That works, 30 = just over 100Km/hm/s I think
I thought the flying gizmos would have better aim.
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That works, 30 = just over 100Km/hm/s I think
That works, 30 = just over 100Km/h
I thought the flying gizmos would have better aim.
I have a serious question about the design choice here. Is it just in this video and the glare from the lights of the base that the buggies are racing in that creates a glare that stops us seeing the night sky?
I have seen other videos and I do not recall seeing the night sky in all its glory from the moos etc. shhown in those videos...
Much of what we dont see of the night sky on Earth in real life is determined by polution and terestrial light interfering with the visual spectacle. For example, in stone age times, man could see a hell of a lot more than we can currently see. I don't see any stars in these videos and especially on planets with no atmosphere this most certainly should not be the case.
Is it Tuesday yet?
Looking excellent and I like the sand texture too!!
Dat sound dept, tho. I'm amazed how those guys can bring to life everything...
..hey.... wait a minute....
a desert planet....
...A DESERT PLANET ??? o_o
could this mean it has an ATMOSPHERE ?? :O
Looks like fun! The bases on each of the recent videos look really amazing, the scale of things becomes very apparent when you're on the ground and see everything from that perspective. Tuesday can't come soon (not TM) enough!
Apparently! Look at the dust suspended in the sky! There MUST be something holding all that up it cannot do that without an atmospher! So we get SOME atmosphere in the game! <Otherwise there will be one heck of a static discharge incoming very small particle might be suspended by electrical charge differentiation.>
For those that might disagree, think about this: