Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

The Argentinians also used some of the stuff we sold them against us as well...a few ships, a submarine and many, many weapons. Not to mention most of Galtieri's officer corps being trained at the British army's officer training and tactics school at Sandhurst. I had even helped to train some of the Argentinian Marines that ended up shooting at me :rolleyes:

A very strange little war all together...all over drilling rights in Antarctica... with the Falklands (Malvinas) being the last deep water port able to handle the building and support facilities to facilitate all that. All this sovereignty nonsense was just so we had something positive to show to the media. Quite normal in a war :)

Ah, reminds me of a Bill Hicks sketch (RIP).

"The terrorists have weapons of mass destruction. Terrible weapons!"

"How do you know?"

"Because we sold them the weapons, and once the cheque clears on Monday we are going in!"
Ah, reminds me of a Bill Hicks sketch (RIP).

"The terrorists have weapons of mass destruction. Terrible weapons!"

"How do you know?"

"Because we sold them the weapons, and once the cheque clears on Monday we are going in!"
An off topic anecdote from back when I was a tank soldier during the cold war period. We had a tour of Marconi space and defense systems facilities at Reading when Marconi released the (then) brand new Integrated Fire Control System for main battle tanks (IFCS...not to be confused with Ci¬G's supposed flight model). As we walked into the facility, we were greeted by a large poster detailing all the main battle tanks it was purposely designed for.... the Russian's T-72, T-74, T-80 and a few other opposing Eastern European nations hardware, with our own Chieftain MBT appearing halfway down the list.

War is good for business seemingly :rolleyes:
An off topic anecdote from back when I was a tank soldier during the cold war period. We had a tour of Marconi space and defense systems facilities at Reading when Marconi released the (then) brand new Integrated Fire and Control System for main battle tanks (IFCS...not to be confused with Ci¬G's supposed flight model). As we walked into the facility, we were greeted by a large poster detailing all the main battle tanks it was purposely designed for.... the Russian's T-72, T-74, T-80 and a few other opposing Eastern European nations hardware, with our own Chieftain MBT appearing halfway down the list.

War is good for business seemingly :rolleyes:
Of course, sell to everyone, let God dog work it out.
War is good for business seemingly :rolleyes:

I've never understood why a thinking person would ever join the army, when it seems as though the vast majority of wars seem to happen solely to protect the interests of the rich and have nothing to do with defending a country against hostiles.

If i may, allow me to quote a great philosopher:

Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor
I've never understood why a thinking person would ever join the army, when it seems as though the vast majority of wars seem to happen solely to protect the interests of the rich and have nothing to do with defending a country against hostiles.

If i may, allow me to quote a great philosopher:
It's all about stopping your mates from dying in the end...The politicians do their thing, the civilian public wave the flags and shed a tear or two watching us head off...but the second you strap that helmet on, pick up your weapon and are faced with the terrifying reality of your job as a soldier at war, all that means nothing. Nobody fights for Queen, country, a god or a's all about taking your place in that wall of shields and not letting your mates down. The romantic and patriotic stuff we leave to imaginative fiction writers... or for something to mention in a pub much later for a free beer.

As long as human males continue to produce testosterone...there will always be filled spaces in that wall of shields...Right or wrong, rich or means nowt to those of us who've done it or those still to go through it in the centuries to come. 🤷‍♂️
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It's all about stopping your mates from dying in the end...The politicians do their thing, the civilian public wave the flags and shed a tear or two watching us head off...but the second you strap that helmet on, pick up your weapon and are faced with the terrifying reality of your job as a soldier at war, all that means nothing. Nobody fights for Queen, country or a's all about taking your place in that wall of shields and not letting your mates down.

As long as human males continue to produce testosterone...there will always be filled spaces in that wall of shields...Right or wrong, rich or means nowt to those of us who've done it or those still to go in the centuries to come. 🤷‍♂️

Alternately, if you have any mates thinking of joining the army, get them blind drunk, haul them off to the Orkneys, and sit them down in front of a cow and tell them to milk until they come to their senses.
One of my well worn but treasured possessions from that other life. The mate who gave me this trusted me with his life for over 20 years, I gave the same trust in return. It's an oft used cliché of recent years...but 'Band of Brothers' doesn't even go halfway to explaining the bond of trust between soldiers during war time. That level of trust in another human being is something that doesn't exist outside of the armed forces...or not to my experience anyway :)

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I don't need to look it up, I was there watching it happen then helped in dealing with the burned sailors from the Sheffield...My team had only 'cross decked' from HMS Sheffield to HMS Glasgow the previous afternoon. I knew some of the matelots who were killed.
You don’t mate. I was on standby to go but thankfully didn’t as my ex was pregnant with our first
I've never understood why a thinking person would ever join the army, when it seems as though the vast majority of wars seem to happen solely to protect the interests of the rich and have nothing to do with defending a country against hostiles.

