Star Citizen Discussion Thread v11

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Assuming that this is a philosophical as opposed to practical question.
Yeah, it seemed to be an attempt by CR to further mud the waters and continue diluting the commercial commitments he squarely engaged in via Kickstarter and later via fully financed Stretch Goals. Among many other commitments.

He may have realized he probably can not deliver as promised and is trying to absolve himself of that accountability by normalising the failure.
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Greetings from a houshold where my rig is not a tax deductable and is costed as the family pc used by four people! My VR headset paid for from a long service award from work. My impression from recent pages on this thread is that those who appear to be getting the most out of this game (based on postings) are privileged to have the disposal income not just to afford expensive rigs, but can also treat it as a hobby costing hundreds (in some cases from what I read thousands) of dollars.

Nope just open up a home business, amazon store, direct sales, or stock trader (which I do) and I’m allowed to write off the hardware I need to run trading software. No wheee in the rules does it say buy the minimum specs to run the software either.

Thus, an awesome computer with an excellent monitor.

Now if I could write off my 600i someway. Joking IRS man reading this.
Don't know where you got that idea, I lost both my legs below the knee serving some obscure political whim, got up on my brand new tin legs and forged an old family farm into a going concern through not inconsiderable sweat from my brow in the process. Now my sons, formerly serving soldiers themselves, run the day to day business of operating a farm whilst I tinker around with old motorbikes, shout a lot and throw tools around the byre whilst pretending to be retired.

Nowt much privileged about it really.

Saying that, I come from a comfortably well off family background that have been traditional and career military since 1678, I went to a fancy military academy (thanks to my father being a serving army officer at the time) and also thanks to 23 years of service, have a small military pension to supplement my income not tied to the farm or general living costs...not to mention the slush fund I keep for buying motorbikes and pixel spaceships.

Thank you for your service, like we discussed before!!!! As you know I did 25 years in the USA’s Army before moving on to another career myself.

Having the pension as a base income does allow for the ability to have disposable income.

For all the bads, there are numerous goods, and I get to buy space ships!!
It saddens me to see someone (CR) think this is a valid business/development model. I hope it wouldn't get adopted inductry wide like microtransactions, but looking at the abundance of early access games and the buggy mess most games are released in these days. I think CR is just taking the trend further and not promissing a complete game at all.

I've been following this develpment regularely since 2016 and would have laughed if it wasn't so depressing. What is the world coming to if this kind of thing is acceptable? I wasn't interested in the game (neither was I into ED but eventually got it) just the way it's being developed. As poeple here call it 'a train wreck'.

I first noticed it at the end of the kickstarter campaign, probably from some news link about the record breaking funding. The game didn't impress me, I wasn't into the aesthetic of the ships, they didn't look like they were designed from the ground up with physics in mind as advertised. I also wasn't impressed by the cinematic of the kickstarter, it was obviously prerendered footage and we all know how that usually goes and watching your character take a minute to climb into and out of a cockpit looked boring (SC wasn't marketted as an MMO at the time). What I was interested in was how they'll manage the free money they got and how having no publisher was going to affect their development. It could have been a viable alternative to traditional game development.

I didn't know who CR was in 2012, never played any of his games but I was old enough to know the language he used were redflags, politician level, redflags. I filed it away since I wasn't interested in the game. I noticed it again in 2014, still wasn't released, couldn't say I was surprised. In 2016 with the expanded scope and "never done before" funding I took a real interest in the developement, because redflags were waving like a large Chinese wedding held in the middle of a Communist Party rally. The thing that really hinted it as a pipedream was CR saying further funding will increase scope without effecting development time. Anyone with any experience at doing anything themselves (carpentry and DIY in my case) knows if you change your plans, it's going to take longer.

Now we're comining up on 2020 and looking back I don't think thre's been any real terms difference from 2016. CR is still stringing people along, development is just as slow despite more warm bodies workng on it, SC/SQ42 is still in development, people are still putting money into it and it still look like a cult of personality. To me this entire project is the most 'first world' thing I've seen, shallow, indulgent, lacks accountability and wasteful.

For someone who is supposedly a game industry veteran CR definitely had been failing upwards. Not saying I'm perfect but even in my many failed projects I knew when it wasn't going to work and had enough integrety to admit it.

