Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Where's the best place to watch for Free Fly events?

i missed the last one, when i was only idly interested, so clearly arent on the appropriate channels. Quite interested to try now.
I seem to remember there's usually one in November.

If you do buy in, don't spend loads of money - starter ships like the aurora are perfectly adequate. Folks will let you tour their ships, you get to see everything without going nuts.

Back in the day the whole 'Lifetime insurance' thing was a good incentive, but now it's not in place on most cash purchases- a lot of the big ticket items you see players have are what they call CCU (cross-chassis upgrade) where the original insurance is carried through to the upgraded purchase.

I would hate to 'pledge' over £100 for a ship only to have some ganker fry it when I've forgotten to pay the ingame insurance. That mechanism isn't in place yet, but it's been stated as where it'll go. Ingame insurance is supposed to be cheap, but how many times have we forgotten the 'dont fly without rebuy' in Elite?
Though i would get 3.13 a go after a few weeks away.

Woke at Grim Hex with a Lv 2 Crime Stat, can't remember how i got that, went down stairs and bough a decryption card, took the Lancer MISC to the security outpost Kareah, jumped out of the back of the Lancer with it moving at 600M/s to avoid getting blown up by the defence turrets, EVA to the station, no bounty hunters there, luckely, i was able to hack into the terminal and clear my crime stat (reason for dropping charges was Mental Incompetence, of course).
At this point my Lancer was flying way off into the distance, i set up a pick me up beacon, a nice German fellow accepted it and took me to Port Olisar, He was paid the fee i set, 15,000 aUEC.
I took the MSR to Centermass at A18 to outfit my 325A with my usual loadout as i had previously melted it to try out some MSR skins which i have now melted again and bought the 325A back. fitted it out, took it to Hurston and did some HRT bounty hunting, made 100,000 aUEC in 30 minutes.

Performance was good, completely smooth, no issues what so ever.
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I've just been watching Elite Cmdr Will and Kate's videos of the first few days of trying out Star certainly made me smile at some of Kate's comments during the 3 videos she's put up so far..."I can't believe it, I have an actual box on the bed in my ship!" :D

I really enjoyed seeing Star Citizen through certainly less jaded eyes than mine, she conveys a sense of wonder I seem to have lost just plying my daily way through the myriad of bugs that make up the Star Citizen experience ("My god! That's actual water down there, it's a sea!")...Well worth a watch whether you're a backer, a cynic or just a typical SC agnostic...very entertaining. I'll be following her video progress as she continues :)

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I've just been watching Elite Cmdr Will and Kate's videos of the first few days of trying out Star certainly made me smile at some of Kate's comments during the 3 videos she's put up so far..."I can't believe it, I have an actual box on the bed in my ship!" :D

I really enjoyed seeing Star Citizen through certainly less jaded eyes than mine, she conveys a sense of wonder I seem to have lost just plying my daily way through the myriad of bugs that make up the Star Citizen experience ("My god! That's actual water down there, it's a sea!")...Well worth a watch whether you're a backer, a cynic or just a typical SC agnostic...very entertaining. I'll be following her video progress as she continues :)

It goes back to what was said before: SC scratches an itch that no other game has really tried to scratch. Having a real ship, in space, moving inside of it, landing on a planet, opening the cargo hatch, stepping outside, and you're on this burning hot moon, in the desert, and you can feel your suit heating up. You've got cold water stored in case you get dehydrated, food too, but you're moving your butt across a dozen meters to grab a package to take to an ice moon halfway across the Stanton system.

It's what a lot of us hoped for in a game, and I hate, I Hate, I HATE that it has been mismanaged in such a way that we'll likely never see it come to fruition. I could be wrong, but I just feel it in my gut.
I've just been watching Elite Cmdr Will and Kate's videos of the first few days of trying out Star certainly made me smile at some of Kate's comments during the 3 videos she's put up so far..."I can't believe it, I have an actual box on the bed in my ship!" :D

I really enjoyed seeing Star Citizen through certainly less jaded eyes than mine, she conveys a sense of wonder I seem to have lost just plying my daily way through the myriad of bugs that make up the Star Citizen experience ("My god! That's actual water down there, it's a sea!")...Well worth a watch whether you're a backer, a cynic or just a typical SC agnostic...very entertaining. I'll be following her video progress as she continues :)

losing those poor boxes to a 30k 😭
I've just been watching Elite Cmdr Will and Kate's videos of the first few days of trying out Star certainly made me smile at some of Kate's comments during the 3 videos she's put up so far..."I can't believe it, I have an actual box on the bed in my ship!" :D

I really enjoyed seeing Star Citizen through certainly less jaded eyes than mine, she conveys a sense of wonder I seem to have lost just plying my daily way through the myriad of bugs that make up the Star Citizen experience ("My god! That's actual water down there, it's a sea!")...Well worth a watch whether you're a backer, a cynic or just a typical SC agnostic...very entertaining. I'll be following her video progress as she continues :)

Watched about 10 minutes of it so far, it is delightful :) its just as delightful as seeing new players type in chat OMG this and that...

The good with the bad; this game does have a lot to show for its self, you and i @Mole HD are used to it, to you and me flying over a huge highly detailed city, to land in a forest, to land beside an ocean, to fly through a huge beautiful gas cloud to experience the weather effects surface side, and yes even to pick up a box and put it down where ever you like inside your ship, on your ships bed is all old hat to us.
All we see are now are its problems, and it has them, but i would also say they are not as frequent as it may seem to some, i've just had 3 hours of immaculate smooth gameplay.

