Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

That's why we old hats at SC tend to freely offer help and a few credits to new guys if they ask for advice in global chat. The initial experience of SC, especially coming from ED can be very punishing and off putting with the sheer amount of bugs...all of them hitting your pocket. Most of the new folk trying out and posting videos, you'll notice they're being helped by other ED commanders who also play SC...or even just friendly SC players knowing exactly how frustrating the bugs are in just trying to make a buck or two getting started. We can help with the little workarounds or just injecting a few aUEC to get folks off the base plate. After all, we all suffer the same bugs.

If you try bimbling about on your own ignoring global chat and especially not asking for advice or will make it pretty frustrating. I've said it often, but SC isn't as solo player oriented as ED and I don't really look on that in the negative sense...there's always someone in global chat willing to lend a hand or offer genuine advice, getting used to that live and in game instead of asking for help or advice via a forum is the biggest switch for ED players.
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This armour seems popular at the minute...must be the leather chaps :eek:

I thought it was a bit flowery and too full of little deserved praise for the game...but I did note his comments on the pricing strategy as well as him openly including a clip from one of his ED videos where he critised SC without ever having played it. He said he put the whole Scam Citizen arguments to one side...not ignore them. He wanted to try the game first hand and see what the game was all about behind the common or garden internet discussions surrounding Ci¬G's development of it. He played initially on his brother's account then bought his own starter package after trying it all out for a few days.

Like I said, I can't pick holes in that approach just because I'm more cynical than he is. He tried it, liked it... but was frustrated by the bugs and server issues...which goes for all of us from kick starter backers to newbies 🤷‍♂️

And that was more or less what I concluded.

As i said though, and I would have to double check, the words he said in his video were something like "I'm glad i didn't listen to the scam citizen crowd", that's what I picked up on.
You can continue to imagine.
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You're right!

This is totally bizarre and has never happened before.

Maybe the crazies haven't picked up on it yet, or the channel is too small. Normally by now one of them would have already at least told me that I don't understand software development or that they voted to delay the release of the game in 2014.
Please be sensitive with your replies. This is a very rough time for certain members of the community.

Hey, if the loonies aren't replying with vitriol then its a plus.

Also, not sure why its a rough time. SC remains in eternal alpha, ED i've given up on until i see performance improvements, and i'm happily playing Kingmaker, over 450 hours in, half of which was probably sat on the character creation screen!
And that was more or less what I concluded.

As i said though, and I would have to double check, the words he said in his video were something like "I'm glad i didn't listen to the scam citizen crowd", that's what I picked up on.
Strangely enough, that seems to be the general concensus of folk popping in from ED. Whilst I'm somewhat in agreement with any anti-Ci¬G sentiment, certainly the marketing side of the project... sometimes all we seem to see are Twitch clips of folk falling through physics. It happens, sure...and we all hate it, believe me... but that's 100% due to the server performance like most of the comedy of errors we all like a cheap laugh at.

The gameplay...for what it is and for what's pretty good. If it wasn't, there wouldn't be anybody playing it day after day, despite the persistent issues and more importantly, despite Ci¬G's predatory marketing and lies.
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Strangely enough, that seems to be the general concensus of folk popping in from ED. Whilst I'm somewhat in agreement with the anti-Ci¬G sentiment, certainly the marketing side of the project... sometimes all we seem to see are Twitch clips of folk falling through physics. It happens, sure...and we all hate it, believe me... but that's 100% due to the servers like most of the comedy of errors we all like a cheap laugh at.

The game...for what it is and for what's pretty good. If it wasn't, there wouldn't be anybody playing it day after day, despite the persistent issues and more importantly, despite Ci¬G's predatory marketing and lies.

Yeah, but you're talking about the game, not the business. I'm sure many people are enjoying SC, warts and all. And has been said many times, that's cool.

Maybe, one day in the distant future, CIG will release SC, and we can look back on this time and have a good laugh ;) Or maybe one day in the distant future, CIG will crash and burm and we can look back on this time and have a good laugh.

In other news, Praetorian's should be hailed as heroes!

Yeah, but you're talking about the game, not the business. I'm sure many people are enjoying SC, warts and all. And has been said many times, that's cool.

Maybe, one day in the distant future, CIG will release SC, and we can look back on this time and have a good laugh ;) Or maybe one day in the distant future, CIG will crash and burm and we can look back on this time and have a good laugh.

In other news, Praetorian's should be hailed as heroes!

Like I said, I'm not a business analyst, I'm a gamer. One of them is work, the other is play...and never the twain should meet...which is exactly the reason you won't see me playing or reviewing Farming Simulator 2019 ;)
Like I said, I'm not a business analyst, I'm a gamer. One of them is work, the other is play...and never the twain should meet...which is exactly the reason you won't see me playing or reviewing Farming Simulator 2019 ;)

Indeed, and as we've discussed, you are aware of CIG's history, and it doesn't stop you playing the game, that's fine. You've made your choice.
This made me laugh

I've been following SC's development now for more than half a decade, and it's a huge part of what inspired me to make my own indie game.

Dear gods, he even says that watching SC's development is like a masterclass. I really feel for anyone who watching SC's development and thinks they are learning something about best practices in development.

Poor poor guy.
Another ED refugee.

Summary: Teething issues, but already certain he's going to love the game. Got it free circa 2016 with an AMD card (so no giving money directly to CR) and only just trying it out due to Odyssey.

I give it a month before he is concierge!
Back to what I was saying about the 6 dof with my old Tobii 4C...the implementation is pretty good in SC. Vid from the 3.14 PTU so frame-rates are all over the place. I was checking out the new HUD after they just added the drop shadow to make it more visible. Apologies for not turning my mic off, it was 3am, I was tired and downloading at the same time :)

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Oh, and a SC player leaving (at least temp) to return to their other space sim (which will go unnamed).

On the one hand, massive wall of text that i find hard to even understand what his real issues are with SC. But the community of course also picking up on that and rather that replying to his points just ragging on him for the length of his post.
You're right!

This is totally bizarre and has never happened before.

Maybe the crazies haven't picked up on it yet, or the channel is too small. Normally by now one of them would have already at least told me that I don't understand software development or that they voted to delay the release of the game in 2014.
I've said it before, it's the end of an era. SC doesn't need to be defended anymore. Your post is lost among positive ones, it's a curiosity, something from the past.
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