Thanks Ed, thanks for clarifying, and I'll happily keep throwing my money at the store.
I would agree with this viewpoint, hence why I'll keep buying stuff I like.
From a business/economic perspective I think you could not be more incorrect. Have you looked at the FD financials? They are a surviving small business heavily reliant on cash-flow, but hardly rolling in cash. Last year they reduced their small cash reserves by 2 MGBP (-18%) to 8.6 MGBP. That is less than one-half of a year's operating costs for them and is not a staggering sum. Net result is no ongoing cash-flow = closed doors. ED is a niche title in the niche space-sim genre. It is not like they have sold 50 million copies of the game.
They have to invest in other games to avoid being a one game wonder and vanishing if/when interest in the niche complex space-sim genre game they developed drops. Thus Planet Coaster and the new game they are working on. In addition, their past success funded the development of ED, which cost far in excess of the Kickstarter funds raised.
Every time a new cosmetic item appears this same tired argument about 'cash grab' comes out. But IMO, selling only optional cosmetic items is the least objectionable way to have ongoing funding for ED.
I would agree with this viewpoint, hence why I'll keep buying stuff I like.
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