I know exactly how to get killed by my MSR doors, elevators, i know how to get my avatar to fall through buildings, i could spend an hour of creating calamity after calamity, if i wanted to, because they have not gone over every inch of the game fixing every little trap and hole, nor should they at this point, that's for BETA refinement. when you have everything in place, then you run a pass over it to fix all the cracks.

For now just don't stand at an odd angle between the lift and the floor, don't run head first into wall edges.... all that :)
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It goes back to what was said before: SC scratches an itch that no other game has really tried to scratch. Having a real ship, in space, moving inside of it, landing on a planet, opening the cargo hatch, stepping outside, and you're on this burning hot moon, in the desert, and you can feel your suit heating up. You've got cold water stored in case you get dehydrated, food too, but you're moving your butt across a dozen meters to grab a package to take to an ice moon halfway across the Stanton system.

It's what a lot of us hoped for in a game, and I hate, I Hate, I HATE that it has been mismanaged in such a way that we'll likely never see it come to fruition. I could be wrong, but I just feel it in my gut.
Don't know about you...but after watching Kate's video, for some reason I want to go do some box missions :D
It goes back to what was said before: SC scratches an itch that no other game has really tried to scratch. Having a real ship, in space, moving inside of it, landing on a planet, opening the cargo hatch, stepping outside, and you're on this burning hot moon, in the desert, and you can feel your suit heating up. You've got cold water stored in case you get dehydrated, food too, but you're moving your butt across a dozen meters to grab a package to take to an ice moon halfway across the Stanton system.

It's what a lot of us hoped for in a game, and I hate, I Hate, I HATE that it has been mismanaged in such a way that we'll likely never see it come to fruition. I could be wrong, but I just feel it in my gut.

I got vibes like this from Old Duck and Darkfyre99's Space Engineers playthrough thread. They built their ships to boot.

Maybe check it out if that's your kink.
I've just been watching Elite Cmdr Will and Kate's videos of the first few days of trying out Star certainly made me smile at some of Kate's comments during the 3 videos she's put up so far..."I can't believe it, I have an actual box on the bed in my ship!" :D

I really enjoyed seeing Star Citizen through certainly less jaded eyes than mine, she conveys a sense of wonder I seem to have lost just plying my daily way through the myriad of bugs that make up the Star Citizen experience ("My god! That's actual water down there, it's a sea!")...Well worth a watch whether you're a backer, a cynic or just a typical SC agnostic...very entertaining. I'll be following her video progress as she continues :)

I'll give it a pass then. And i'd do the same if it was for ED or any other game.

People who say things like "I can't believe it, i have an actual box on the bed in my ship" are probably the same sort of people who went wild over the helmet flip demo.

Its the sort of amazement that makes me think if you showed them a pack of 32 different coloured crayons they would be equally amazed.
I'll give it a pass then. And i'd do the same if it was for ED or any other game.

People who say things like "I can't believe it, i have an actual box on the bed in my ship" are probably the same sort of people who went wild over the helmet flip demo.

Its the sort of amazement that makes me think if you showed them a pack of 32 different coloured crayons they would be equally amazed.

@Katie Byrne you've got a new fan over here. lol 🤣
People who say things like "I can't believe it, i have an actual box on the bed in my ship" are probably the same sort of people who went wild over the helmet flip demo.
Nope. For a lot of gamers, "seeing a box on the bed in my ship" is especially the realization of what the game can do technically.
Every game can do a helmet flip animation. Few game let you grab a box, move it inside a moving ship and place it where you want. It's impressive.

When CIG added the caves, I had to climb for the first time. It was the only place where you had to do it. At this moment I thought it was a cool technical feature that can be used to other gameplays. And now, we have derelict missions where you have to find a box and the stair to the whole level where the box is is destroyed. You have to seek a way and you find a hole in some room that let you climb to the next level.
Even if I know I can climb in game, my first though was that the box was bugged and spawned at the wrong place. It takes me several minutes to realise that I was playing a new type of mission where you have to play some platform trick. Same for the mission where the boxes are out of reach. You have to use the gravity beam to get them.

The tech demo is not a tech demo anymore, complex content start to appear in game.
Nope. For a lot of gamers, "seeing a box on the bed in my ship" is especially the realization of what the game can do technically.
Every game can do a helmet flip animation. Few game let you grab a box, move it inside a moving ship and place it where you want. It's impressive.

When CIG added the caves, I had to climb for the first time. It was the only place where you had to do it. At this moment I thought it was a cool technical feature that can be used to other gameplays. And now, we have derelict missions where you have to find a box and the stair to the whole level where the box is is destroyed. You have to seek a way and you find a hole in some room that let you climb to the next level.
Even if I know I can climb in game, my first though was that the box was bugged and spawned at the wrong place. It takes me several minutes to realise that I was playing a new type of mission where you have to play some platform trick. Same for the mission where the boxes are out of reach. You have to use the gravity beam to get them.

The tech demo is not a tech demo anymore, complex content start to appear in game.

Jeebus fracking wept. Its just an object placed on another object. There are loads of games out there where you can do this sort of stuff.

Valheim you can place things where you want. It even provides vertical and horizontal mount objects so you can place things nicely, and that's just an indie game.

This is exactly why skeptics wonder if SC backers have played any other games in the last few decades. Its like they are amazed by stuff that has been around for a long time.

Now i'll just sit back and wait for the "but never with such fidelity" or "but not all in one game" comment. I'll have my eyes ready to roll.
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