News Ship naming and Name Plates – how it will work

Thanks Ed, thanks for clarifying, and I'll happily keep throwing my money at the store.

From a business/economic perspective I think you could not be more incorrect. Have you looked at the FD financials? They are a surviving small business heavily reliant on cash-flow, but hardly rolling in cash. Last year they reduced their small cash reserves by 2 MGBP (-18%) to 8.6 MGBP. That is less than one-half of a year's operating costs for them and is not a staggering sum. Net result is no ongoing cash-flow = closed doors. ED is a niche title in the niche space-sim genre. It is not like they have sold 50 million copies of the game.

They have to invest in other games to avoid being a one game wonder and vanishing if/when interest in the niche complex space-sim genre game they developed drops. Thus Planet Coaster and the new game they are working on. In addition, their past success funded the development of ED, which cost far in excess of the Kickstarter funds raised.

Every time a new cosmetic item appears this same tired argument about 'cash grab' comes out. But IMO, selling only optional cosmetic items is the least objectionable way to have ongoing funding for ED.

I would agree with this viewpoint, hence why I'll keep buying stuff I like.
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That's literally false. Nothing changed about the feature. It was always going to be this way. All you & the rest of the community "pushed" was the limits of ill-informed rabble-roused nonsense.

Oh, yes, this is totally going to be SO gamechanging. Meanwhile, World of Warships is regularly selling premium ships for $50-$100 on "sale".

What I want to know is - what's *your* problem?

The only issue is that you, and all these other people, have taken something out of context, listened to other people spinning it out of control, and got taken on a ride until Ed here showed up to restore some sanity to the world that isn't actually falling down and never was to begin with.

You literally just have to scroll up one post to see how this all went down. And how you're wrong.
That's literally false. Nothing changed about the feature. It was always going to be this way. All you & the rest of the community "pushed" was the limits of ill-informed rabble-roused nonsense.

Except for the small issue of the 2.3 patch notes showing the intentional change to block the UI showing the player ship name.

Followed by Sandro answering a very specific question asking if this was how it would be, as linked in the post right above yours at the exact time index in the YouTube video, and also typed up in bright orange text!

Sure except for those facts, it's clearly false. [wacko]
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That's literally false. Nothing changed about the feature. It was always going to be this way. All you & the rest of the community "pushed" was the limits of ill-informed rabble-roused nonsense.

This was TWO DAYS ago. Its also in the patch notes. Literally.

Are you done now?

- - - Updated - - -

Except for the small issue of the 2.3 patch notes showing the intentional change to block the UI showing the player ship name.

Followed by Sandro answering a very specific question asking if this was how it would be, as linked in the post right above yours at the exact time index in the YouTube video, and also typed up in bright orange text!

Sure except for those facts, it's clearly false. [wacko]

Just copy the link + timer from now on, its easier.
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Getting a clarification from Ed on how nameplates were going to work all along is a major community-spurred accomplishment to you, is it?
Clarification!? Good grief, man, I'm genuinely struggling to understand your utter failure to parse the timeline here. Bitstorm has already quoted and linked to all the pertinent bits and it's not as though it's complicated:

  • Patch Notes for 2.3 beta stated that ship names would not be visible without nameplates.
  • The first stirrings of a community backlash began.
  • When asked, Sandro confirmed that names would not be visible without purchasing a nameplate.
  • The backlash gathered pace.
  • Ed "clarified" that a nameplate purchase would not be needed in order to see ship names.
How can you see that as anything other than a huge breakdown in communication at best, or a complete U-turn at worst?

All regarding a singular cosmetic item that's worth less than a cup of coffee is?

Holy yodelling Christ on a flaming unicycle, are you serious? A large part of the community's frustration in all this was that, prior to Ed starting this thread, none of us had the first sniff of a clue how much the damned things would cost. Seriously, are you like one of those Deep Space Nine wormhole aliens who perceive time in a non-linear way? It's about the only explanation for the anachrony of some of your arguments.
"All regarding a singular cosmetic item that's worth less than a cup of coffee is?"

But it isn't even just about that. Apart from a small minority that have been vocal in this thread, the vast majority have zero problems with paying for the cosmetic aspect of a name plate.

The problem stems when you limit the functionality of a ship name by denying your ship to be identified by other players. Much like if your Commander name was hidden until you purchased a name badge for your flight suit...
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Clarification!? Good grief, man, I'm genuinely struggling to understand your utter failure to parse the timeline here. Bitstorm has already quoted and linked to all the pertinent bits and it's not as though it's complicated:

  • Patch Notes for 2.3 beta stated that ship names would not be visible without nameplates.
  • The first stirrings of a community backlash began.
  • When asked, Sandro confirmed that names would not be visible without purchasing a nameplate.
  • The backlash gathered pace.
  • Ed "clarified" that a nameplate purchase would not be needed in order to see ship names.
How can you see that as anything other than a huge breakdown in communication at best, or a complete U-turn at worst?

