; then FD decided they couldn’t do it or someone decided they didn’t want to do it, or they felt it was not an appropriate use of their time.

Could it arrive in the future - sure, but don’t hold your breath, they sat on the ‘Scorpion’ for years *probably for good reasons, like they have with Thargoids on legs. FD probably are in the business of protracting out expectation to encourage audience retention *or it’s more economical not to confirm nor deny anything because they themselves don’t have any clarity or are the whim of internal business decisions.

Maybe in another 5 years.
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Ship interior proponents might like the "Icarus Project" from @ThArGos / Elite Dangereuse, previously known for their 3rd-party Elite Dangerous adventure tech (see link).

The Icarus Project is aimed at creating a "tool for the community. A tool that would allow the creation and exploration of different game loops around Ship Interiors" in order to "see if Ship Interiors can be an interesting addition to the game". See on youtube Ship Interiors: Week #0 The leap, its description, and the accompanying webpage I want to test Ship Interiors!

On the Icarus Project teaser/intro video interested parties are invited to "join CMDR ThArGosu every monday on twitch at 19:00 UTC to participate in an epic community journey: Making ship interiors a reality by reducing the development costs to near zero and maximizing player engagement into new game loops."

Personally speaking, I'd be glad to see interiors, but only if they came with significant gameplay additions - extending the gameplay possibilities is much more interesting to me than walking around inside ships and (IMO) work on interiors without more gameplay would be a waste. I'd be just as glad to see other non-interiors-related gameplay additions instead.

Edit: annoying typos.
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they sat on the ‘Scorpion’ for years, like they have with Thargoids on legs
Where "sat on" in this case means that there was a gap of years between the first concept art / internal prototype model / reservation of an internal ID and the actual release of a player-interactable asset.

There's no evidence at all that the Scorpion was in release-ready state at any point significantly before it actually came out in December 2021. Were they planning a new SRV as part of Odyssey much earlier than that? Certainly. Had they made some progress on it by the time Odyssey released (six months late)? Sure. Was it actually finished then? Seems pretty unlikely given the state of the rest of Odyssey on release.

Similarly there's no evidence - much as the so-called "data miners" have been telling us they're there and ready to go for the last year on the basis of a couple of strings which might refer to them if you hope enough - that on-foot Thargoids exist in any playable state even in Frontier's internal builds.

FD probably are in the business of protracting out expectation to encourage audience retention.
A simpler theory would be that Frontier are just much slower than they'd like to be (and also than a lot of other people would like them to be...) at developing Elite Dangerous content, and not everything they try internally actually works, so there's lots of unfinished prototypes all over the place some of which might never go anywhere.

Sure, there are players for who the news that some new content is on the way might be more exciting than actually seeing the new content - actual releases being disappointments didn't start with Odyssey - but in general it's still the actual release which gets the big boost in player activity, rather than the previews. But this is going one step beyond that to presume that players for who the lack of news that some new content is on the way is even more exciting still make up a significant proportion of the player base.
Well it's a lot of work to design such a detailed interior with hallways, put the modules in the right places that make sense. The designer of the interior videos FRj (JohnUs300) cares so much about it that he or she did all that for free. Some gameplay would be nice, but I'd be happy to just walk in the interior.
I could sit for hours designing something I'd like to see implemented into a game (for "free"). It doesn't mean it's useful to the actual game devs, or indicative of how long it might take the devs to do it properly. So there's no point citing it as how to do ship interiors.

Of course they could do ship interiors, if the company decided to do it. That video doesn't somehow tell fdev how to do it, as if they didn't know better than any of us, and it has no bearing on whether it's worth doing which will be a commercial decision.
Ship interior proponents might like the "Icarus Project" from @ThArGos / Elite Dangereuse, previously known for their 3rd-party Elite Dangerous adventure tech (see link).

The Icarus Project is aimed at creating "tool for the community. A tool that would allow the creation and exploration of different game loops around Ship Interiors" in order to "see if Ship Interiors can be an interesting addition to the game". See on youtube Ship Interiors: Week #0 The leap, its description, and the accomanying webpage I want to test Ship Interiors!

On the Icarus Project teaser/intro video interesteed parties are invited to "join CMDR ThArGosu every monday on twitch at 19:00 UTC to participate in an epic community journey: Making ship interiors a reality by reducing the development costs to near zero and maximizing player engagement into new game loops."

Personally speaking, I'd be glad to see interiors, but only if they came with significant gameplay additions - extending the gameplay possibilities is much more interesting to me than walking around inside ships and (IMO) work on interiors without more gameplay would be a waste. I'd be just as glad to see other non-interiors-related gameplay additions instead.

A good concept, FD do listen to the Community, if you’re voice is loud enough, you’re logic is sound and the concepts are practical and achievable, and above all else profitable, it’s possible it might influence them, but who knows,

I think the issue is simply fiscal, they are not a big firm and have multiple titles, it took 2-5 years to build EDO and that was technically a whole new game, which lost them 30% of their audience and maybe 60% of stock (projected), but recovered / underwritten due to the ongoing success of EDH… if they were to do it, they should already be doing it, so they probably aren’t… nice thought however, but please remember, FD had a LOT of proposed content which never made it to game, for various reasons, and don’t forget ED was in skunk works forever prior to 2013, so their priorities are not our priorities… things change.

Here are some links to the historical concepts they promoted, and confirmed were dropped:

“You're gonna come out rich. We're gonna come out dead.” Ship Crews - Elite Dangerous.

The Future? “It’s on the list….”

UPDATED: 21st October 2018 To view the most recent updates to this page visit the Blog Update page. As with all game development plans, schedules and features can and do change, so this list is by …

Beyond: Beta – Q&A

Sandro Sammarco answered a long list of questions regarding both the upcoming Beyond series of updates and the general future of the game. You can see some selected ones below. Note: There has been…

*time stamp 5:52 ‘Would it be possible to have hired NPC wing mates and crew? “Something we want to do’ ‘we don’t know when it will be”.”something I think is really good, especially if you’re playing single player”.

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Obviously this is just speculation, but I'd guess their largest contingent ingame is the ax community. Based on the sheer effort they've put into goid content.
Which kinda leaves the rest of us feeling a little unloved.
Exploration for example. Nothing notable has changed in years apart from the new sco drive which isn't specifically for exploration but does help.
This game is unique in that regard. Exploration of a 1:1 galaxy fleshed out would in my opinion put elite in a league of its own - untouchable.

Footnote : did find a terraformable moon today!
That's a first! It wasn't a high metal or anything just a rocky moon!
Exploration for example. Nothing notable has changed in years apart from the new sco drive which isn't specifically for exploration but does help.
Be honest, exploration is the least demanding and safest gameplay to be had, the only danger is the pilot, in truth.
What more does exploration need, in your opinion? (Ignoring more atmospheric bodies to land on - the mechanic would still remain unchanged)
I would only want ship interiors if there was also some content to go with it. I do like the idea of EVA to repair our ship, perhaps mine in a suit for mats or minerals. I think EVA then attack/hack megaships would be great gameplay. Not sure any of that will happen however.
Obviously this is just speculation, but I'd guess their largest contingent ingame is the ax community. Based on the sheer effort they've put into goid content.
I wouldn't make that assumption. Goids and Elite go all the way back to the 80s. If there wasn't a goid attack we'd all have been seriously disappointed. A goid invasion was inevitable.
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