Sorry, I'm no MTBFritz.
It's kind of funny how this started out as “You can justify it how you want. [but] I don’t need to lie to myself!” and now that side of the argument is coming up with some pretty fanciful — seemingly quite wilfully self-deceptive — attempts at justifying what sounds like outrageously bad purchase decisions. :D

I guess in the interest of disclosure epeen-waving, I should mention that I have a setup that cost me somewhere in the $5,500 region — more than half of that is the HOTAS setup… and the less said about how much I spent on DCS, the better :p

You really went all-out on the hotas for that amount. VAT where you live must be huge though. I'm planning for Virpils some time after christmas. But what I really want isn't close to ready yet. Everyone was hyped about the alpha, but all I really want is a collective for the UH-1. I need replacement pedals though. My old CH pro pedals have seen better days.
You really went all-out on the hotas for that amount. VAT where you live must be huge though. I'm planning for Virpils some time after christmas. But what I really want isn't close to ready yet. Everyone was hyped about the alpha, but all I really want is a collective for the UH-1. I need replacement pedals though. My old CH pro pedals have seen better days.

It's...not cheap.

I got a standard X-53 HOTAS for about 150 EUR (inc VAT) and then i got myself a MFG Crosswind for another 320-400 EUR.

Add a 150 EUR for Track-IR and we land at 620-700 just for the flight hardware. Computer about 2000 EUR, 43" monitor for about 500 EUR.

Now im debating if i want to shell out 1000-1500 EUR on an 8K VR set...

So im not close to 5000 USD yet but im creeping towards it...

Crosswinds are like night and day compared to the cheap regular stuff.
Nope just open up a home business, amazon store, direct sales, or stock trader (which I do) and I’m allowed to write off the hardware I need to run trading software. No wheee in the rules does it say buy the minimum specs to run the software either.

Thus, an awesome computer with an excellent monitor.

Now if I could write off my 600i someway. Joking IRS man reading this.

I'm amazed it works like this in the US. In Germany, they do allow writing off computers (within 3 years), as long as they are required for work, but they give you a hard time if the stats don't match what you claim the thing to be for . . . as teacher, for instance, I could hardly claim that an RTX 2080 would be justified as an expense, even though I use my computer for work regularly. ;) (I do play a lot of games on it, which is why it isn't exactly slow. I was hoping to upgrade as a Christmas gift, but it's looking like it's not in the cards . . . my kids come first. I keep telling my wife (jokingly) that kids are a man's most expensive hobby. ;) )
It saddens me to see someone (CR) think this is a valid business/development model. I hope it wouldn't get adopted inductry wide like microtransactions, but looking at the abundance of early access games and the buggy mess most games are released in these days. I think CR is just taking the trend further and not promissing a complete game at all.

I've been following this develpment regularely since 2016 and would have laughed if it wasn't so depressing. What is the world coming to if this kind of thing is acceptable? I wasn't interested in the game (neither was I into ED but eventually got it) just the way it's being developed. As poeple here call it 'a train wreck'.

I first noticed it at the end of the kickstarter campaign, probably from some news link about the record breaking funding. The game didn't impress me, I wasn't into the aesthetic of the ships, they didn't look like they were designed from the ground up with physics in mind as advertised. I also wasn't impressed by the cinematic of the kickstarter, it was obviously prerendered footage and we all know how that usually goes and watching your character take a minute to climb into and out of a cockpit looked boring (SC wasn't marketted as an MMO at the time). What I was interested in was how they'll manage the free money they got and how having no publisher was going to affect their development. It could have been a viable alternative to traditional game development.

I didn't know who CR was in 2012, never played any of his games but I was old enough to know the language he used were redflags, politician level, redflags. I filed it away since I wasn't interested in the game. I noticed it again in 2014, still wasn't released, couldn't say I was surprised. In 2016 with the expanded scope and "never done before" funding I took a real interest in the developement, because redflags were waving like a large Chinese wedding held in the middle of a Communist Party rally. The thing that really hinted it as a pipedream was CR saying further funding will increase scope without effecting development time. Anyone with any experience at doing anything themselves (carpentry and DIY in my case) knows if you change your plans, it's going to take longer.

Now we're comining up on 2020 and looking back I don't think thre's been any real terms difference from 2016. CR is still stringing people along, development is just as slow despite more warm bodies workng on it, SC/SQ42 is still in development, people are still putting money into it and it still look like a cult of personality. To me this entire project is the most 'first world' thing I've seen, shallow, indulgent, lacks accountability and wasteful.

