Star Citizen Discussion Thread v11

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I'm not flaming anything.

I stated that mining in SC is better by a country mile.

That's an objective fact, notwithstanding my subjective thoughts on the matter.

You are correct. ED mining is poor in comparison, as will all things be in time when compared to SC.

ED remains a mile wide and an inch deep. That will never change. The fact that the majority of posters in this thread cannot see that SC is a mile wide AND a mile deep is perplexing to say the least.

Their loss lol
If that's true i'm delighted,any game that can surpass Elite,particulary in mining certainly deserves high praise indeed.
No, it simply has to do with the fact that the majority of posters in this thread live in the present, not some hypothetical future.

Are you actually aware of the current state of gameplay in SC 3.8? As in do you own a game package and actually playing the game?

Or are you just spitballing?
Oh but there is. There are a helluva lot of reasons at this stage.

The fact that you are oblivious to these reasons is confounding to say the least. Surely you know all that there is to do at this stage in SC? And yes, it's a helluva lot more than just 'staring at things'.

If you do not know why even bother replying to a SC thread? Do yourself a favour and go find out.

You can walk. You can carry a box (both in space and on the ground). You drive a vehicle.

Base building isn't in. Utilizing caves serves no current purpose. Ground combat in vehicles isn't really in.

To the statement that $45 gets everyone the same experience, I'll refrain from commenting cynically on the current state of the project (one can't be as objective as Montoya). For specific mechanics, such as laying mines in space (a brilliant idea), one must spend money. To provide medical services in space, one must spend money. To checks notes operate a news network in space, one must pony up for a space news van. And even then, what's purchased isn't always what's delivered, as with that last-minute surprise of a missing seat in the Khartu-Al.

Chris painted himself into a corner with the current list of "earnable" ships in-game. He either lowers the in-game price to make them more accessible, thus turning his back on the loyal backers and their big purchased fleets that they received as a "thank you" for pledging to his dream, or the in-game grind to upgrade ships is not going to be worth the $45.
Are you actually aware of the current state of gameplay in SC 3.8?
Lacklustre and incomplete, with no macro dynamics and larger systemic need or purpose for anything, and with very few mechanics that mesh together in any meaningful way, even in the very few cases where they have even been generalised to the point where it's not just some bespoke decoration or interaction tied to a single location or object.

And that's when it is even running at all.

And that is indeed an objective fact — even CI¬G says as much, and not only should they know, but they have every reason to say the opposite.

objective | əbˈdʒɛktɪv |

1 (of a person or their judgement) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts: historians try to be objective and impartial. Contrasted with subjective.
• not dependent on the mind for existence; actual: a matter of objective fact.

2 [attributive] Grammar relating to or denoting a case of nouns and pronouns serving as the object of a transitive verb or a preposition.

fact | fakt |

a thing that is known or proved to be true: the most commonly known fact about hedgehogs is that they have fleas | [mass noun] : a body of fact.
• (facts) information used as evidence or as part of a report or news article: even the most inventive journalism peters out without facts, and in this case there were no facts.
• (the fact that) used to refer to a particular situation under discussion: despite the fact that I'm so tired, sleep is elusive.
[mass noun] chiefly Law the truth about events as opposed to interpretation: there was a question of fact as to whether they had received the letter.

Even at this early stage there is more to SC than Elite.

Objective fact.

If you want to disagree then take my mining example and compare the two gameplay mechanics, objectively, and tell me which one is better.

Go on.
I can't wait until Star Citizen adds VR support, a fully-working flight model, server meshing (not 50-player capped servers), player/ship refueling/repair/healing, base building, stable physics, faction warfare, faction reputation, a few dozen star systems to explore, aliens to battle/research/trade, aliens structures to explore, scientific mysteries, lore-filled wrecks and bases, dynamic economy, crafting, equipment modification, guild mechanics, functional tutorials, farming, functional NPCs with AI, black holes, orbital mechanics, fleet carriers, sharable discoveries, and full MMO persistence.

But tbh I don't understand content development.
Sure. Here’s a fun example:

Damn I should have been waaaaaay more specific when dealing with this board.


Do you actually own a game package and actively playing 3.8?

The live version? Not the PTU.

Or do you rely on Youtube videos for your observations/info?
Do yourself a favour and spend $45 and find out for yourself. It's much better than relyting on others for (sic) 'citations'.
So you're basically saying that you have nothing to back your opinion up. Well, that's settled then.

As far as checking ”facts” go, the $5000 you've spent yield a rather different experience than just spending $45 so what you're asking for won't even achieve the thing you're attempting to demonstrate. If you don't know why, you haven't quite paid attention to how SC works.
Damn I should have been waaaaaay more specific when dealing with this board.


Do you actually own a game package and actively playing 3.8?

The live version? Not the PTU.

Or do you rely on Youtube videos for your observations/info?

Oh I’m sorry, does that video not accurately represent the substandard nature of the current FPS AI?

Perhaps you’d like to regale us with the various objective measures by which it outstrips FPS AI in other games?

And nope, I don’t play SC. I’m a VR snob these days, and have plenty to get on with in that realm thanks ;).

I do play the ‘marvelling at SC’ game when I’m away from my machine though. There’s always more content ;)
Funny that that one star gives more to the game than ED can lol

Forget for a moment the myriad of other gameplay activities such as the 890 mission which starts as space combat and ends with FPS battle on board a space-ship.

That right there is more than Elite will EVER have and more.
What you are describing is something different than Elite has, not MORE.

Example: Elite has a 1:1 galaxy. Is SC trying to do that? No? So that means "Elite is more than SC will EVER have and more" to turn your claim back to you?

They offer different things, at different levels.

And one is a game.
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