A lot of people argue that it's likely we could get the two-toed sloth in another pack, be it a Central America Pack or something else. But my thinking is, even with their more direct "reskin" choices (for lack of a better word), Frontier has usually implemented unique new animations, behaviors etc. The flying foxes, for example, offer a different experience than the fruit bats in the walk-through exhibit.
So, gameplay-wise, what could be the difference between the three-toed and two-toed sloth in the game if we do get another sloth species, especially in a much-hypothesized Central America Pack for spring? They wouldn't behave any differently, or would they? Wouldn't it just be a direct reskin to an animal with more zoo presence? I'm not very knowledgeable about the differences between the sloths, so maybe someone has an idea here. I think another sloth is a very Frontier thing to do, but I'm not convinced how they would contribute much other than that they probably should have been the species to come in the tropical pack in the first place.