Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Yup, she's got enough for the Cutty black thanks to your aUEC transfer as well as a few credits from Intrepid and me. I joked that your donation was to pay for her first rebuy after you exploded her new Prospector on the landing pad :ROFLMAO:

See, I knew it! But I didn't see that coming - sovapid ganking and simping - new heights of emergent gameplay right there, hahaha. 😆
Spent an entertaining day with @Intrepid3D and @Susanna floating about in SC buying a Prospector and some mining upgrades, fighting the bugs and desync, sorting some of Susie's game settings out with Intrepid and me acting as erstwhile guides.

Not a bad way to spend the day...a couple of weird server crashes knocking everyone back to desktop, went not bad at all. We're all planning to meet up tomorrow so Susie can try out some Prospy mining once we get her HOTAS bindings set up...possibly a bit of ROC mining too once we get her kitted out with a Cutty black to ferry the ROC about in... the Cutty will also help in picking up the refined ores etc from the refinery once we get her confident on how all that works.

A bit of mining tomorrow helping Susie break some rocks co-op mining in a couple of Prospys...kinda my backyard in SC :)

Cool. Shame about the crashes, but it is drum roll alpha ;)
Cool. Shame about the crashes, but it is drum roll alpha ;)
They were strange crashes...certainly server related but it dumped all of us to desktop with a crash report box. 🤷‍♂️

Anyway, had a peek around Orison tonight for a few minutes. Some dodgy framerates in some places, I was down to 14-20fps around the Spacewhale and the habs...everywhere else was 25-30fps on average and not hammering either my GPU or CPU. Not much worse than New Babbage to be fair, so not as bad as I'd thought it would be. It still felt smooth running about the place with no pauses or stutters, even with the relatively low frame rates... it is rather massive and maze-like... plus it was busy being PTU, lots of folk doing the trademark planting of spacewhale plushies all over the place, I counted over 100 laid in concentric circles around the plushie shop...some people need to get out more :D

Haven't looked at the clouds yet since it was late by the time the PTU had finished downloading, I'll check them out tomorrow. All in all, I'll hand Ci¬G an 'A' for effort for Orison... visually impressive, lots to look at, places to go visit with new shops and stuff... and it all works. Considering just how visually impressive it is, the game didn't at any point turn into a stuttering slideshow because of it. I can't see me making it home or anything but it is very nice. I'd like to see it in the daytime to see if the framerates change, it was during the night cycle when I dropped in..


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They were strange crashes...certainly server related but it dumped all of us to desktop with a crash report box. 🤷‍♂️

Anyway, had a peek around Orison tonight for a few minutes. Some dodgy framerates in some places, I was down to 14-20fps around the Spacewhale and the habs...everywhere else was 25-30fps on average and not hammering either my GPU or CPU. Not much worse than New Babbage to be fair, so not as bad as I'd thought it would be. It still felt smooth running about the place with no pauses or stutters, even with the relatively low frame rates... it is rather massive and maze-like... plus it was busy being PTU, lots of folk doing the trademark planting of spacewhale plushies all over the place, I counted over 100 laid in concentric circles around the plushie shop...some people need to get out more :D

Haven't looked at the clouds yet since it was late by the time the PTU had finished downloading, I'll check them out tomorrow. All in all, I'll hand Ci¬G an 'A' for effort for Orison... visually impressive, lots to look at, places to go visit with new shops and stuff... and it all works. Considering just how visually impressive it is, the game didn't at any point turn into a stuttering slideshow because of it. I can't see me making it home or anything but it is very nice. I'd like to see it in the daytime to see if the framerates change, it was during the night cycle when I dropped in..



Hold on, is that an actual space whale floating around? Or just a statue or something?

@Mole HD performance on Orison is horrendous, in options turn Volumetric Clouds to High or even Medium, they don't look good anyway, it was pushed out before it was ready, they admitted that themselves.

It was good fun hanging out with @Susanna last night.

Huge battle over Olisar when i arrived, i thought @sovapid might be involved but no, not this time, maybe his doppelgänger. :D
Otherwise, check out Kate Byrne's Youtube videos on her getting to grips in game as a complete SC newbie from an Elite commanders perspective...they're very good, very informative and entertaining to boot.

Thanks to you Mole and @Intrepid3D (Humbug1) for being SO AMAZING AND AWESOME yesterday! You have been amazingly generous and helpful! I really enjoyed stepping into SC with you both! ❤️ ❤️ I'm looking forward to getting a little further today... My current objectives are:
  1. Sort out my hotas bindings so that I can fly properly
  2. Sort out the Cutless Black
  3. Do some prospecting in the Prospector!
If I get two out of three done that's awesome too 😃

Thanks again guys! Love you both! ❤️

Oh and the Kate Byrne videos are fantastic too. Totally enjoying them! Really good quality videos! 🤩
I was weak :oops: decided to stick a toe in...

