Spring 2024 DLC Speculation

Where is the musk ox energy coming from, exactly? It's a very uncommon animal in captivity and not particularly unique to other requested rare-in-captivity animals like the platypus. We have the takin.
For me it's one of my favourite cold weather animals where I don't have the same feeling for the takin. As for the community want for it, probably zoo tycoon nostalgia like every second meta wishlist animal is.
Where is the musk ox energy coming from, exactly? It's a very uncommon animal in captivity and not particularly unique to other requested rare-in-captivity animals like the platypus. We have the takin.
Its definetly one of the more iconic artic animals and was in ZT2 so i can see why its requested
Personally im not crazy for it, would be a neat boost to arctic sections for sure but i cant say i would lose sleep if id didnt make it
If we are not getting SA then i also rather get the birds instead. At least i could get the rhea and maybe some other SA bird with it. Would still miss the coati, mara and monkey but we will all win with maybe a duck, pelican and some very much needed african birds.
Hey I’m not disagreeing! I mostly “dont want a bird pack” because I want the community to be as happy as can be with the final dlc. I’m just not sure if only birds can do it.

I absolutely want a birds only pack, I’m just trying to not be too selfish or get my hopes up too much.

I mean something like this:
  1. Greater Rhea
  2. Secretary bird
  3. Grey crowned crane
  4. Golden pheasant
  5. Any pelican
  6. Any duck (y’all know my preferred)
  7. Scarlet ibis
  8. Then following grasslands around 5 species of birds in the WTE
  9. (Honestly any amount of birds from 8 - 12 is fine by me)
I would be OVER THE MOON and then some.
The thing is, even with my insane hyper fixation, there are still mammals and reptiles I want. But if I can be selfish and get a pack for only myself, then a bird pack would be nice.
Where is the musk ox energy coming from, exactly? It's a very uncommon animal in captivity and not particularly unique to other requested rare-in-captivity animals like the platypus. We have the takin.
Musk ox follows under one of those animals I don’t hate, but I wouldn’t be excited for it to be in game. I also wouldn’t be angry either. My response would be “musk ox! Neat!” Then I probably wouldn’t use it much. No hate to those who like it, there are other ungulates I need more (peere David’s deer)
Where is the musk ox energy coming from, exactly? It's a very uncommon animal in captivity and not particularly unique to other requested rare-in-captivity animals like the platypus. We have the takin.
While it may not be common in zoos, it certainly is in a few (I've been lucky enough to see them in person as well, they are actually a lot smaller than you'd expect). The main reason though is that its simply a hugely iconic Arctic species that is quite unique in appearance and would provide a big ice age looking ungulate for Arctic zones. Its a bit similar to the walrus honestly, which is also very iconic despite not being common.

And there is precedent for animals like this with the platypus (which you mentioned), ok maybe neither of these are platypus level unique which admittedly is a high bar but they are certainly up there. Same can be applied to some of the popular bird picks like the shoebill and secretary bird.

I generally prefer animals that are common in captivity to be added but there is some very unique iconic animals that may not be common but I think deserve a place anyway.
While it may not be common in zoos, it certainly is in a few (I've been lucky enough to see them in person as well, they are actually a lot smaller than you'd expect). The main reason though is that its simply a hugely iconic Arctic species that is quite unique in appearance and would provide a big ice age looking ungulate for Arctic zones. Its a bit similar to the walrus honestly, which is also very iconic despite not being common.

And there is precedent for animals like this with the platypus (which you mentioned), ok maybe neither of these are platypus level unique which admittedly is a high bar but they are certainly up there. Same can be applied to some of the popular bird picks like the shoebill and secretary bird.

I generally prefer animals that are common in captivity to be added but there is some very unique iconic animals that may not be common but I think deserve a place anyway.
Yeah same. Some uncommon animals are just to iconic to be left out. Prime example is the king penguin
IF we get an animal pack AND the theme is 'around the world', I am putting my bet on this (what I think frontier would do, not my prefered list):

Coati - pretty sure this one will make it in, cute and
SA animal
Ocelot - it is a cat and probably easy to make, also
Two-toed sloth- again SA and maybe not much of an
effort based on the other sloth
Musk ox - to represent the northern continents
Muntjac- surely we get more than 1 ungulate, for
Tree kangaroo - cute animal and high in the wishlist,
to represent oceania
Hamadryas baboon - no new world monkeys,
but this highly recognisable primate,
for Africa
Secretary bird - I think frontier might give us a bird for the final pack and it is the number one on the wishlist I think

Still got the feeling this pack is too optimistic though 😌
I think the Musk Ox has the same problem the Walrus has, its an icon, but thats all it has going for it. Its well known enough for it to be wanted but really isn't unique, but somehow its even worse than the Walrus because the Walrus at least is a pinniped which we don't have a lot of, meanwhile we have countless buffalos that act the exact same way the Musk Ox would. Don't want it, don't care for it, but I'll be happy for the people that did want it.
I think the Musk Ox has the same problem the Walrus has, its an icon, but thats all it has going for it. Its well known enough for it to be wanted but really isn't unique, but somehow its even worse than the Walrus because the Walrus at least is a pinniped which we don't have a lot of, meanwhile we have countless buffalos that act the exact same way the Musk Ox would. Don't want it, don't care for it, but I'll be happy for the people that did want it.
Musk ox is not a buffalo at all, but a caprine from a seperate lineage to all others we have in game. ;)
Musk ox is not a buffalo at all, but a caprine from a seperate lineage to all others we have in game. ;)
Oh I didn't know, but anyways its the same structure as other buffalo-like ungulates we have in game. Wild Water Buffalo, Takin, African Buffalo, etc. they're all similar in terms of how they are structured, only difference is where they are located which then I can kinda understand why someone would want the Musk Ox.
Its well known enough for it to be wanted but really isn't unique, but somehow its even worse than the Walrus because the Walrus at least is a pinniped which we don't have a lot of, meanwhile we have countless buffalos that act the exact same way the Musk Ox would.

That has never stopped frontier from giving us ungulates though. Also, it is probably easier to make than the walrus. And the walrus isn't kept much in zoos either.
Honestly if I had to choose musk ox or walrus, I would choose musk ox. I don’t want either but I can see why some people do want them and would be happy for them, but I don’t really see them as essential. If we keep talking about them maybe Frontier would think we like them and add them. Quick! Talk about something else! 🤣
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