Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Good day fellow Scam enjoyers! I see we already have a fair bit of salt going on here. I am thinking of buying the Legatus Package in order to help finance Chris Robert's 4th Yacht! Sure do love SC too!

Sure, you could get a Legatus pack, but that's pretty small fry these days. What you really need to do for senpai to notice you is invest a few tens on million into the company.
and the pvp desync for a year, yeah that is a thing.

have a feeling it is more frustrating when you play SC 8 hours a day 5 days a week though.

doesnt help that it has been getting consistently worse.

Yeah, i think one of the issues is the streamers play it a lot, and over time, the frustrations are going to build up a lot quicker than for someone who plays a few hours of week.

You need to be fully prepared for the reality that this could very well be a research and development project ad infinitum.

You're calling every backer a sucker.

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