So Sandro Sammarco has moved aside. Who has taken the reins then?

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5 years on any game is a long time!

Say that to the Toady One, the sole developer of Dwarf Fortress. He has been working exclusively on that game for 12 years now, with early groundwork being laid for another 4 years before that. 5 Years might be quite a lot for a general piece of AAA shovelware, but for a developer's magnum opus it really isn't much.
Hello all,

We wanted to address a couple of things we've seen in this thread, and stop any speculation or completely unnecessary negativity.

Sandy is indeed working on another project at Frontier, he's very happy and healthy and this is an opportunity for us to feel excited for the well-earned opportunities he's got ahead.
If you keep an eye on the future of Frontier, and our games, you'll know doubt hear from him in future.

I also think it's important to change the perception that Elite Dangerous was one person's game. Sandro was only one of the Lead Designers on Elite Dangerous, and in fact, his title was changed to Principle Designer to avoid this very confusion, both internally and externally. We have a huge team working on Elite Dangerous, and no single person makes any of the decisions on their own. Every idea, piece of feedback or design decision is considered by a number of people on the team. Whether that's Laurence Oldham, the game director, Adam Woods, the Executive Producer, or one of the other designers such as Barry Clarke, Adam Bourke-Waite, Steve Kirby etc and the list goes on...

We're currently very hard at work on Beyond - Chapter Four. The largest update of the year (free to all owners of Horizons) hasn't been released yet, and there's so much to engage in when it does arrive (more news on that soon). We aren't ready to talk about the future of Elite, but as usual, keep an eye on our social media channels and the forums for more information.

Specifically and Importantly: Sandro Sammarco is happily moving on to a new project at Frontier Developments, and although we'll miss the incredible contributions he made to the game, and his endless enthusiasm, dedication and hard work towards the project, this is very standard for games development and the future of Elite Dangerous will not be negatively affected by it.

Thanks everyone, let's remember to keep this place kind and this community full of love.


Thanks for the info Ed.
There is no lack of news. There is only ignorance.

They are fully working on 4.0.
No lack of fake news, I'll grant you that.
People say that others are ignorant without having the imagination to consider that others may feign ignorance, fake ignorance.

This statement shows ignorance.

From August:
We do have one exciting piece of news to share that to date, we have not shared with our community. A while ago, our development went from pre-production into full production on our next major milestone of Elite development.

What that means in the simplest terms is that the team are actively working on the next major landmark which takes us into our next era for Elite. We aren’t going to be ready to talk about or announce any details for quite a while yet, it is early in the development and there is still a long way to go, but I can say that this is something that will be scheduled to release a considerable time after the final update in the Beyond series. We will have more details on exactly what this means and how the era will roll out after the release of Beyond – Chapter Four, but this does mark some exciting next steps and a continued commitment to the long term vision for the game and our community.

Naturally, there will be community questions that might come up from this information. We aren’t going to be ready to talk about what method or model the content will be. What we can say is that it’s expected to be a major milestone in the history of Elite and will be paid content. Lifetime Expansion owners will obviously receive the content as part of their pass.

I'm not really concerned about the who's at FDev regarding ED.
I am concerned that I haven't played ED for a few months now.
I am more concerned that I do not feel compelled to play it any more.
3.3 is currently in beta, and will be released to the live servers Soon™

If this is true it's the best news for Elite in years. Maybe now the big changes will be made to create real danger and challenge in the galaxy and make Elite more modern.
Which part of...
I also think it's important to change the perception that Elite Dangerous was one person's game. Sandro was only one of the Lead Designers on Elite Dangerous, and in fact, his title was changed to Principle Designer to avoid this very confusion, both internally and externally. We have a huge team working on Elite Dangerous, and no single person makes any of the decisions on their own. Every idea, piece of feedback or design decision is considered by a number of people on the team. Whether that's Laurence Oldham, the game director, Adam Woods, the Executive Producer, or one of the other designers such as Barry Clarke, Adam Bourke-Waite, Steve Kirby etc and the list goes on...
...have you misunderstood?
Not sure he has moved on. Thought he was working on the next "era" of ED coming next year.

Well, if he is working on FDev's Planet Safari title now then in an indirect way he still sort of could be.

As I suspect there is a good reason that FDev are intentionally taking on projects like that and their already released Jurassic World Evo.

Which might well be that the skills and experience gained by the devs working on those titles is going to be highly transferable in to making a good job of the planned Atmospheric Landings content for Elite Dangerous complete with indigenous life for Earth-like worlds. Smart move really by FDev if so.
I did wonder why it had gone a bit quiet on the Sando front, now I know. For me he will always be that fella who wore some silly hats on the live streams, that being said hope all is well in his future endeavours, he did take a lot of uncalled for flack.

I wonder who will take it upon themselves to throw then self's under the buss and post all those wonderful "where thinking about this" threads.
imo this game would be 1000% better if Braben himself had taken a more hands on approach to the game, just delegating to others has turned it into a meh space game that utterly and totally lacks the 'Elite' vibe.

He should stop getting others to be the lead designer and get his hands dirty once again ..or mend bridges with Ian Bell and get him, that is the only way the game will ever regain the Elite feeling to it. atm it simply does not feel like an Elite game and I'm not the only one who thinks this.
What is the "Elite vibe/feeling"?

Before Elite Dangerous arrived, Frontier First Encounters was my favourite of the series. Meanwhile, Ian Bell was only involved in Elite 1's creation, although he received some royalties from Frontier Elite 2's sales due to his part-ownership of the Elite trademark.
imo this game would be 1000% better if Braben himself had taken a more hands on approach to the game, just delegating to others has turned it into a meh space game that utterly and totally lacks the 'Elite' vibe.

He should stop getting others to be the lead designer and get his hands dirty once again ..or mend bridges with Ian Bell and get him, that is the only way the game will ever regain the Elite feeling to it. atm it simply does not feel like an Elite game and I'm not the only one who thinks this.

David Braben is actually very hands on with Elite, and works on it more or less daily. Frontier have said this publicly more than once, and it was also mentioned again during our visit to Frontier.
well, the beta ends today or tomorrow?

when you are still working on 3.3... will you fix all the stuff that most beta testers are displeased with regarding the mining and especially limpets?

There will be a new beta release this week, so it's very unlikely that beta ends today or tomorrow.

We'll be exploring the new Thargoid Combat Zones in a livestream on 22 November, but if you can't wait, you'll be able to try them for yourselves in the beta next week!
Sorry, already ganked him in game and got what I could. Made out like a bandit. ;)

I'm not sure where this misconception comes from, but Sandro Sammarco has never been in charge of the Elite Dangerous project.

probably from beign the visible face and the main interface with the 'community'. whoever was responsible for the design decisions he was the one having to hold them up them in public, and i guess it is included in his pay check to at least act convinced and personally vouch for them. he was also presented as 'lead designer' which easily conveys the meaning that he was 'the lead designer', which implies some sort of decision power and responsibility, and he indeed actively assumed that public role much more than that of just a spokesperson. i certainly was under that vague impression at first, although i was well aware that any such position has always to deal with a lot of pressure and external forces and factors anyway.

so he had to be the guy to bring the bad news, and the one who is missed during the blackouts. it wouldn't be the first case of corporate dynamics burning out an individual, though i have no idea about the reasons of him moving on. moving on, that's life. i wish him all the best.
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