Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Never understood why the baddies called their own side of the Force the "Dark Side". I mean what is the appeal? How could Vader expect Luke to join just like that? The Sith should have hired CIG´s marketing to sell it and maybe call it instead the "Fun Side" or the "Cool Guys Side" or some such. But the dark side??? Come on Vader!
My side.... Your side my side your side my side your side....
I'm fond of the beautiful scenery + ship interior + EVA as they were handled and used by SC. The seamless transition between all those gameplays is a huge selling point for me. For instance, one of the mission that impress me a lot is when you have to seek corpses in EVA in a wreck floating in dark space, your ship stopped near the wreck to light it. I like also a lot doing some FPS so having a space game + fps at the same time is a must (EDO is a huge improvment of Elite for me).

I like a lot X4 but it has no multi.
I don't know Tachyon, I will look at it.

Tachyon is an oldish space sim but it had a good story, good combat, and good mechanics overall.

As for the rest, i can understand why you like SC (if you are willing to overlook a whole range of issues with the project), i just can't understand the claim to liking it more than any other space game ever.

And its not just you, i've seen this claim from many of the faithful.

It always makes me assume people haven't played... other games... ever.
Never understood why the baddies called their own side of the Force the "Dark Side". I mean what is the appeal? How could Vader expect Luke to join just like that? The Sith should have hired CIG´s marketing to sell it and maybe call it instead the "Fun Side" or the "Cool Guys Side" or some such. But the dark side??? Come on Vader!

Nah, they would have come up with something like The Roberts' Way or some horse manure like that.

It says it all really. Early days of finalizing the designs for a game mechanic... a game mechanic they sold backers ships for years ago. They sold the ship before they even knew how it would work.

Its pretty scummy, if not scammy.
"finalizing the design"... If this is the most open development ever then perhaps these designs should be published?

[ Ducks head at this point since I'm a DDF member and some of the designs presented there didn't (or haven't yet) come to pass ]

It says it all really. Early days of finalizing the designs for a game mechanic... a game mechanic they sold backers ships for years ago. They sold the ship before they even knew how it would work.

Its pretty scummy, if not scammy.
well the Hornet Tracker still doesn't have the AWACS functionality as per their sale page description, and that ship is one of the Hornet variant, you know... the ship which existence even PREDATES the original KS campaign...? when did they first sell the Hornet Tracker? 2012?
Isnt 'the' Solar System named after Sol? As in our System? So is Earth and the rest meant to be implemented in the System that already exists or will it get its own? Attention to detail and fidelity missing?
"finalizing the design"... If this is the most open development ever then perhaps these designs should be published?

[ Ducks head at this point since I'm a DDF member and some of the designs presented there didn't (or haven't yet) come to pass ]
Well we know that when CIG says "just around the corner" it means years away before having a broken tier-0. So we won't still be alive if they're just about to finish conceptualize this feature.

About DDF, I assume it was a dev/backers joint think-tank with no guarantee everything emerging from it will become a reality. Am I wrong?

It says it all really. Early days of finalizing the designs for a game mechanic... a game mechanic they sold backers ships for years ago. They sold the ship before they even knew how it would work.

Its pretty scummy, if not scammy.
My one relief with this refuelling thing, Dan Trufin's team is now in control of it. He's done wonders for mining. Since he took over that, mining went from the basic t0 mode to what we have now with additions or changes and upgrades every patch regular as clockwork, including the addition of the entire refining process. It's the only consistently developed gameplay loop present in Star Citizen. If he's talking about refuelling, and from the way he describes the process in the video, you can take a bet that it's closer to being actually realised than the Disco-hobo is aware :)
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How is that two-man ROC thing?
It's the vehicle team and marketing department who are responsible for that abomination...a 2 seater ROC is about as useful as chocolate underpants. Dan Trufin and his team over in Frankfurt develop the process and the gameplay, not the vehicles :)

I like Dan Trufin, he and his team listen to our feedback, act on it and produce results, improvements and playable content every patch...unlike the rest of Ci¬G. He's one of the few competent managers that Ci¬G has. Magic Germans once again :D
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