Star Citizen Discussion Thread v11

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LOL, and the thread about it on reddit is being downvoted hard.

Faithful backers right now...


They're marking time and producing nothing but fluff and distraction whilst their main source of income, the PU, is dying. Biting the hand that feeds you has never been a good idea.
Cheers for the info, please keep it coming for all us non-ETF people 😁

I don't think the PU is dying though; CIG are having a record funding year on the tracker so the project appears to be surviving quite well.
Cheers for the info, please keep it coming for all us non-ETF people 😁

I don't think the PU is dying though; CIG are having a record funding year on the tracker so the project appears to be surviving quite well.

Come on Stu, in SC land, funding in no way is representative of how good the game is or how many people are actually playing it. We know some of the biggest spenders are apparently playing the game in their head.
You just don't get it.
That is how people behave in the future.
It is that one guy, who is sitting on his chair, who is buggy.
Wait... I've got it. The AI isn't acting buggy. CIG snuck an alien parasite into the game, and part of its life cycle is waiting for a predator to eat the infected. It compels them to stand on the highest surface available, and present as big a target as possible, so they can be seen and consumed.

Pity the uninfected fool sitting among them, because any of the infected who aren't consumed move on to the next stage of the infection. It isn't a pretty sight. :D
What on earth is up with that footage? How can you mess up trains in a shooter when they've been about in one form or another for about 20 years?
CIG have spent 18 months working on Theatres of War :oops:

What also happened 18 months ago?
  • CitizenCon 2018 (which the infamous Forbes article writers attended)
  • Red Bull recorded their documentary footage at CitizenCon
  • Rexzilla began his 1 year contract of 7-days-a-week SC streaming
  • And a month later the Calders' (Summer 2018) $46m investment was made public


Volunteer Moderator
That was before they broke the rest of it and all the servers with SSOCS and long term non persistence of course ;)

The 3.8 to 3.9 PU and PTU patches are the worst I've experienced in Star Citizen in quite a few's development going backwards. ToW is (at the moment) 20 v 20 with massive desync, 250ms+ built in server lag, random and consistent server crashes as well as game physics made of jelly... not to mention the thinking and marketing strategy behind offering up a 20 v 20 mini-game pew fest hoping to attract new backers into the main resource starved PU in the age of Fortnite, PUB-G, Battlefield and CoD, I've no idea...neither do they seemingly. It's a drowning man clutching at straws.

Like I mentioned....the ETF chat isn't quite as kind as that either.

Ci¬G are making it obvious that they cannot...for whatever reason...further progress the gameplay and content of the PU in any substantial and meaningful manner, excuses for Sqn 42 taking most of the resources from a 600+ strong multi-national team of devs doesn't really ring with any measure of truth. They're marking time and producing nothing but fluff and distraction whilst their main source of income, the PU, is dying.

Biting the hand that feeds you has never been a good idea.

Be that as it may. I am also pretty sure a significant amount of money was "pledged" over CitCon 2019 on the basis of the ToW hype and readiness misrepresentation sold by Sean Tracy.


Volunteer Moderator
No different than any previous CitizenCon presentation. The Sandworm hype is real.

Absolutely no different from any of the numerous similar past misrepresentations that have led to significant "pledges". Not just Citizen Cons. I think it is good practice to mention it, lest we forget that CIG is still asking for money 7-8 years after kickstarter with no product released and zero accountability.
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Real question: from a technical programming point, anyone has an idea of what could make the NPC always T-posing and standing on chairs ? Other Cryengine games have same issue ?
Real question: from a technical programming point, anyone has an idea of what could make the NPC always T-posing and standing on chairs ? Other Cryengine games have same issue ?
When the animation system has no idea what frame the model should be posed in. An immediate suspect would be a variant of the old issue where doors would not close (or open) properly if you weren't looking at them, because the objects would be aggressively culled in a desperate gambit to improve performance, and this incompetently made the client lose track of what state the door was in. It's quite possible that a similar issue exists with the more demanding animations required for character models.
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