If i may, allow me to quote a great philosopher:

Some wars are necessary :)
I think the root of the problem is CR decides what he wants without any understanding of what is possible, or without consulting the right people, and then does a Picard and says "make it so". He is on record as saying he doesn't like people who tell him no "i want americans, not american'ts" so people either get out of dodge or just nod their heads, say yes sir, three bags full sir, and then try and do what CR wants. This might also lead to a culture of blame shifting, when you don't want to report to the boss that something can't/shouldn't be done, so you find some other tech/team that is a blocker.

And this, if correct, would very well match what we have seen in CIG's communications over the years. A constant shifting of reasons as to why things are not being delivered. Why they can't add new systems. Why they can't add salvage or other mechaincs. There is always something else that is stopping it from happening.

As long as the devs keep nodding along to CR's demands then CR will think his devs can make it happen, its just some other reason things can't be delivered. And yeah, game dev is hard yo!

I kinda feel this has a real kernel of truth to it. On the one hand, it's good to have a 'high fidelity' vision for what you want the experience to be. On the other, it does need tempering with some practicality and I think yeah, there is quite likely a cult of personality type situation* going on there.

I often feel Elite's philosophy of design (in some areas) is over simplified, almost to (and sometimes below) what might be considered minimal for the product, whereas the opposite is true from SC - it's overcomplicated in areas beyond what's sensible for a product, which leads to perpetual development hell and thus having to retread old work as it becomes obsolete.

*: Actually not that uncommon in creative environments. A strong vision and the ability to communicate that and/or enthuse people tends to lead to echo chambering. When that's the 'boss'/leader as well, then sometimes things can get carried away.
Some wars are necessary :)

Maybe. But i didn't say all wars, i said a vast majority seem to serve the interests of the rich rather than defending the country.

And while we can say WW2 was necessary from the point of the allies, we can hardly say it was necessary from the point of the Germans.

While it normally takes 2 to tango, with wars it only takes one side to start something, but even then, what are their real motives? Who are the real power brokers? On occasion, it is a madman, on other occasions, its just a rich person looking to get richer.
One of my well worn but treasured possessions from that other life. The mate who gave me this trusted me with his life for over 20 years, I gave the same trust in return. It's an oft used cliché of recent years...but 'Band of Brothers' doesn't even go halfway to explaining the bond of trust between soldiers during war time. That level of trust in another human being is something that doesn't exist outside of the armed forces...or not to my experience anyway :)


Its just a shame that people have to put their lives on the line for the benefit of war pigs for that to happen.
Its just a shame that people have to put their lives on the line for the benefit of war pigs for that to happen.
For me, like most combat veterans...nobody forced or coerced us into doing it. There was no conscription in the UK, certainly not during my time...we were all willing volunteers. Regardless of the political posturing and corrupt reasoning behind all wars, those of us who headed off eagerly to test our mettle, some of us more than once, found it all very frightening and very exciting. I kinda liked it...strange as that may seem.

I still miss it...there's nothing on earth can compare to it or fill the hole it leaves when it's done...I'm sure I've mentioned this on here previously. The problems don't start until many years after the shouting has died down...and you begin to have difficulty dealing with some of the things you've done and making them 'fit' with the person you like to think you are now.
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Decided to do a dive into Spectrum and here are the results

A glimpse into the future of SC (read the comments.... so like the ED forums at times)
Ahhhha haha it's like the Open vs Private / PvP vs PvE / hotel cali all over :D

I especially like the "PvPer" who seems to blow up empty ships on landing pads, and doesnt like being called out for it, or the discussion around balancing fighters vs large multiccrew ships. Very interesting indeed.
Ahhhha haha it's like the Open vs Private / PvP vs PvE / hotel cali all over :D

I especially like the "PvPer" who seems to blow up empty ships on landing pads, and doesnt like being called out for it, or the discussion around balancing fighters vs large multiccrew ships. Very interesting indeed.
God damn pad rammers... hate 'em. Also hated the folks that used to blow your ship while you were doing the security station missions (either hacking or defending) and then off. No fun, wouldn't come in for a gunfight, no.
For me, like most combat veterans...nobody forced or coerced us into doing it. There was no conscription in the UK, certainly not during my time...we were all willing volunteers. Regardless of the political posturing and corrupt reasoning behind all wars, those of us who headed off eagerly to test our mettle, some of us more than once, found it all very frightening and very exciting. I kinda liked it...strange as that may seem.

I still miss it...there's nothing on earth can compare to it or fill the hole it leaves when it's done...I'm sure I've mentioned this on here previously. The problems don't start until many years after the shouting has died down...and you begin to have difficulty dealing with some of the things you've done and making them 'fit' with the person you like to think you are now.
The medal given for being bored in some hellhole is one thing, it the one you get for being excited and full of adrenaline is the real
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