Star Citizen Discussion Thread v11

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And for only $115, you too can race around the Galaxy sector stars system planets!

Ah, so this is why it was wise to invest early! Invest early, save money! Just think about the hundreds of pounds people might save by investing thousands early!

Only fools will wait for the game to release for a standard price and then actually earn the ships in game with in-game currency.
Meh, I made $130 profit selling my spare Carrack on the grey market...some minor profits selling other stuff as Ci¬G keep hiking their prices. I trim or add stuff depending on what it is or if I perhaps see a use for it in game at some point. The few ships I have change on a weekly basis sometimes, I had a reshuffle of some older stuff that didn't have LTI, couldn't find an LTI CCU or token for it...but CiG stepped right in and are offering 10 year insurance on recent purchases during the expo...simply a matter of reshuffling stuff to take advantage at no cost to me. The only ships I won't sell or melt are the Pirate Caterpillar and Cutlass Black.. I like them.

It's not all about forking out cash with no way of getting it back...that's what the grey market is all about ;)
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I wish I was English like my hero Tj.
Re: Chris not knowing what he was doing by picking Cryengine...

As far as I know it was Crytek who created the initial pitch video Chris showed when he launched his fundraising back in 2012. They were happy to help him sell his dream if it meant money and exposure for them.

I don't doubt that it may not be a good choice for this type of game but I don't think the decision was made without some enablers.
The prices have gone up since you last looked...can't get a Cutlass for under $150 nowadays :D

Anyway, I look on it as a good thing all in all, reducing the time spent in QT was essential....especially for folks with the smaller ships, good move by Ci¬G.

You guys have 50% tax now?

Didn't see that one either...seems the expo has some fairly decent deals here and there (relatively) That Cutty will come with 10 year insurance too (y)

My Cutty is the pirate skin version with the Loot&Scoot deluxe package (LTI) with the fancy schmancy IAE skin I got for free yesterday.
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I wish I was English like my hero Tj.
Didn't see that one either...seems the expo has some fairly decent deals here and there (relatively) That Cutty will come with 10 year insurance too (y)

Despite all the lies and predatory marketing and incessant delays..... despite all I now know about CIG and their mismanagement.... i still am tempted to buy back in.

Shows how desperate I am for the type of space game SC has the potential to be, and how effective their marketing really is. :)
Despite all the lies and predatory marketing and incessant delays..... despite all I now know about CIG and their mismanagement.... i still am tempted to buy back in.

Shows how desperate I am for the type of space game SC has the potential to be, and how effective their marketing really is. :)
Wait until after the June 2020 court hearing before getting back in is my advice.
Despite all the lies and predatory marketing and incessant delays..... despite all I now know about CIG and their mismanagement.... i still am tempted to buy back in.

Shows how desperate I am for the type of space game SC has the potential to be, and how effective their marketing really is. :)
You certainly aren't alone...I was exactly the same after refunding in 2017 before 3.0 came along with planets...and before they shut the doors on refunds. I watched the 2016/'17 demo at Citcon where the wheels fell off the rover and was so disgusted, I cashed in my original concierge account...relatively simple too, 3 days and a couple of emails to concierge support and my full pledge was returned... minus VAT of course.

I stayed out even though some mates kept their pledges and played occasionally... until the big Expo in 2018...I tried the freefly after they nagged me to come in and have a look, saw the improvements and sampled the planets, noted how different it was from the last time I had played during 2.63 and was willing to give it another go...bought back in with a Cutlass black loot&scoot package for 95 bucks during the sale, swearing I wouldn't buy any more..we all know how that ended :rolleyes:


Love that gif...sums up the Star Citizen experience better than a 500 word wall of text for me :D
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Despite all the lies and predatory marketing and incessant delays..... despite all I now know about CIG and their mismanagement.... i still am tempted to buy back in.

Shows how desperate I am for the type of space game SC has the potential to be, and how effective their marketing really is. :)

If you do, not that you should....

but this is the "best" way right now do it.

Hull A:

It isn't in game yet and won't be for a while. The loaner is a freelancer and you get a hornet for AC loaner (which should be in the PU also)
Well after realizing that I made a blunder on my purchases, I now have $85 in store credit at SC. How it happened: Well, last expo I bought the Aero LTI pack and upgraded to the 600i (which I still own and love to fly). I had my original package too, upgraded to the Titan, which is $85. What I didn't realize is that the Aero LTI package came with the game until today!!!!

I also have a $15 graycat and a $40 Hangar I can part ways with, so I'm thinking about getting the Prospector for $155, which would be an additional $15.


I can add an Andromeda for $225 and double my 600i's cargo capacity (I worry about this, just incase they turn the elevator into a cargo hold and increase the ships cargo capacity.

