News Skimmer Massacre Mission - Temporary Removal

Y'all should have started in 1.1, when 2 million credits per hour felt like cheating. Nowadays people be like "I'm flying around for two days now and I still don't own a 'Vette, this is ridiculous!!"

And I always thought I was a spoiled brat. :D

2 million per hour? Well, look at Mr. Fancy Pants here! When i started playing i was lucky to make any profit in an hour!
Sneak peak at the incoming new patch notes:
- Accepting skimmer missions will now cause instant ship destruction and increase your rebuy cost by 1000%

A shame that Frontier can't be this quick at fixing bugs that have been with us since 2015, and are still going strong.
I guess they have some pretty clear priorities, huh? Leaving the unfun grind intact is far more important than fixing all the horrendous bugs that are STILL with us, it seems. Shameful.
We are criticizing the overall system or "plan" (if there is such a thing) of Frontier. In what kind of universe does it make sense to pay more for a component of a vehicle than for the vehicle itself for instance?
And who hasn't been there? Buying that shiney new ship only to realize that you have to sink double or triple or even more money into it's parts to make it viable. I had real buyer's remorse when I got my 'conda, I won't lie.

Very true, been there. Don't even talk about the Imp. Cutter, IIRC this thing needs something like 1.4 billion to A-grade it...
Why does another person care how another person plays? We all bought the game. Let us play it however we want. Being billionaires does not bother you. Stop complaining what others do with what they paid their own money for. It's like if you bought a honda civic and really fixed it up....and then I complained that you did it....would you care? Or would I have a valid argument? Just stop all the complaining about a GAME! Play it how you want....and that's it. Or.....make only and solo play solo swapping back and forth. That literally is the only option IMO that makes sense. Let those that want to use these tactics in solo do what they want, and in open it's a no would end all complaining from internet moms/dads on this forum...period.

Exactly this! Stop punishing players for having fun!
It's just the same on every other game I have ever played.

Some intuitive person finds a way to make some extra bucks as an alternative to the horrendous daily grind which destroys your interest over time, some envious juggernaut who has already made mega-bucks from previous 'exploits' has a whine about it and promptly destroys the fun.

Someone should make and post a movie of those ridiculous passenger missions where you have to travel a gazzillion light-years to get a 'big' reward and your passengers jump ship part-way through. These missions are contemptible and stupid!
Exactly this! Stop punishing players for having fun!

If they get their from from gaining credits then... ok?

I remember after passenger missions were launched, some people were saying how rubbish they are because they are just reskinned cargo missions. Just boring A to B missions. I wonder how many of them changed their tune when payouts went massively high for the long range missions.

Is it really that people think repeating the same thing over and over again (even if for mega credits) is fun? Or are they thinking its fun because of the result? Not because of the actual gameplay?

I mean, in the case of kill skimmer missions, i do think they are fun. Bombs (mines) away. Same for base scan missions. Loved a bit of bombing.

I think what i'm might be annoyed about due to all of this is what FD will do long term in relation to these missions. I worry that because people abused this, FD will stop bombs working on skimmers.
As you are likely aware, an issue was recently discovered which allowed players to earn 200/300 million credits per hour by completing Skimmer Massacre Missions. We have removed this mission type while we investigate, and we will update this post as an edit once we have more information.

In the past, I used to moan about FD leaving these exploits in the game forever. I'm glad to see they are now fixing these ASAP.
GG FD, keep up the good work !
At yesterday's meeting: Zac, Brett & Ed pull rank and say "we're not telling 'em...We have had our turn... Paige you do it... call it part of the initiation...."

"just tell 'em...and run like hell!"
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If they get their from from gaining credits then... ok?

I remember after passenger missions were launched, some people were saying how rubbish they are because they are just reskinned cargo missions. Just boring A to B missions. I wonder how many of them changed their tune when payouts went massively high for the long range missions.

Is it really that people think repeating the same thing over and over again (even if for mega credits) is fun? Or are they thinking its fun because of the result? Not because of the actual gameplay?

I mean, in the case of kill skimmer missions, i do think they are fun. Bombs (mines) away. Same for base scan missions. Loved a bit of bombing.

I think what i'm might be annoyed about due to all of this is what FD will do long term in relation to these missions. I worry that because people abused this, FD will stop bombs working on skimmers.

I can't speak for anyone else. In my case I only used the passenger missions, I didn't get a chance to try the skimmers: I'm at a CNB grinding for combat elite (64% deadly, already elite at exploration and trade) in my corvette. And I did it for the money, of course, to feel more secure and free to buy more ships and modules.

If a lot of people run to these missions or exploits, isn't this a sign that the game needs something more in the reward department? Instead of punishing users why not give them what they want? If the money affect the BGS, why not make the effective amount only a percentage of the money given to the player (I hope I'm explaining it correctly).
Personally I like to have as much cash as possible, that way I can upgrade to all the good tech for my ship. But as they have removed the quickest way for me to earn cash i will have to go back to my old way. I wont get billions anytime in the next year but i can earn 10 mill every couple of hours. And best of all it isn't exploiting, or cheating whatever you wanna cry about that the skimmer missions were.
Exploits are exploits, simple as that really, sewing up exploit holes should not upset anyone unless they feel they need an unfair advantage.

It makes me wonder just how many of the players here would select Godmode if it were an option!
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