Holy yodelling Christ on a flaming unicycle, are you serious? A large part of the community's frustration in all this was that, prior to Ed starting this thread, none of us had the first sniff of a clue how much the damned things would cost. Seriously, are you like one of those Deep Space Nine wormhole aliens who perceive time in a non-linear way? It's about the only explanation for the anachrony of some of your arguments.

Also remember that Sandro asked a question he prepared for in advance with the help of the team, as he clarified before answering the questions. He didnt improvise, he wasnt taken by surprise. He knew he was going to answer that question, and he knew he was going to give than answer.

And FWIW: I am perfectly aware that its not Sandro or the devs who decide what goes in the store, so no ill-feelings towards them at all. 2.3 is a great update IMHO, which is why I stated already before the stream that it would be sad if they would bury all the good stuff under the crapstorm this was bound to become. Thankfully they changed course in time, and soon noone will either care and most will completely forget it. Cool, lets focus on the great new stuff in 2.3 instead. :)

- - - Updated - - -

It's about the only explanation for the anachrony of some of your arguments.

Or the inability to consider somewhere at FD a wrong decision was made that had to be corrected.
I too recall that seeing a ship name in the UI was always going to be a feature, but that name plates so you could see the words on the hull would cost.

This happened around the time we first saw the placeholder ship name after the Dolphin video in the camera suite and Holo-Me stream.

Putting aside everything that has subsequently occurred, this was also my recollection. I've not seen any of the recent live streams but can remember the above being discussed around the start of beta.
Holy yodelling Christ on a flaming unicycle, are you serious? A large part of the community's frustration in all this was that, prior to Ed starting this thread, none of us had the first sniff of a clue how much the damned things would cost. Seriously, are you like one of those Deep Space Nine wormhole aliens who perceive time in a non-linear way? It's about the only explanation for the anachrony of some of your arguments.

I suppose this community was assuming in this case then it would cost waaay more than other cosmetic items on the store (currently I believe from £1 - £10)?? So this community would rather stir up a storm over these nameplates, but I suppose it's normal for this type of thing to happen as with so many things on these forums.
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Putting aside everything that has subsequently occurred, this was also my recollection. I've not seen any of the recent live streams but can remember the above being discussed around the start of beta.

Would be interested to see if anyone could provide a link to a specific time index in a video for this.

FWIW in beta all (or it seems all) NPCs have ship names and you can see them in the UI without any issue, it all works as you'd expect.

It's just you're blocked from seeing PLAYER ship names in the UI, unless they've paid the moneys.

So perhaps they were referring to NPC ship names.
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This is exactly what I was hoping for, word for word.

Thank you for clarifying this, Frontier! Very much looking forward to 2.3 and getting some of those new pilot suits.
I too recall that seeing a ship name in the UI was always going to be a feature, but that name plates so you could see the words on the hull would cost.

This happened around the time we first saw the placeholder ship name after the Dolphin video in the camera suite and Holo-Me stream.

There was a discussion way back in Beta that the ships naming would be there eventually. If you check my post history in Suggestions you can see where I proposed this very type of purchase for ship names and how to implement it. This isn't a 'NEW unexpected' event, but rather a planned ingame feature that has been expected since the beginning.
I suppose this community was assuming in this case then it would cost waaay more than other cosmetic items on the store (currently I believe from £1 - £10)?? So this community would rather stir up a storm over these nameplates, but I suppose it's normal for this type of thing to happen as with so many things on these forums.

I really don't want to explain it yet again, I mean people keep explaining the issue over and over again, but it is not about the cost. I also think it's a bit off blaming "the forum" for how this has played out.
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From a business/economic perspective I think you could not be more incorrect. Have you looked at the FD financials? They are a surviving small business heavily reliant on cash-flow, but hardly rolling in cash. Last year they reduced their small cash reserves by 2 MGBP (-18%) to 8.6 MGBP. That is less than one-half of a year's operating costs for them and is not a staggering sum. Net result is no ongoing cash-flow = closed doors. ED is a niche title in the niche space-sim genre. It is not like they have sold 50 million copies of the game.

They have to invest in other games to avoid being a one game wonder and vanishing if/when interest in the niche complex space-sim genre game they developed drops. Thus Planet Coaster and the new game they are working on. In addition, their past success funded the development of ED, which cost far in excess of the Kickstarter funds raised.

Every time a new cosmetic item appears this same tired argument about 'cash grab' comes out. But IMO, selling only optional cosmetic items is the least objectionable way to have ongoing funding for ED.