I'm leaning towards the Prospector.... Any help would be appreciated.

oh and no I will not refund :)
Well after realizing that I made a blunder on my purchases, I now have $85 in store credit at SC. How it happened: Well, last expo I bought the Aero LTI pack and upgraded to the 600i (which I still own and love to fly). I had my original package too, upgraded to the Titan, which is $85. What I didn't realize is that the Aero LTI package came with the game until today!!!!

I also have a $15 graycat and a $40 Hangar I can part ways with, so I'm thinking about getting the Prospector for $155, which would be an additional $15.


I can add an Andromeda for $225 and double my 600i's cargo capacity (I worry about this, just incase they turn the elevator into a cargo hold and increase the ships cargo capacity.

I'm leaning towards the Prospector.... Any help would be appreciated.

oh and no I will not refund :)

If you decide on the Prospector, might want to get the Vulture instead for right now. Prospector is loaner for Vulture and is $15 cheaper so no additional money. Vulture is supposed to be flyable soon. If you end up liking the Prospector, that might be an issue with the Vulture though.

Connies are awful. If you want cargo the Freelancer Max is better.
3 days and a couple of emails to concierge support and my full pledge was returned... minus VAT of course.
This sounds an awful lot like VAT fraud. They've been trying to play games with VAT before which is always a particularly bright shining red warning light…
It is VAT fraud. All payments in full have to be refunded, it's UK law.

@Mole HD get that VAT refunded back to you. If they don't and you're in UK send the info to HMRC; if not in UK then send the info to me and I'll report it for you.

On a related note: did your refund originate from the same company/account that you paid initially? If not, report that too: it's against UK money laundering regulations - they have to refund via the same payment channel as the original payment.
It is VAT fraud. All payments in full have to be refunded, it's UK law.

@Mole HD get that VAT refunded back to you. If they don't and you're in UK send the info to HMRC; if not in UK then send the info to me and I'll report it for you.

On a related note: did your refund originate from the same company/account that you paid initially? If not, report that too: it's against UK money laundering regulations - they have to refund via the same payment channel as the original payment.
All sorted a long time ago...that's why I pay my accountant decent money :) I was mistaken on the VAT in any case, that was returned with the claim. It was something else entirely...can't for the life of me remember what since I'd have to check the files...but it was a mere few bucks anyway.

I mentioned the refund since it was for me, a fairly simple, stress free and uncomplicated process...and also completely contrary to the general horror stories I had read elsewhere.
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My personal view is the current status quo will continue for a considerable while. We have not reached the tipping point yet. Funding levels are still pretty good. A careful reduction of staff to right size to their incoming pledges in the New Year would allow them to sail on wards for a decent while. My guess is as they reach the tipping point and they can no longer reduce staff without it being obvious the game will be declared released. That way they will have delivered something. If release is a success they will continue if not then they have a justifiable reason to close down.
I don't think it's that rosy. Like everything else about CIG the math just doesn't add up. If funding was as good as the backers believe then why did they have to take a loan? Why did they take on an investor when (even mentioned in OA's recent vid) Chris Roberts was harping on about being able to create his dream game without anyone looking over his shoulder? Even their own financial report they released last year indicated they had run out of money. If the whale milk was still sustaining the project none of that would be necessary. Once the Calder money is gone it's over. I wait in anticipation of EA, MS or some other big corp swooping in to snap up this "amazing" project as others have claimed.

They are still trying to fill 76 vacancies.

That's somewhere in the region of 1/7th of their total staffing needs. That is just insane and one has to wonder why they have so many vacancies, some of which have been open for a very long time. Can they not find people with the right skills? Hard to believe. Are they too demanding? Hard to believe when you see "senior" developers at CIG who look like they are fresh out of school. Maybe word gets around, people are not applying? Its believable if you are a skeptic and people in the industry talk. CR's management style is well known and not everyone wants to be micromanaged or told to rework the same thing multiple times or deal with crazy deadlines (remember the whole "we intentionally make unrealistic deadlines to motivate staff" idiocy?). Perhaps the crunch culture is a turn off for many, when you can get an equivalent or better salary elsewhere with less crunch (the gaming industry is well known for crunch and many devs i've known who worked in gaming were only too happy to get out and work on less glamorous projects). Maybe they also have high staff turnover, meaning every time they fill a position, another one opens up. That would requires a close analysis of the vacancies over time, something i'm not willing to do.
That's not surprising though. CIG are an open joke now. People used to give them some measure of respect for the money they gained but even people like in the IG games video are openly mocking the company now. Who would sign up for that?
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I downloaded Gameglass tonight to try in SC, with my Ipad. I only did a little bit of playing before I had to log off. I will have to wait for my next gaming session to see how I like it. From what I've seen, it was pretty cool. I know they have it for ED too. I'm using the free version.
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