First impressions are mixed, but mostly generic PC-gaming issues, with the experience going like:
  • purchase: ugh yet another individual account and store to contend with
  • download: and more download, installing, and moar download, installing
  • settings: find the console and how to get fps counter, enable all the resources to game, fiddle options (Very High, turn off vsync, grain, etc)
  • excitement: i'm in the game! oh how do i leave the bed... <5 minutes later> i'm walking!
  • gamepad: ahh not detected, update DS4Windows to new version, needs DotNet5, much about with zip and file locations
  • excitement 2: i'm in the game! i can walk... somewhere... ooo it's pretty/immersive, get lost, follow signs, spend literal 5 mins working out how to call a lift, get to hanger, go back to terminal to summon ship, back to ship, play with ladders and getting in/out ship, spend 5 mins working out how to get ATC for take off
  • gamepad2: hover about unable to fly, ugh gamepad bindings completely borked and not sticking when rebound (multiple conflicts)
  • give up: decide to take a break, so sleep in the ship bed, log out.
  • dead?: log in and ship is destroyed, i'm back in the medical bed, repeat ship stuff, and try taking off again... nope
  • keybinding fun: sit in the options menu to go thru all keybindings and resolve things... lots of googling...
  • give up2: so here i am

The big problem is the keybindings dont seem to like multi-button selection? It's fine with Left bumper, but many others dont detect correctly. Is there an application to edit the XML more elegantly?

I found a video to this old one, but not had a go to see if it works for gamepads yet:

The sheer amount of bindings too, and being a complete newbie i dont know the difference between say throttle vs speed limit vs acceleration limit, or pinning vs locking.

Anyhows, i'll have a go editing the binding XML, so is it best to use the Arena Commander to test stuff?
I note RSI says there's a single-player mode which i didnt know about: https://support.robertsspaceindustr...3328-Create-export-and-import-custom-profiles

edit: just sticking links in for later:

Game does look amazing. I'm getting 30-60fps (4K OLED maxes at 60 iirc) from the RTX 2070, low end running about in station obviously. Love the detail, as it feels like a grungy space port could look. The Aurora is so wee and cute. Looking forwards to an Armstrong moment :cool:
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I think for a complete noobie its best just to use K/B and Mouse to get you started until you've mastered how everything works.

I'm a K/B and Mouse user anyway so couldn't really tell you how it all works.
I was weak :oops: decided to stick a toe in...

First impressions are mixed, but mostly generic PC-gaming issues, with the experience going like:
  • purchase: ugh yet another individual account and store to contend with
  • download: and more download, installing, and moar download, installing
  • settings: find the console and how to get fps counter, enable all the resources to game, fiddle options (Very High, turn off vsync, grain, etc)
  • excitement: i'm in the game! oh how do i leave the bed... <5 minutes later> i'm walking!
  • gamepad: ahh not detected, update DS4Windows to new version, needs DotNet5, much about with zip and file locations
  • excitement 2: i'm in the game! i can walk... somewhere... ooo it's pretty/immersive, get lost, follow signs, spend literal 5 mins working out how to call a lift, get to hanger, go back to terminal to summon ship, back to ship, play with ladders and getting in/out ship, spend 5 mins working out how to get ATC for take off
  • gamepad2: hover about unable to fly, ugh gamepad bindings completely borked and not sticking when rebound (multiple conflicts)
  • give up: decide to take a break, so sleep in the ship bed, log out.
  • dead?: log in and ship is destroyed, i'm back in the medical bed, repeat ship stuff, and try taking off again... nope
  • keybinding fun: sit in the options menu to go thru all keybindings and resolve things... lots of googling...
  • give up2: so here i am

The big problem is the keybindings dont seem to like multi-button selection? It's fine with Left bumper, but many others dont detect correctly. Is there an application to edit the XML more elegantly?

I found a video to this old one, but not had a go to see if it works for gamepads yet:

The sheer amount of bindings too, and being a complete newbie i dont know the difference between say throttle vs speed limit vs acceleration limit, or pinning vs locking.

Anyhows, i'll have a go editing the binding XML, so is it best to use the Arena Commander to test stuff?
I note RSI says there's a single-player mode which i didnt know about: https://support.robertsspaceindustr...3328-Create-export-and-import-custom-profiles

Game does look amazing. I'm getting 30-60fps (4K OLED maxes at 60 iirc) from the RTX 2070, low end running about in station obviously. Love the detail, as it feels like a grungy space port could look. The Aurora is so wee and cute. Looking forwards to an Armstrong moment :cool:

To be fair, if you're used to ED, the number of bindings in SC should be no biggie ;)
To be fair, if you're used to ED, the number of bindings in SC should be no biggie ;)
Yeah it'll be fine, it's how to actually bind them. in-game doesnt function, so it's manually editing the file in NotePad++ or something :rolleyes:

I'l part use the keyboard, but i prefer a controller (being a console casual) and historical RSI (repetitive strain injury, not SC-RSI) means i cant use a KB&M as a primary control method for health/accessibility reasons.
Useful tip for Orison seen on reddit :
Switch the clouds quality in the main graphics settings to medium for now (needs to be done every time you start the game). Since clouds are still in active development, this, almost for me, gives me quite some extra fps in Orison.
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