For what I've seen of EDO (still waiting the last patch to test it myself), the FPS combat missions are better than what we have in FPS missions in SC. I think I will enjoy it. But it seems also that all the FPS parts of EDO are disconnected from the main universe of ED. They are theme parks not tied to the main gameloop.
I think it's worth noting the interaction with the Background Sim. The settlements personalise it, and your actions there influence it in turn. (So being able to track down the base of the local pirate crew, and wipe them out, is a pleasing new way to interact with the game world for me. And to get into trouble
Settlements are pretty disconnected from the flight gameplay though, for sure. Being entirely on planetary surfaces they barely overlap with it. IE you can bombard them, and have to deal with air defences at the larger high security ones, but that's about it.
There is something to be said for the processes though. Descending over the new surfaces [when they work
] / seeing the moon you passed become backdrop on the horizon / marching under the belly of your ship after its dusty landing / summoning it after you've made your escape from your latest adventure. Those are all fine vibe staples in total, and happen because there's more reason to visit surfaces now.
The ground vehicle gets a bit more interaction with the FPS world. (They are OP against ground NPCs, so you can burn around blazing and blatting them within the settlements - and it works as a handy resupply point).
And outside of FPS missions, no one use this new FPS mechanics, no PvP. Do you have FPS bounty hunters and pirates ?
That's what I love about SC, when you encounter a stranger on a planet or when someone is coming at you, you always look at his weapons wondering if you will have to fight for your life. This aspect seems to be completly absent of EDO, taking away a big interest from this new mechanism. FPS combat between bounty hunters and pirates is really intense and fun.
It's absolutely possible in EDO, in ways that are mechanically comparable to SC (minus proximity chat). And people talk about encounters on Reddit time to time. But... due to ED's absurd scale, it seems to be pretty infrequent.
So although I
could meet someone randomly at a settlement while playing, trounce them in a fight, and demand in chat that they drop all their salvaged goods... It hasn't happened so far
. (In fairness I've been playing mainly in Solo, as it adds that extra bit of stability that any VR-head would say yes to right now
. But Solo of course reduces the PvP player pool even further generally.)
I think more damning is that I went to a hot spot recently for a community goal, fought in combat zones completely in Open, and didn't see another player once on the field :/. (Plenty in the station, but with 7+ CZs to chose from, seemingly nobody went to the same High Risk one as me :/)
The fundamentals are there. But it's definitely not the area EDO is excelling in at the mo
. (Possibly if/when they add Thargoids there will be more condensed player zones, and more reason to co-op up and get that group PvE on at least ¯\
(ツ)/¯ )