So many happy citizens Looking at spectrumI have not posted in a log time, I’ve been to busy playing SC. The PTU has been extremely stable for me and its been a blast.
I’m just posting here to say that CIG just released Elite Dangerous Anaconda! The Carrack is awesome, I’m so tempted to upgrade my 600i to it, its that good.
We are using it as a home away from home for the syndicate. It can easily hold two M50’s in the hangar, which are super fun to fight in, and to go low and fast.
Basically the M50 is the perfect SLF!
Hope all is well with everyone.
It can easily hold two M50’s in the hangar, which are super fun to fight in, and to go low and fast.
Basically the M50 is the perfect SLF!
I have not posted in a log time,
I’ve been to busy playing SC.
The PTU has been extremely stable for me and its been a blast.
I’m just posting here to say that CIG just released Elite Dangerous Anaconda!
The Carrack is awesome, I’m so tempted to upgrade my 600i to it, its that good.
We are using it as a home away from home for the syndicate.
It can easily hold two M50’s in the hangar, which are super fun to fight in, and to go low and fast.
Basically the M50 is the perfect SLF!
Hope all is well with everyone.
Do the launched fighters retain momentum now? Or do they still stop dead when they leave the mothership’s physics grid?
(As beautifully demonstrated by this 890J footage, which I can’t stop posting )
Actually they do. Lots of caveats there though...
- You need to trust there is no preferred equity obligations or similar towards the Calders.
I think you can bet your bottom dollar that the Calder's will be towards the very top of the creditors list. Just behind Coutts.
Yes, that is exactly how an equity investment works
I’m just posting here to say that CIG just released Elite Dangerous Anaconda! The Carrack is awesome, I’m so tempted to upgrade my 600i to it, its that good.
Yes, that is exactly how an equity investment works
Kinda, like the "known issues" list that is just growing after every patch, with now some issues that are quite a few years old.As an aside, is everything connected with SC stuck on repeat? (Asking for a friend.)
Star Citizen Discussion Thread v11
The whole Forbes article (from December 2018) makes interesting reading. Here's the part on GiG's financials - "Star Citizen’s six-year development—longer than the standard three-to-four years for many games—and missed release deadlines have sparked doubts from some of the 2 million
As an aside, is everything connected with SC stuck on repeat? (Asking for a friend.)
Not my fault you are repeatedly horribly mistaken.
Sorry I don't do videos. Nor do I know how to tag something as a spoiler. Here are some photos of me out and about messing around.
Headed down on a beautiful VFR Day to do some speed work.
It wasn't as nice as I thought it would be, but, still VFR to SVFR.
Opening up the Hangar bay and conducting a Pre-flight inspection!
Doing some speed runs, VFR Over the top
Heading down to see how bad it was on the deck and stretch out my feet.
Decided to get out and throw some snowballs.
Different landing spot, but wanted to walk to a hill top and check out the view.
Is something wrong with your graphic settings? The screenshots looking realy outdated from the graphic side.