show distance to codex-entry


i love ED, i'm explorer and currently stay near "Beagle Point" after the best of my life "Distants World 2" travel. I'm trying to reach my personal goal of visiting all the codex entries in the "The Abyss" region. My workflow looks like this: i open each entry one by one, click on the galaxy map and see how far away the entry is from me, i look for the nearest point to me and set target for routing. For me, the search takes a little slow, when calling over 100 individual entries. Most of all, I have to redo that step every time I get an entry. I think i would save half of the time, if i will able to see the distants from current position to every codex entry, then i don't need to click on the galaxy map and search for the nearest entry.


John Guevara
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