For someone who is supposedly a game industry veteran CR definitely had been failing upwards. Not saying I'm perfect but even in my many failed projects I knew when it wasn't going to work and had enough integrety to admit it.

Sorry, I'm no MTBFritz.
Gamers really only have themselves to blame when it comes to the dubious business practices of CIG, EA, Ubisoft or whomever. They blow ridiculous amounts on (sometimes not so) microtransactions, accept the release now patch later mindset, and pump quarter of a billion USD into a project that was meant to be delivered in 2014.
It's...not cheap.

I got a standard X-53 HOTAS for about 150 EUR (inc VAT) and then i got myself a MFG Crosswind for another 320-400 EUR.

Add a 150 EUR for Track-IR and we land at 620-700 just for the flight hardware. Computer about 2000 EUR, 43" monitor for about 500 EUR.

Now im debating if i want to shell out 1000-1500 EUR on an 8K VR set...

So im not close to 5000 USD yet but im creeping towards it...

Crosswinds are like night and day compared to the cheap regular stuff.

I've been using CH stuff for a while. Also went through a few t1600's and a couple flight sticks doing dual stick, but I'm over that now. Still using the fighterstick and throttle. I'm actually kinda torn between the crosswind and virpil pedals. A friend of mine got virpils recently, and swears by them. But those crosswinds look nice. Plus, their availability seems better. Not very impressed with trackir, but it's OK for days where the VR rig seems like too much effort.

I'm amazed it works like this in the US. In Germany, they do allow writing off computers (within 3 years), as long as they are required for work, but they give you a hard time if the stats don't match what you claim the thing to be for . . . as teacher, for instance, I could hardly claim that an RTX 2080 would be justified as an expense, even though I use my computer for work regularly. ;) (I do play a lot of games on it, which is why it isn't exactly slow. I was hoping to upgrade as a Christmas gift, but it's looking like it's not in the cards . . . my kids come first. I keep telling my wife (jokingly) that kids are a man's most expensive hobby. ;) )

Maybe add gpu programming to your curriculum. :)
My "boss" just had an HP Omen desktop purchased for him. 2080ti and all. Some folks just got it like that.
I'm amazed it works like this in the US. In Germany, they do allow writing off computers (within 3 years), as long as they are required for work, but they give you a hard time if the stats don't match what you claim the thing to be for . . . as teacher, for instance, I could hardly claim that an RTX 2080 would be justified as an expense, even though I use my computer for work regularly. ;) (I do play a lot of games on it, which is why it isn't exactly slow. I was hoping to upgrade as a Christmas gift, but it's looking like it's not in the cards . . . my kids come first. I keep telling my wife (jokingly) that kids are a man's most expensive hobby. ;) )

But, what about your crypto mining business? Doesn’t that require the RTX 2080?

Also, never lie. Actually start a side business. Mailbox money is AWESOME and can never be over-rated.
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I've been using CH stuff for a while. Also went through a few t1600's and a couple flight sticks doing dual stick, but I'm over that now. Still using the fighterstick and throttle. I'm actually kinda torn between the crosswind and virpil pedals. A friend of mine got virpils recently, and swears by them. But those crosswinds look nice. Plus, their availability seems better. Not very impressed with trackir, but it's OK for days where the VR rig seems like too much effort.

Maybe add gpu programming to your curriculum. :)
My "boss" just had an HP Omen desktop purchased for him. 2080ti and all. Some folks just got it like that.

I run dual T1600’s and really like them. The freedom of movement is great in games. I like to fly helicopters or VTOLs in X-plane 11.

Planes are so 20th Century!
Given enough RAM and fast enough storage you can play several games at once :D

SC’s problem with performance, as it has always been, is not lack of local resources, but a completely inefficient asset handling procedure, a whole mess of interdependencies on the WAN, and a backend that can only be described as wholly inadequate. No amount of hardware is going to fix this. Ever.
You really went all-out on the hotas for that amount. VAT where you live must be huge though. I'm planning for Virpils some time after christmas. But what I really want isn't close to ready yet. Everyone was hyped about the alpha, but all I really want is a collective for the UH-1. I need replacement pedals though. My old CH pro pedals have seen better days.
VAT is the standard(ish) 25%. It's just that the setup is… extensive — not just a stick and a throttle. And I'm assuming this is what you refer to as not being ready… it'll beat SC as far as a release date goes, so there's always that. :p
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