At least a polite and constructive answer, thank you! Regarding their size, I wouldn't certainly call them small. Small to medium here is qualified to be 250 employees or less, they have ~300 if I'm not mistaken. Positive cash reserve means only that they are healthy - I have worked in companies who reported major losses (i.e. reliant on huge loans), and still managed to somehow come on top and even recruit more people. How? IDK, accountancy isn't my trade :). The 2M reduction you mention could be some investment for example. But that's beside the point. They are hardly failing, they are investing and they have now not one but two franchises with pc/console revenue streams. That investments will pay off soon, unless something bad happens. Also please note that I have nothing against them developing other games (even if E: D seems to have gotten the stick lately), I am merely pointing a fact that they aren't a starving indie dev studio because these other games cost money too.

Regarding a "niche game" - well, the outcry that happened when NMS flopped showed quite nicely how many people want that kind of "niche" game. Publishers have awoken, dollars / euros started flowing, I think we will be seeing that soonish (development does take time as we're painfully aware here). And that will be a wake-up call for Elite/SC, too. Which is good, because current space opera game monopoly is not healthy.

Why is a being one game wonder a bad thing? Look at Egosoft - they are the people behind the X-Series. Pretty much a "one game wonder" (not counting their earlier "promotional games" nobody except wikipedia has heard of). And despite the massive flop with X:Rebirth (7 years of development) which clearly started as a console game and was "rerouted" to pc later, they're still going strong. Released two paid expansions Developing vr for X:R, and having officially announced X4 in the works. Despite everyone predicting their demise. Being a "one game wonder" allows you to focus more while also risking more.

And regarding Kickstarter, I've heard its purpose was to prove to the investors that there is a demand - a move that is not so unheard of in the KS world. I don't think it was ever meant to "100% fund the development". Heard figures like 10-20%. It's not scam citizen after all :) What should be funding the development however, would be fulfilling the grand vision and plan in paid, meaningful instalments. How it panned out - we can see now (see the writeup from my sig from CMDR Kaocraft, I share that opinion 100%).

Which brings me to the final point - the feature lock. I don't agree with ship name being inconsequential - _for me_ one of the "core" features is beautiful insta-wallpapers this game generates. I would gladly pay for e.g. Weyland Yutani style font nameplate just to make these even better. But I can't even get that basic without forking cash, which I don't agree with ethically, considering base + horizons price. I may frown at true cosmetics like palette swaps called skins (yet bought a pack in a moment of fancy), but ship name is where line should be drawn, as it is a grey area and could make a precedent. And again remember that we're not talking about F2P game.

Again thanks for constructive criticism. It was a nice change of pace here :)
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Now I can name my ship, for $3, so all of the galaxy can know I cared enough to name this make believe ship!! I have to admit I have called a few commander's ships names, but I am not going to pay for those words.

Long live the free stuff!!

To clarify... Naming the ship is free at no cost in any way.

Payment is only for putting a name plaque on the ship to make it look pretty.
Would be interested to see if anyone could provide a link to a specific time index in a video for this.

FWIW in beta all (or it seems all) NPCs have ship names and you can see them in the UI without any issue, it all works as you'd expect.

It's just you're blocked from seeing PLAYER ship names in the UI, unless they've paid the moneys.

So perhaps they were referring to NPC ship names.

I'll have a quick look, I might be wrong as i'm a tired 44 year old bloke with a new daughter and a shattered memory. I must have got it from somewhere though.
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Clarification!? Good grief, man, I'm genuinely struggling to understand your utter failure to parse the timeline here. Bitstorm has already quoted and linked to all the pertinent bits and it's not as though it's complicated:

  • Patch Notes for 2.3 beta stated that ship names would not be visible without nameplates.
  • The first stirrings of a community backlash began.
  • When asked, Sandro confirmed that names would not be visible without purchasing a nameplate.
  • The backlash gathered pace.
  • Ed "clarified" that a nameplate purchase would not be needed in order to see ship names.
How can you see that as anything other than a huge breakdown in communication at best, or a complete U-turn at worst?

Holy yodelling Christ on a flaming unicycle, are you serious? A large part of the community's frustration in all this was that, prior to Ed starting this thread, none of us had the first sniff of a clue how much the damned things would cost. Seriously, are you like one of those Deep Space Nine wormhole aliens who perceive time in a non-linear way? It's about the only explanation for the anachrony of some of your arguments.

Seriously, don't waste your time - there are a couple of people here who are deliberately trolling for a reaction. They do it on every thread I've seen them on. Just ignore and move on - I promise, it makes things so much easier!
Except for the small issue of the 2.3 patch notes showing the intentional change to block the UI showing the player ship name.

Followed by Sandro answering a very specific question asking if this was how it would be, as linked in the post right above yours at the exact time index in the YouTube video, and also typed up in bright orange text!

Sure except for those facts, it's clearly false. [wacko]

This. +1
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Volunteer Moderator
I was also under the impression that they've confirmed that before (what Ed's confirmed today). That's why I was quite surprised at Sandy's reply in the latest stream. I'll try to find it tomorrow. I think it was at one of the PAX streams...


For clarity - I'm not dismissing the possibility that it was just my interpretation of what I saw on the stream, which then registered as something that was actually said. I do have a terrible memory.
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